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New MK II Barracuda - Printable Version

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New MK II Barracuda - SeaFalcon - 10-18-2010

[Image: 1z4ib7b.jpg]

I thought the barracuda deserved a MK II vessel
And since everyone was saying noh it's the hammerhead already
I thought about it this way.

Maybe less armor as the gladie,
a litttle bit tiny bit more agile
and a smaller power core.

Get my point?


New MK II Barracuda - Anonymous User - 10-18-2010

' Wrote:please talk to me corsair faction leaders. i want to join you, but i have a cruiser i want to keep

if its meant to be a barra mk2 it does not need lvl10 slots.

barra = HF... HF max lvl 9

New MK II Barracuda - SeaFalcon - 10-18-2010

' Wrote:if its meant to be a barra mk2 it does not need lvl10 slots.

barra = HF... HF max lvl 9

*points at the gladie*

New MK II Barracuda - Implosion - 10-18-2010

' Wrote:[Image: 1z4ib7b.jpg]

I thought the barracuda deserved a MK II vessel
And since everyone was saying noh it's the hammerhead already
I thought about it this way.

Maybe less armor as the gladie,
a litttle bit tiny bit more agile
and a smaller power core.

Get my point?

Was thinking the exact same thing the other day.
This would be a perfect bounty hunter ship.
You'll be able to stop your pray from escaping and in the same time,you'll have the punch to take it down.

New MK II Barracuda - Anonymous User - 10-18-2010

gladi is missclassed in my opinion...

its more a crappy VHF

and the barras body is much more annoying to hit than the gladis one...

your version will be maybe overpowered. depends on... how much you want to decrease the powercore

New MK II Barracuda - SeaFalcon - 10-18-2010

' Wrote:gladi is missclassed in my opinion...

its more a crappy VHF

and the barras body is much more annoying to hit than the gladis one...

your version will be maybe overpowered. depends on... how much you want to decrease the powercore
Thats why I suggested less armor.

And BHG ships are pretty huge if you see them from the side so.

New MK II Barracuda - aerelm - 10-18-2010

A Lawful Gladiator? Me wants!

*Goes to post a request for his Merc*

New MK II Barracuda - AeternusDoleo - 10-18-2010

Why not make a Borderworlds version while you're at it, so noone will need to bother with another snub ever again - save for bombers. If these craft become the standard I'd recommend the server to autokick anyone with over 15% loss or a ping > 150ms, because craft like these jitter all over the place when their owner is lagging. They are near impossible to hit if flown right, even on good connections.

Agile snubs with minirazors, in larger numbers (4 or more) will overwhelm transports and gunboats easily. Heck, 3 Gladiators will wear down those BH NPC cruisers, while not taking much damage themselves.

New MK II Barracuda - Lobster - 10-18-2010

You know.. I was thinking of exactly the same thing a while back..

The barracuda has always been my favored fighter.. looks wise.. and it miffs me to no end that there isn't a MK 2 variant.


New MK II Barracuda - valen - 10-18-2010

Why? Give me a reason aside the one that the Corsairs have the Gladiator and that you'd like to see one.

The BHG already have more ships than they should. And please spare me the "That's not a reason against it." Fly the Hammerhead. Or if everyone is inclined to have it, just change a few things on the Hammerhead ( class 9 guns and shields, lower powercore ) and make it a HF.

And a funny fact is, that you've picked the best spots for the razor, guns and mines. Coincidence? :laugh: