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House Of Curtis - Gypsie Skripto - 11-02-2010

[Image: wappenbig.gif]

House of Curtis is a minor noble house of the United Kingdom of Bretonia. It´s origins are bound with those of the colonization of Planet Leeds. Marriage between young Lady Helen of Scopton, from the decaying House of Scopton, and Sir Edward Curtis, owner of a considerable portion of the shares in the contemporary passenger transportation buisness local corporations, led to the founding of House of Curtis in Planet Leeds, as the happy couple settled in the new Bretonian colony. As the system began to thrive, people all over Bretonia needed to travel to the different bases all over Leeds, and Lord Curtis built a solid fleet of transports which was called Greyhound Passenger Transportation, recalling the plate colours of the vessel´s hull.

The House grew enough to ensure itself certain power and wealth, but as the Curtis Lords never showed gigantic ambition, they never claimed or seeked political influence or economic control over de Planet they called home. Because of this, the house never got too much involved in military issues either, and though the elder son of each generation was sent to serve the Bretonia Armed Forces as all noble houses did, these pilots never acomplished exeptional deeds, and never ranked above fighter wing command.

In the spring of 317 AG, major riots flourished all over Planet Leeds, giving birth to the conflict known as Bretonian Civil War. As the Rebels organized themselves against the Royalists, House of Curtis was under a lot of pressure to take sides. Lord Alabaster Curtis, aged 70 when this event took place, was firmly decided not to get involved in such major political crisis, since both parties had understandable arguments, and any of the conflict´s conclusions seemed to be the same for the Curtis´ interests. Nevertheless, Lord Alabaster also stated that as a noble house of the Kingdom of Bretonia, their loyalty was directly to the crown, meaning by this that he hoped that whatever came out of the war, didn´t destroy or taint monarchy as the government model for the nation. This last statement was hugely misunderstood by the Rebels of Leeds, who demanded Lord Alabaster and House of Curtis to remove themselves and all their buisnesses away from the system. As he had no other option, Lord Alabaster organized all of the Greyhound transports and brand new Democritus Luxury Yatch(1) Greyhond "Easy Cure", and packed all of his ancestors belongings, along with the House´s loyal servants, buisnessmen, pilots, and guards, and flew away to Planet Curacao in the Cortez system where they had friends and associates.

The sixteen years between the end of the war and the restitution of the monarch where tough for the Curtis Lords. They had now little buisness activity, having to sell some of the transports and puting the rest to do short, low-profit, runs between Cortez and Magellan systems, since their vessels where no longer safe inside Bretonian space. On the other hand, these years served to strengthen the bonds between the House and the buisnessmen of Curacao, and this good relations finally came into a merging of the Greyhound passenger transportation family company inside Orbital Spa & Cruise corporation (2). With a monarch in government again, House of Curtis did not take long to return to Planet Leeds to recover what was theirs by right. They found resistance at first, and where only allowed to recover the House´s lands and properties, but with the fortune they still had, and the help of their new corporate friends (alongside with some influence used by the new king who remembered Lord Alabaster remaining loyal to the crown), they finally occupied their place in the Leeds society, economy, and aristocracy.

Centuries passed and the Curtis Lords prevailed. They never grew much more powerful or wealthy, but never more found their sovereignty threatened. Until year 817 AS, with the fall of upper Leeds system to the Kusari Naval Forces. Greyhond "Easy Cure" may soon see her engines cruising space in the 500th anniversary of her first voyage....

(1) // Please poke me if you have solid info of this ship not existing in the 4th century AS
(2) // Please poke me if you have solid info of this faction not existing in the 4th century AS

House Of Curtis - Gypsie Skripto - 11-02-2010

[Image: TOLKIEN.jpg]

It´s a hot summer morning in Twin Peaks Estate, the ancestral mansion of the Curtis family, in the coupled mountains on one of the few remaining wild and natural reachs of Planet Leeds. Lord William enjoys some good pipe tobacco while he drinks a glass of whiskey. A man approaches, he´s wearing a Bretonia Armed Forces uniform and walks quickly and determined.

- Good day Captain Wilson, It has been a long time since your last visit. What brings you here today, rushing in such a manner and sweating your soul out of your skin? - says Lord Wiliam as he plays with the glasses ice cubes.

- Lord William - says the captain as he bows - Sadly, the most horrible news is what I bring to you on this horrid day. Intelligence informed me that Kusari Naval Forces ships traspassed the Tau 31 jump gate, and are now battling our forces at Glasgow Outpost. The last thing I heard before heading this way was that the Kusarians were trying to board the station.

- What... on... Terra... are they thinking? - replied the Lord almost immediately, in a very quiet voice.

- Milord, we have to send all soldiers to the front. I have already contacted some mercenary soldiers who will come to serve as guards for you and your family, because High Command has ordered all Bretonian forces to assist in the battle. This men I called will defend your lives to death, do not think they are not loyal to their employer, they are the best of this sector, I can assure you.

- Good job, Captain. Anything else?

- No sir, I suggest you start making preparations for a major evacuation from Twin Peaks Estate. If they take Glasgow, and then Stokes, I can´t imagine what will stop them from a full scale assault on the planet.

