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...gReEtiNgZz HuMaNz aNd oThEr FoOd iTeMz.... - Printable Version

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...gReEtiNgZz HuMaNz aNd oThEr FoOd iTeMz.... - AnthraxZombie - 10-26-2010

...YoWzA, AnThRaXZoMbiE hErE....

...i'M cuRrEnTLy tAkiNg a LoOk aT DiScO tO sEe iF iT FiTz iN WiTh oUr bRaNd oF RoLLpLaY...

.....wHiCh iZz tHe pRoMoTiOn oF FuN bY aLL aNd tHe EaTiNg oF BrAiNz......

...i'LL be fLyiNg aRoUnD aZz a fReELaNcEr uNtiL i'M FaMiLiAr WiTh DiScO & Az WeLL aZz YeR RuLeZz, sO DoN't ExPeCt tOo MuCh BrAiNz CoNsUmPtiOn YeT......

...dRaG i KnOw bUt yOu'LL JuSt HaVe tO bE pAtiEnT......

...aNyWhO, i'M OfF tO gEt LoSt wiThiN Yer MoD, sO wiSh mE LuCk WiTh mY HoMeWoRk.....


...aNtHrAxZoMbiE, UnDeAd tHiNgY......

...gReEtiNgZz HuMaNz aNd oThEr FoOd iTeMz.... - Alex. - 10-26-2010

... Hi?

...gReEtiNgZz HuMaNz aNd oThEr FoOd iTeMz.... - DeathsOverture - 10-26-2010


Oh wait...

Nevermind, disregard that. Welcome to the server! Read the rules & of course have fun.

...gReEtiNgZz HuMaNz aNd oThEr FoOd iTeMz.... - Sand_Spider - 10-26-2010

I'm... Not sure whether I should be welcoming you, or being terrified of the aLtErNaTiNg LeTtEr TeXt.:mellow:

...gReEtiNgZz HuMaNz aNd oThEr FoOd iTeMz.... - Korny - 10-26-2010



...gReEtiNgZz HuMaNz aNd oThEr FoOd iTeMz.... - Rema 'Pesas - 10-26-2010

Quote: ...gReEtiNgZz HuMaNz aNd oThEr FoOd iTeMz....

Etien: Sup.

Turkey: Sup.

Chicken: Sup.

Brick: Sup. OHWAI-

...gReEtiNgZz HuMaNz aNd oThEr FoOd iTeMz.... - Captain - 10-26-2010

[Image: 7041riveting5f00tale5f0.jpg]

and ofc. Welcome to <strike>Sanction</strike> ,<strike>ID</strike> ,Freelancer

...gReEtiNgZz HuMaNz aNd oThEr FoOd iTeMz.... - Rema 'Pesas - 10-26-2010

another note: if you like eating brains, go for <strike>Canniba</strike>lCorsair RP.

...gReEtiNgZz HuMaNz aNd oThEr FoOd iTeMz.... - Slartibartfast - 10-26-2010


' Wrote:another note: if you like eating brains, go for <strike>Canniba</strike>lCorsair RP.

Also: This base has a lot of insane RP potential... Now if only DSE ID would allow pirate hunting... :rtfm:

...gReEtiNgZz HuMaNz aNd oThEr FoOd iTeMz.... - Maskage - 10-26-2010


Om NoM NoM NoM.....

~MaNtiD ZoMbiE