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To: Caja Collister - Printable Version

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To: Caja Collister - r3vange - 10-21-2010

[Image: hotnes.png]

Is this thing working *damn it better be'€¦wait why am I talking to

myself so much?*
Oh Oh it'€™s on! Heeello there hotness! First of all I would like to apologize for the

violence of our previous encounters I wish to assure that this message doesn'€™t contain any spy

bugs /viruses/ propaganda reasons [color=#000000]*though It seems like a mighty fine idea to do so

I know that you are a commander in the Order sworn to destroy us *I

would totally "destroy her"*'€
and I am just a space jokey making some AWESOME cash shooting you

Order types among other things but one cannot restrain his feeling *urges* As you

must have already guessed I am a pretty straight forward guy so I will keep it short *wait

that sounds incredibly wrong*
So would you care to cease hostilities for umhh let'€™s say a dinner *

or maybe transfer those hostilities elsewhere hehe* Ye know you it might seem like

ultra weird to you but perhaps I am just one of them romantic types, you know two souls separated by the

war'€¦it all sounds so beautiful *maaan I totally wanna get her in bed* So what say

you? Meet up somewhere with guns powered down * ship guns that is* ? I'€™ll be

waiting eagerly for your response!
[Image: Videofeed.png]

To: Caja Collister - Anonymous User - 10-22-2010

[Image: comstart1.png]
Hello Mr. "Lollipop"
*how the hell he got this callname*

Good to know why you did not send me to hell when you were abled to do so.
[color=#000000]*thats not seriously right?*

First of all. I'm not "sworn to destroy you".

I never attacked any Hunter vessel except in self defense or when Allied forced were under attack.
*why the hell I reply*

But sometimes it looks like you and your friends like to bring me into extreme situations.

So why should I trust you? And why the hell should I meet you?

To be honest - I'm sure you have some plans.

Cause if I take a look at the location you sended this transmission from

I can be very sure you're drunk or just watched to many half naked Hunter girlies.

Are they so ugly that you have to try your luck with me now?

In addition I'm sure I don't find time for you dude.

You noticed the daily fights which mainly take place in Omicron Delta?
*why the hell I'm justify myself*

I don't see any sense in this and dont have to waste any time.

Yeah maybe - if - we were born anywhere else or whatever there will be a change.
*not really*

Caja laughs

I currently have better things to do then to date with a Hunter who has "Lollipop" in his name.

Boy....... try it anywhere else.

Better you search a Hunter woman in your stripclub for you.

Collister out.
[Image: comend2.png]

To: Caja Collister - r3vange - 10-22-2010

[Image: 11.png]

[color=#000000]*Damn I knew the strip club wasn'€™t a good idea, man'€¦I can tell that she is thinking that I am an idiot, dammit!! I'€™ve gotta think of something fast or my chances will disperse faster than miners near a hungry Corsair....damn my head is killing me...damned hangover*

*Oh man why did she had to start with the name, I hope that she won'€™t ask again until the time is right*

Ouch hotness that hurt [color=#000000]*damn she is a hard nut..yummy*, I must have gotten one beer to many but hell I

wasn'€™t drunk! *yeah so perfectly sober that I had to be taken in the brigg so I won'€™t shoot anyone* I know it

was rude to call you from the strip club but hey! I am not guilty I got dragged in by the boys *I dragged the

to celebrate! But I had you on my mind so I wasn'€™t truly happy *maaaan I was having a blast*. Don'€™t

worry I have the purest intentions towards you *though she will look mighty fine in the stripper'€™s get up*.

You are right though, the strippers were ugly *they weren't* But that's not the reason I want to get to know

you! I wanna see what's your personality like *yeah both of them actually*

You have my word for it. It'€™s not like I wanna use you or anything what could I possibly use for *several

things come to mind'€¦.dammit Thed! Focus!*
Give me one more chance hotness I am not as bad as you

think, why do you have to be so prejudiced. Try something new! *Yeah that'€™s right pass the ball* Why

don.... /the thick voice of the brigg's warden is heard/ Time's up sunshine! Get your arse off the comm

station and back in the cell!

[Image: Videofeed.png]

To: Caja Collister - Anonymous User - 10-22-2010

[Image: comstart5.png]

Not drunk?
[color=#000000]*looks where the transmission was sended from*

So you are just for fun in the brig?

