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Civilization 5 - Printable Version

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Civilization 5 - BAF-WhiteWolf - 10-21-2010

..Addicted already...can't stop playing it....almost as addictive as Disco:)

Civilization 5 - NixOlympica - 10-21-2010

If you keep playing Civi 5 two and half years almost daily then say it's addictive almost as Disco. :P:D

PS: Downloaded it and did first 3 tutorial missions. Till now the intro movie impressed me the most.

Civilization 5 - BAF-WhiteWolf - 10-22-2010

' Wrote:If you keep playing Civi 5 two and half years almost daily then say it's addictive almost as Disco. :P:D

PS: Downloaded it and did first 3 tutorial missions. Till now the intro movie impressed me the most.

Yes, very nice intro. I can't work out for the life of me why there are no Vikings in the game, cuz they appear in the intro.

Civilization 5 - Fletcher - 10-22-2010

' Wrote:Yes, very nice intro. I can't work out for the life of me why there are no Vikings in the game, cuz they appear in the intro.
DLC I'm guessing, I made a small list of the 'left out' city states.

Like Armagh/Cardiff for the Celts, Madrid for Spain, Trondheim for Vikings, Amsterdam for Netherlands and Lisbon for Portugal and Madrid for Spain..

They're coming!

Also it is addicting, the challenges don't help:(


Civilization 5 - Miaou - 10-25-2010

I tried it out the other day, have to say its a lovely game to play. I like smashing the barbarians at the very beginning.

Civilization 5 - AeternusDoleo - 10-25-2010

One thing I like about turnbased games... you can pause and continue at will, making playing on-demand.

Civilization 5 - RockLicorn - 10-25-2010

' Wrote:and Lisbon for Spain.

You're lucky Ortog doesn't read this subforum or we'd have a flame thread a mile long. Lisbon is in Portugal.

Civilization 5 - Fletcher - 10-25-2010

Wah! How could I make such a mistake!? Edited, remember kids, rushing and typing isn't good.

Civilization 5 - UURich - 10-25-2010

The thing about Civ5 is that a lot of the micromanaging is gone. If that's something you liked, then you're really going to miss it because it's not there in front of you like it has been since Civ1. Some parts of it feel big-as-life and the combat change is really refreshing.

Sinking barbarian ships from land is the best.