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To: anyone near Invergordon Station - Printable Version

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To: anyone near Invergordon Station - TFinnegan - 10-29-2010

*Bridge of The Wake*
*Invergordon airspace, Inverness*

"...those EVA teams outside NOW, mister!"
Acting Captain Seamus Kelley glances at the monitor. Panic lines his face.
"To any vessels near Inverness! We've had an INCIDENT //starting at post 19 (17 if you really want the whole story)// at Invergordon Station and are requesting help from ANY Junker-friendly vessels in the vicinity."
Bridge crews bolt and chatter in the background.
"Repeat, Invergordon Station requesting aid from any friendlies within striking range. Special aid request goes out to Med Force One, care of Doc Holliday! Please respond!"

The commline remains open, but Kelley's attention returns to organizing the bridge crews.

"MacLean, get that bloody Pod tractored in!" He shouts. "O'neal, launch th' skiffs! Declan, get the tethers set for grapples."
He pounds a fist into the console before him. "Somebody better bloody-well answer...."

To: anyone near Invergordon Station - Diabolicus - 10-29-2010

Bridge of the Rogue's Liberty

''Captain Wilbur Delacroix of the Liberty Rogue Scylla 'Rogue's Liberty' speaking. We were laying low in the system for a while as we received this distress call. I am immediatly setting course to Invergordon to assist and possibly assist in any rescue operation going on. ETA 5 minutes. Delacroix, out.''

Not without a hint of stress, Delacroix gave his orders, unaware of what he was going into. The ship was on red alert, all men to their battlestations, the ship ready to tractor escape pods if needs be.

[Image: screen815.png]

''We have reached Invergordon airspace, sir.''

Delacroix's jaw dropped. Whatever happened here, it wasn't pretty.

To: anyone near Invergordon Station - RockCrystal - 10-29-2010

Bridge of the Spirit of Freeport 7
Magellan System

A.L.E.C.:Boss? Oh boss! Hey!
Peter Kristall: Hm? Wha? Alec, what have I told you about disturbing my beauty sleep?
A.L.E.C.: Yeah, I know, but-
Peter: If you want to ask me something, you hold it in your memory banks until I have my 8 hours, got it?
A.L.E.C.: But, Bo-
Peter:Come on, Alec, you're the ship's AI. You know how to run it without my help, don't you?
A.L.E.C.: ...
Peter: *sighs* Alright, what's so important it couldn't wait until morning?
A.L.E.C.: Replaying recorded transmission...
Peter: Well, why didn't you say so? Chart a course to Inverness. Use the jump holes, we don't have time to fiddle with gates.

--A short time later--
Peter: Whew, what a mess! Alec, any response to our hails?
A.L.E.C.:Nope, nada, nix.
Peter: Right, send activation code 749-Charlie to the Spirit.Dancer in Omicron-74. We need a repair ship here pronto. Then hail Med Force One and any other hospital ship we have in the databanks!

