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Bretonian missions - Printable Version

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Bretonian missions - RockCrystal - 11-02-2010

I've been trying to do missions for the Bretonian Armed Forces this evening, first at Battleship Stirling, then at Essex. Over and over the same thing happens - I get the mission, fly out to the waypoint, and nothing happens. What's going on?

Bretonian missions - Korny - 11-02-2010

Happened in Liberty aswell, I think everywhere else aswell. Those mission bugs appear sometimes.

Bretonian missions - aerelm - 11-02-2010

This happens from time to time. Wait till Server Restart and it'll be fixed.

Bretonian missions - AeternusDoleo - 11-02-2010

Alternatively, go to an area in Bretonia with high NPC concentrations and just start fragging anything red and not player. Some of the Corsair-infested asteroid fields, or areas near jumpholes are good examples. Doesn't work as fast but you'll still earn Navy (but not Navy Guard) rep.

Reminds me of the bug with the lane ambushes: One of the NPCs of the lane ambush is always "stuck", and once you kill it, the next one stops moving. Makes it rather easy for a transport to mop up such ambushes.