- Indeed, you are right... Seems we will have to get The Exile Greyhond, "Easy Cure", in fit conditions, just in case. Please transmit these orders to Captain Horne, tell him they come from me. Code is Love.Will.Tear.Us.Apart .... and hurry! I have to call my son Ian in Edinburgh... I suppose James already flew away to the front, didn´t he?

- Indeed Milord, he did - answered the loyal captain.

- Go now. Godspeed Captain Wilson. You are a honorable soldier.

- Milord - says the captain as he bows and walks away...

House Of Curtis - Gypsie Skripto - 11-09-2010

[Image: iancurtiscontrolb.jpg]

In his private suite on board Royal Liner Joy Division, the young captain of the ship, Ian Curtis, smiles as he stares at Planet Erie, where the crew set orbit as the mission demanded. They where there seeking to hire new pilots for some Greyhounds who had no captain. As he walks back to his couch and sits, his intercom sounds with a soft beep.

- Yes Lilly, tell me - said the captain.

- Sir, you have a call from the Twin Peaks Estate, it's Lord Curtis - said his secretary.

- Please, transfer it Lily.

- Rigth away Sir - she answered.

An old man smoking a pipe appears on the screen. He seems serious but his eyes transmit a somehow sad sensation.

- Hello my son, how are those libertonians treating you? - said Lord Curtis.

- Hello dad. I can´t argue, really. There has been no complaint from anybody for us being here on this mission. We have already contacted one possible candidate, and it seems word is spreading quickly, we have already confirmed two more interviews for today.

- Great, Ian. Now, the news I have, sadly, are not good at all. Kusarians have breached the Tau 31 gate here at Leeds, and have taken over Glasgow Outpost.

- What!? That´s terrible news dad! - answered Ian as he jumped from his seat.

- I know, terrible news indeed. Your brother James has just arrived from the battle, he was injured in the leg when his fighter caught fire. Medics are treating him right now.

- Will he recover, dad?

- Yes, yes, don´t worry about that. The injuries are not serious.

- I am glad to hear that. I will set route for Leeds right now dad. I want to be by your side on this one.

- Yes Ian, I was about to tell you that. You see, if they also take the Stokes crossroad, we are going to be forced to once again exile from Leeds, as our ancestors did when the Civil War started on the planet, five centuries ago. And for that, we will be needing on top of Greyhond Easy Cure not only the family´s Royal Liner, but also all of the Greyhounds to move our belongings and Loyals.

- Of course dad, I will start making the arrengements. The rest of the fleet is now resting at Shetland in Edinburgh. I will tell all captains to head to Leeds Planetary Spaceport as soon as posible. I guess destination is Planet Curacao right?

- No Ian, I believe for the moment we can rest at Shetland´s location in orbit with Planet Gaia in Edinburgh. It´s still close to the conflict but the company is based there after all, and from that system we can set route to New London through Dublin pretty quickly. What do you think?

- Well there is Gaian Activity in Edinburgh dad, are you taking an Armed Forces escort with the exile convoy?

- No son, Captain Wilson told me that BAF High Command assigned all of Leeds forces to resist the Kusarians, so he is making the arrengements for a mercenary force to defend us on this endeavour.

- Mercenaries dad? Are they trustworthy?

- Well, Captain Wilson promised me he would only hire the best. And I trust him with my life Ian. I must leave you now, your mother hasn´t heard the news yet, and I want to be the one to tell her. Oh Ian! I also want to ask you to invest half of House Of Curtis' money reserves in gold ore bars we can take to Liberty. This way if Bretonia ever falls, we will prevail to save it.

- Yes dad, I will. Dad, tell mom I miss her and I will soon be there with the three of you. Good day. Curtis will prevail!

- Godspeed son. Curtis will prevail!

The image on the screen shuts down. Captain Ian Curtis pushes the button of his intercom immediately.

- Lily, tranfer me with Shetland, and tell the bridge to set route to Leeds as soon as possible.

His eyes move to the window once again, and he stares one last time towards Erie...

House Of Curtis - Gypsie Skripto - 11-18-2010

[Image: TOLKIEN.jpg]

Captain Wilson runs through the corridors of the villa at the Twin Peaks Estate. He suddenly stops at a double door, Fixes his uniform, and knocks.

The voice of an old man shouts - Who is it?! Didn't I tell you not to disturb me on my nap?!

- Lord William! It's me! Captain Wilson! May I come in? It's really bad!

- Come in lad, come in.

- Lord William - says the captain as he salutes - The Kusari rats have taken over the Stokes Mining Facility. Word is that they will start siege on Leeds in just a few days.

- Good Lord of heaven - says Lord William. Then he stares fixedly at the emblem of his family on top of a fireplace for a second. -We will have to part to Curacao. Edinburgh is not an option anymore, since the Kusarians are moving so fast.

- Indeed milord. I have already sent order to prepare for departure the Greyhounds that young Lord Ian sent us. The crew are already helping to get on board our men and their families. I'll tell them right away that we are heading to the Cortez system.

- What about the mercenaries you told me about? Have you contacted them already? - asked Lord William.

- Your son Ian told me he would contact them himself. By now he may have already done it. Sir we must hurry. We leave to the spaceport bunker at night.

- That would be enough for me to say goodbye to this lands. Oh dear! My father, and his father, and all Curtis Lords where born here - a tear falls from one of his eyes - thanks captain, get back to work now. I will tell the news to my wife.

- Lord William - says the captain as he salutes and leaves...