For me it looks like you are acting like a kid.

And your name sound so be honest.

I still want to know where you get this Callname.

Dont you have a normal name? Or where your parents on Cardamine when they named you?

And... yea... I really think there's no way.

You maybe know Order Agents have a lot to do.

I dont have time to go to a stripclub or wherever to have some fun currently.

The other thing is... you say you don't wanna "use" me for anything.

But I can't really believe you.

The only reason I see is that you like how I look like.

Cause I never was polite to you and you never met me except in a fight.

So say whats your business or leave me alone.

Collister out.
[Image: comend2.png]

To: Caja Collister - r3vange - 10-23-2010

[Image: 77.png]

*Why is she always picking up about the locations? I must start encoding'€¦.yeah encoding, she will have

absolutely no Idea where am I!*

[color=#FF0000]/Sounds of slow bluesy music are heard, girls giggling, boys cheering drinks being spilled/

Damn hotness, I did enjoy it in the brig, it gave me time to think about you *that'€™s soooo not me*

What'€™s wrong with kids? You don'€™t like kids? *man I thought girls go crazy about kids* I would love to prove

you wrong that I am NOT a kid, if you know what I mean *awesome line! Record it somewhere for future

And why are you always picking up about the locations *dammit next time I will be in the

station'€™s chapel!*

*She wants to know about the name, YESS! She is showing interest in me somehow'€¦maaaan I am killing!*

Ok, damn I'€™ll tell you about the name! You wouldn'€™t let it go until you know anyway! So about the real

name'€¦IT IS INCLUDED IN THE TRANSMISSION! *man'€¦girls really see only what they wanna see!*

Theodore, call me Thed, T'€¦or whatever '€œRunner'€ is a nickname dating back to high school. Lollipop is my

callsign it has a double meaning you know, when I am on my fighter it'€™s Falling Lollipop along with my

mates. Falling Lollipop because when the girls see them skills they go '€œAaaah'€ and they drop their lollipops

get it? Rising Lollipop because when the girls'€™ lollipops fall It is time to raise mine and offer it to them *man

this is so embarrassing hope won'€™t get the real meaning*

See now you know something about me, and no good deed goes unpunished *the hell does that mean

So now it'€™s your turn tell me about yourself? How come such a hot babe is flying for the Order?

I don'€™t care if you weren'€™t polite that'€™s because you didn'€™t have the opportunity to be'€¦c'€™mon honestly how

could you not be polite talking to a man like me *I-am-a-w-e-s-o-m-e*. Yeah Yeah I know we faced in

battle but you know what they say? War is like se'€¦/A flirty woman'€™s voice is heard/ Wanna dance

/Thed whispers/ Nooo get the hell out! You will ruin my game! Actually don'€™t go out just wait for

a couple of minutes I'€™d be right back ok? Now scram!

'€¦Sorry ermm lost network coverage for a bit.Ermm so where were we? Ah, yes!

And of course I like the way you look! Hell who wouldn'€™t I bet that even nommies begin to glow red near

you! *yeah man yeah she'€™s the tough one but there is still a flattered babe somewhere inside!*

And my business I stated already! Me and you going out somewhere it just might work out *of course it will

work out*
It will be LEGE-*wait for it*-DARY! Take care hotness and don'€™t get yourself killed in the

meantime I will be waiting /Just as the connection fails Thed'€™s voice is heard/ Now about that danc'€¦'€¦
[Image: Videofeed.png]

To: Caja Collister - Anonymous User - 11-01-2010

[Image: comstart6.png]
Hi Thed. Its me again.

Had something to do. So do not wonder cause the delay.

Yeah... I missed the line with your name before.

And I see... you are learning fast.
*giggles while looking at the location*

So... you ask where I'm coming from?

I'm born in Liberty - Planet Manhattan - and lived there with my dad.

But I'm half Kusarian. My mother is born on Kyushu and my dad on Manhattan.

I simply found my way to the order cause my dad was a doubleagend.

He was the Captain of the Liberty siege cruiser "LNS-Equinox" while collecting information for us.

But that does not really matter. It only matters that I'm in the Order now.

Fighting for a good thing.

I have some more bussines to do.

So don't get drunk.

Don't wanna have another transmission forum Daba's Brig.

Collister out.
[Image: comend2.png]