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Kyle Vaeger - vezrilx - 10-17-2010

Kyle Vaeger
Liberty Rogue(?)
Liberty Unlawful
Born: 789 A.S., Planet Houston, Texas System, Liberty Space
Age: 28

Father: Factory worker, former prisoner. Was in prison for theft. Released in 783 A.S.
Mother: Family moved from Manhattan due to rising prices when she was 12.

13-Mother taken into slave trade.
17-Started work in the forging factories on Texas.
18-Father (falsely) arrested for murder. Whereabouts unknown.
19-Used a fake ID to rent a ship out.. never brought it back. Used that hunk of crap to leave home and stumbled upon some Junker bases, while turning in scrap metal I could find. The money was enough.. to feed my face and buy a drink every so often.
19-Learned in the various bars about smuggling routes and made a few contacts.
20- Started to smuggle cardamine into New York and Texas from Leiden Base, in the Galileo system. I started small time, due to the ship I had. It was too easy then, with a small civilian ship, to get by with anything.
22-Bought Dromedary.
23-Started to amass some wealth. Used that to bribe my way through easier routes.
24-Began dealing with Rogues, for escorts/decoys on more profitable routes.
25-Got caught with some Rogue ships while I was smuggling some cardamine through Colorado by some Bounty Hunters.
25-Was in jail on LPI Huntsville for smuggling. Used stashed money and what little connections I had left to bribe my way into a shorter sentence.
28-Released from LPI Huntsville. I got out of jail and almost convinced myself that I was going straight. Then some sense hit me. Realized that there was no easy way into any decent corperation for me. How was I going to make a living now? So I sat around for a few weeks on Planet Erie.. where I was released to. I still used some of my connections to get at what cash I had stashed left. Managed to get enough funds through to buy a ship and then I decided to head over to Allentown.
28-I walked into the bar, and there sat a one-time escort of mine. Somehow he remebered my face and called me over for a drink. I told him of my recent years, starting with how I got caught.
He told me that I should come fly a bit with him, I agreed of course. He told me that we were going to a nearby rogue base and that I should swap into a different ship. Then I recieved a transmission. -10 million credits has been added to your account- He told me it was a loan, and then when we landed.. he told me to buy a ship. One to pirate with him in. He was going to see if I had what it took to be a Rogue.
I was taken aback by this, mostly because I flew as a smuggler for so long, but he believed that after I got behind the controls of a fighter that I would have some potential. Quickly I agreed, it was the best option I had at the time. And boy it was one of the best decisions I made.
28-Bought Hyena. Ship Name: Malicious Bug
28-We flew around Liberty, buying weapons and the like so I was equipped well enough to defend myself. After I had everything I needed, we proceeded into the California system. Our target, the Mojave->New York trade lane. We took on a few rookies, as they showed up.. I was still getting used to the different configuration of the ship but my companion didn't waste time with them and left me to take them out. No problem, right? That Hyena is pretty damn quick and the firepower isn't too bad either, compared to what I'm used to. Eventually a big trading ship caught his eye. I held the lane, he did the talking. We were making some progress, then some cops showed up. Things got pretty rough from there but we took 1 of them out. After that we decided it was best to lose them and go somewhere else.. the trader wasn't keen on paying before the cops showed up anyways.
28-On the way back to Alcatraz, he said I might have what it takes, since I didn't die out there. He told me that he had somewhere to be and that I was to continue pirating as a Rogue, that and remember that I owe him. When we got in, I called it a day and got a room. Smoked some synthetic marijuana, and went to sleep.