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To: BHG Core Technological Request Division - Printable Version

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To: BHG Core Technological Request Division - Lennox - 10-26-2010

**Incoming Transmission**
*Comm ID: David Lennox
*Comm Location: Bar, Java Station, Tau 23

To Whom It many Concern:
I wish to purchase one of the BHG Bullhead Cruiser class vessels. They are a
very interesting feat of technology and the combination ,firepower and agility, is great. You
probably need some background info on me, as i know you dont
sell your ships to whom ever.

I Grew Up on Planet New London, I am 20 years old. When I was younger I learned flying big ships, like a train for example, to help my family to get money. Later, at that day my whole family were killed by Outcasts, I became an independent freelancer. First I went to Planet Erie with my new Starflier. There I was mining the Neon from the asteroid field, close to Erie. At that day, I had enogh money, I bought a big freighter. With this freighter I got a lot of money through transport missions, enough to buy a train. With this ship I earned over 300 Million Credits. Until the day before yesterday I searched a faction where I could begin with the revenge against the Outcasts. I found a faction. The Independent Miners Guild. I did Outcast Killing Mission for them and became a good friend of the IMG and recognized at this day that i have to have a bigger ship to extend my vengeance. One ship which has got a lot of firepower, which is too big and not too slow. In the neuralnet i found the ship i would need. It was the Bullhead Battlecruiser from the Bounty Hunters. To annihilate bigger Outcast forces this ship could cut through this forces very effectively. I would fly this ship as an IMG Guardian to defend allied forces or innocent people and bring the justice to the Outcasts who killed that thing in my life I am really missing.
I would be very grateful when you could enable this to me. That would mean a very significant part in the life, I have left.

Thank you for your time.


**Transmission Complete**

To: BHG Core Technological Request Division - Dashiell - 10-26-2010

:: Incoming Transmission ::

message begins:

Mr Lennox,

Our cruisers are not for sale to 3rd parties. We build them for our own fleet, not to sell them off. Maybe ask one of those backstabbing zoner apes to sell you a Fearless? They sell their stuff to pirates, cuthroats and maniacs alike. So an IMG shouldn't be a problem then? I must warn you though, those things come to bits easy.

Anyway, we will not sell you a Bullhead as they are for the Core's dirty work only.

I'm sure the IMG have an Argus somewhere you can use...


Guildmaster Damian Damoclass

end of message.

To: BHG Core Technological Request Division - Lennox - 10-26-2010

Ok, its your decision. But thank you for your time.

greetings David