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Lost Char - Printable Version

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Lost Char - Hell Hunter - 10-20-2010

when I was switching around on my accounts i couldnt find my Liberty Gunboat
LNS-Hunter and
about my LNS-Hunter i don't know.. because i think one of the shared people i was sharing with but has left disco and sold my things (:sleep:)
I can haz back?
ps I also haz lost BS but did still exist

Lost Char - Hell Hunter - 10-25-2010

I would really want my chars back
My mako is also missing, a USERNAMEHERE Toke it to only play on it, but apparently he sold it when i didnt want him to
same person that toke my lns hunter
im bankrupt now, halp naw? :mellow:

Lost Char - Hell Hunter - 10-26-2010

Bump number 99935349523485256823492962349263459235925249292133710101134
Any chance of my chars back? >.<

Lost Char - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 10-26-2010

I doubt that the Admin Team can find a lost ship on a shared account, well. I always enjoyed to restart again as a newbie ( :laugh: ). I've lost three times my things and restarted over and over again.

Lost Char - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 10-26-2010

' Wrote:when I was switching around on my accounts i couldnt find my Liberty Gunboat
LNS-Hunter and
about my LNS-Hunter i don't know.. because i think one of the shared people i was sharing with but has left disco and sold my things (:sleep:)
I can haz back?
ps I also haz lost BS but did still exist
I doubt the Admins will do anything: post # 7

Quote:Shared Accounts notice

Investigating unauthorised changes to shared accounts takes a lot of effort and it can be very hard to determine who is right and wrong.

As a result, the admin team will not get involved in disputes related to shared accounts. If you share your account ID with other people it is your problem if unauthorised changes are made to the account and the admin team will not investigate reports related to shared account access.

If you are not sure about the security of your account, please create a new one and use the /movechar command (see /help for more info).

A & L Guy

Lost Char - Hell Hunter - 10-26-2010

oh wow that's just. you can guess what i would say next.
@Jack no way. even if you do have a loan to repay. meh screw it.