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To: Kusari Naval Force - Printable Version

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To: Kusari Naval Force - Curios - 10-30-2010

..:[Signal Received]:..
..:[Transmission Started]:..
..:[Encryption level: High ]:..

.. Open Video Channel ..

[Image: remiliascarlet.jpg]

.. ID: Mercenary, Remilia Scarlet ..
.. Location: {information missing} ..

.. message begins ..

Good day. Let me pay my respect first, I was always respecting Kusari Empire and will of it's Emperor, but there was a "little" ... misunderstanding between me and one of your honorable pilots in past. I'm making this offer to fix this huge and terrible misunderstanding with Kusari Law. I can't ask for a big favor but maybe a donation to Kusari Naval Force in form of.. 10 million credits could fix the situation.

Of cause if I had insulted someone that person can have my apologies for any inappropriate behavior of mine that could had a place.

/signed Remilia Scarlet

[color=#000000][font=Fixedsys].. end of message ..

..:[Transmission Closed]:..

To: Kusari Naval Force - casero - 10-30-2010

[Image: comheader.png]
[font=Century Gothic]
>>>>Comm ID: Taishō Hiroito's office.
>>>>To: Remilia Scarlet
>>>>Subject: Defaming Samurais


Ma'am, if you insulted the honour of a KNF officer, there isn't sufficient money to pay for your crime. There was not a report to the High Command about this, yet. This will rest in the hands of the samurai you insulted.

<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]<div align="right]Kaigun Chūsa, Myuki Kokori. Taishō Hiroito's office.
[Image: comfooter.png]