To: anyone near Invergordon Station - AeternusDoleo - 10-29-2010

Aboard the bridge of the IMG miner Carsten Miller, departing South Shields after refueling.
"Roight then." Erynel grinned. "Le's take the quiet route back ta Liberty, aye? Set course past Belfast... drop halfway outta the lane, nae sense in pissin' off the Mollies. We'll cruise from there ta the Inverness hole. Freckin' BMM goldbees be pluggin' up the quick way with poirates all over. Tell th'scout ta take a peek ahead."
"Orders transmitted." Azer, the shipboard presentient AI replied. "And acknowledged."
The small bridge of the Hegemon class miner had become colder since John had left. Busy on Jakarta now most likely, dreaming up gods knew what under the guise of R&D. "Lucky bastard..." he mumbled. "We be 'ere workin our arses off an ye..."
"Incoming transmission from scout craft. It has reached the Inverness hole and has gone through. It is relaying an incoming distress call."
"Distress call? Be nae thing there but a junker base..."
"The transmission is coming from the Invergordon station. Long range telemetry from the scout indicates significant structural damage, partial decompression."
"Is it bein' attacked?"
"Undetermined." Azer responded. "There are several engine signatures, some with cruiser class output. The scout craft's forward sensors are not powerful enough to determine weapons exchange. But the damage appears consistant with a large-scale collision. Possible meteor impact."
Erynel gritted his teeth. He wasn't one to leave anyone floating in space. True, junkers weren't his favorite folk, in fact he hated the two-faced bastards, and had learned to be on his guard with them. He considered the cruiser class ships. Could be a trap. Could be an attack. Could even be a genuine accident.
"Roight, Azer. Recall the scout. An' interface with the nearest lane. Relay the entire distress broadcast through the lane network to Trafalgar, an' Freeport 6. Methinks someone there will be able ta contact Holiday. But show him the signatures o' those ships present as well. Oi've learned ta nae trust them junkers. They may be tryin' ta trap him as well. If this be a true call fer help, them Junkers will look out for their own. Seems to be the only ones they look out for, anyway. Course to Scarborough, an' from there to Leeds. We'll need ta chance usin' the damn poirate highway."
The Hegemon slowly came about, soon joined by a small scout craft.

To: anyone near Invergordon Station - TFinnegan - 10-29-2010

*Bridge of the Wake*
*Invergordon airspace, Inverness*

A tech rating comes onscreen, looking haggard.
"Greetings Captains. Th' bonny crew o' The Wake an' Clan Gordon thankee for yer swift arrival"
Behind him is much activity and noise.
"The acting Captain is busy in the cargo bays with salvage and triage ops, and sends his apologies for not replying himself." The young midshipman explains. "He asks tha' ye coordinate with the Seamhas, as Med Force One has not replied yet. We've had a collision, much of the station Docking Sector is locked down"
A shout in the background, "Got another one! He's alive yet!"
"Anyway, sure could use your help, with our thanks!"
Another shout, closer to the tech. "Doc reply yet? We've no medbay!"
"No, dammit! Still waiting..."

*Screen snow*

To: anyone near Invergordon Station - NOVA-5 - 10-29-2010

Vorenus enters Dawson Base-Hudson to pick up a few supplies for his trip, on entering
the bar he bumps into one of the Rogue captains.
"Bloody hell man, look at the state of you!"

"You havent heard then! about Invergordon! theres been a collision with it, i've just came
from there, i was coming in to request docking rights when the thing exploded, i got caught
in the blast then had to abandon and return to base, theres other vessels gathering around
the area too, some of our boys are there, i thought it was best to get out while i could."

Vorenus turns to the navicom on the wall and types a code in. Mascius appears on screan.
"Mascius drop what your doing and head straight for Invergordon, theres been a collision,
looks like there could be injured down there too, i'll meet you in Inverness asap."
"I'm on it chief."

*transmission lost*

To: anyone near Invergordon Station - TFinnegan - 10-30-2010

*Bridge of the Wake*
*Invergordon airspace, Inverness*

'Gunner' Seamus Kelley hangs his head.
"Well, so much for Holliday, aye?." he says to the assembled craft who have come to the aid of the stricken station.
"We've lost another Molly pilot, and the waitress, Tess to vacuum burns." He states resignedly. "Guess Zoner goodwill only goes so far, aye?"
"We've no medbay on this boat, and the station Medwing is still evacuating, and losing air pressure to tha' bloody great rent in the shielding."
He shrugs, holding up tired hands, caked with dried blood.
"Six months o' med training isnae enough ta save th' rest I fear. I'll be shuttlin' off the rest o' th' wounded to you lads, perhaps ye can get the more stable casualties to proper facilities." He frowns. "P'raps nae..."
"Still, an' all... The thanks o' Clan Gordon and the Junkers of Inverness for your prompt arrival, Captains."
He is about to switch off, but hesistates.
"I dinnae s'pose any of ye lot were able ta find Captain Finnegan in th' wreckage?" he asks genuinely. "He's still nae turned up, I fear 'im lost fer good..."
He winces with the thought, then flicks off the comms.

*Screen Snow*

To: anyone near Invergordon Station - cmfalconer - 10-30-2010

Incoming Transmission
Encryption Level: Inverness System-wide Comms
Message Source: Confirmed Clean

Pete Conroy - Director Borderworlds Exports (Bowex)
Message Target: Invergordon Space Port : Inverness
Message Source: Director of Operations Office - Scarborough Station : Newcastle
Subject: Disaster assistance

This is directed directly at the distress call emanating from Invergordon Space Port on all frequencies. Signal strength came through the stabilized jumphole to my office at Scarborough. You all seem to be in need of some assistance. Now yours and mine aren't the best of friends, but in my tenure as Director of Operations, we'll offer help to anyone who ain't shootin' at my ships.

As we speak, I'm ordering Captain Jerome Kerns-McFee to provision the Majestic Skies as a hospital ship and head directly to Invergordon. I've asked old JKM to make contact on this channel as soon as he is in the area of Invergordon.

If there's anything else me and mine can do to help in your situation, let us know. Our hauling capacity is second to none and we have access to some construction materials that you may or may not need.

Pete Conroy
Director of Operations
Borderworlds Exports

Encryption complete
Message Transaction...Success
Transmission End

To: anyone near Invergordon Station - TFinnegan - 10-30-2010

*Bridge of the Wake*
*Invergordon airspace, Inverness*
*Debris whirls in the background on all scanners, techs run wildly about the bridge*

Captain Conroy!
Your aid is very welcome indeed!

My name is Seamus Kelley, acting Captain of The Wake.
Invergordon Station is BADLY in need of a competetent Medical facility, ours is under duress and in danger of losing compression. We also require alloy struts to keep the Docking bays from total failure.

The impact of the ship hit exactly the wrong spot in the structure. Not only the Purple Mist Tavern was hit, but a section of the Medbay and the Ports Authority as well.

We have numerous casualties, both onboard and in vacuum, all in need of rescue and triage.
We've lost a few already and our med-techs are shutting down the area, unable to take more patients.

The scrappers of the Junker fleet are doing thier best to keep the Dock wing from implosion, but scrapped vessel struts are not sufficient, not this close to Cannish's gravity well.


Your prompt arrival will be both welcome and well rewarded.
As it is, I MUST get to the business at hand. Hope to see you soon.

Kelley for The Wake, Out.

*Screen Snow*

To: anyone near Invergordon Station - cmfalconer - 10-30-2010

Incoming Transmission
Encryption Level: Bowex InfoNet
Message Source: Confirmed Clean

CommID: Jerome Kerns-McFee - Captain of the Majestic Skies (Bowex)
Message Target: Bowex Director of Operations. Bowex InfoNet
Message Source: Majestic Skies bridge - Docked with Invergordon Space Port : Inverness

Salutations Mr. Conroy. I bring tidings from...what's left of Invergordon Space Port. My voyage took me first from the Skies' main berth on New London to Cambridge first to set the holds. I picked up a complement of Doctors, their staff, Bandages, Medicines and foodstuffs, and made haste toward the stricken folks of Inverness.
[Image: Invergordon01.jpg]
Heading back through New London and Leeds toward the Newcastle system, I passed an Armed forces patrol out to keep Leeds safe from the Kusari blight. After that, the Majestic Skies and her crew braved a very dense asteroid field and an even greater threat to the ship in a jumphole. The crew performed their jobs admirably and have spades of experience in just these conditions.
[Image: Invergordon02.jpg][Image: Invergordon03.jpg]
Finally, after clearing the jumphole, the ship docked with the wreckage of the Space Port. It awaits to be seen what sort reception the Skies receives, but we're here to do our duty.
[Image: Invergordon04.jpg]

For Queen and Country,
[font=Book Antiqua]Jerome Kerns-McFee
Captain of the Royal Liner Majestic Skies

Encryption complete
Message Transaction...Success
Transmission End