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Can't buy ships because I can't dock. Aaaarrrggghhhh! - Printable Version

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Can't buy ships because I can't dock. Aaaarrrggghhhh! - podgie_bear - 10-20-2010

I have to admit that although I love this mod, it does have one MAJOR drawback. The designated ports for the sale of larger ships were badly designed when it was being developed.

In SP at the moment I own a Mamoth and decided that I wanted to try out on a Firefly. So I flew to Planet Cambridge but the Mamoth is too big to dock there. OK the wiki says you can also buy the Firefly in Coronado, so I flew there and successfully docked. I bought the Firefly, but now I can't undock! It is too large to get out of the docking area.


It is exteemly annoying to have bought a transport class ship such as the Mamoth and when you wish to upgrade to a larger ship, so many ports that sell the larger ships are unable to let you dock! So you have to sell your transport for a SMALLER ship, just so you can dock at them to buy a larger transport!

Isn't there any way around this?

Can't buy ships because I can't dock. Aaaarrrggghhhh! - Alex. - 10-20-2010

This is why there is dockable mooring fixtures.

Can't buy ships because I can't dock. Aaaarrrggghhhh! - hypermauler - 10-20-2010

yes, there always ... use mooring points. ( that memory bar on top of the tradtionnal docking ring )

And there alway /stuck when your fat plane is stocked within the wireframe of a station.

Can't buy ships because I can't dock. Aaaarrrggghhhh! - Alex. - 10-20-2010

' Wrote:In SP at the moment
' Wrote:And there alway /stuck when your fat plane is stocked within the wireframe of a station.
No /stuck in SP. :/

Can't buy ships because I can't dock. Aaaarrrggghhhh! - aerelm - 10-20-2010

- For Docking with Planets in any ship larger than a Freighter, You'll have to dock with the Mooring Fixture instead of Docking Ring, because the Docking Ring will say they're "unable to service ships of your size".

- For Undocking from Bases in Larger Ships that get stuck, you can simply type ' /stuck ' in Chat box if you're on the Multiplayer Server. This command will move your Ship a bit so you'll get unstuck after a few tries.
But if you're in Single Player, you can Save the game while your ship is docked at the station, then use IonCross Savegame Editor to move your Ship to a Planet, so it undocks without any problems.

Can't buy ships because I can't dock. Aaaarrrggghhhh! - podgie_bear - 10-20-2010


So that little sticky-up thing above the docking rings is the mooring point. I didn't know that!
But you can still trade with the planet normally? :yahoo: I look forward to trying it out later when I am on MY computer.

Thanks aerelm for the link to IonCross Savegame Editor. I will definately try that out. I usually avoid editors because they ruin the game by making it far too easy, but if it gets me out of the spacestation .........