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New York?!?!? - Printable Version

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New York?!?!? - Vexykin - 10-20-2010

[1:17:50] Sonny: you can actually see at some points 1 or 2 thirds of the current server population in new york
[1:17:58] 1986: Kusari is still a dead place
[1:18:47] Mario (Vex): I think new Spawning point would raise activity in other Houses
[1:19:02] 1986: yeah
[1:19:14] El Danny: Barrier gate Station is the perfect spawn point.

This pretty much says all

What do you think about new player spawning point?

New York?!?!? - Ceoran - 10-20-2010

spawn players randomly at all /restart-positions

New York?!?!? - coffee - 10-20-2010

The farther it would be the tougher the NPC's will be against new players in their starfleas and so on...
But yeah change the spawn point for new peeps!
But not Barrier - peeps don't find their way out from there

New York?!?!? - enterprise5595 - 10-20-2010

' Wrote:But not Barrier - peeps don't find their way out from there

FL companion for the win?

New York?!?!? - Zapp - 10-20-2010

Both jump holes are within 20k of the base, IIRC. I think Pennsylvania was made to be the newb-friendly system. But yeah, moving it out of Liberty might be helpful. People will still gravitate to New York, though, since it is the center of Sirius.

New York?!?!? - Vexykin - 10-20-2010

No, i think same restarts still should be available and rules should write about those restarts.

Also new player text should show that read rules before playing and in that case it would prevent lolwhuts spawn in discovery...

New York?!?!? - Aduka - 10-20-2010

' Wrote:Both jump holes are within 20k of the base, IIRC. I think Pennsylvania was made to be the newb-friendly system. But yeah, moving it out of Liberty might be helpful. People will still gravitate to New York, though, since it is the center of Sirius.

Well that way they will at least have a chance to see the other house systems..

New York?!?!? - Zapp - 10-20-2010

Really, I don't think it's that big a problem. I've seen plenty of new players branching out from Liberty recently. More little freighters have flown past my pirate than big transports.

New York?!?!? - Mao - 10-20-2010

Alternate Starting Profiles?

New York?!?!? - Aes_Sidhe - 10-20-2010

Maybe instead Random start of the Player give them option in character Creation Menu basic stuff like in restart option but done when you making new character...
If that can be done...

EDIT: Mao U U U Ninja U...:lol: