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[RM-RNC]Wolgast - RP story - Printable Version

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[RM-RNC]Wolgast - RP story - Jaffa - 11-02-2010


Wolgast was built, primarily for defense of the Rheinland. The ship itself was built in 813 A.S. for Leutnant Thomas Hagen. In 815 A.S. was the vessel very heavily damaged during a fight against the Red Hessians. The ship crew was evacuated, but Leutnant Hagen was seriously injured and died from an energetic explosion on the bridge.
After this fight, the gunboat was towed into Alster Shipyard, where it was completely renovated and in 817 A.S. was again ready for duty. The war has begun. Hamburg was under attack by Liberty Navy, unfortunately there was no gunboat commander left. Wolgast remained in a dry dock until recent days. Now it has a new commander, Leutnant Wenzel Kreuzchen (today in rank Hauptmann). Directly under his command serve three bridge officers. Fr. Hans Schulz (navigation), Fw. Peter Rolf (weapons) and Fw. Karl Nowell (communication). Of course the ship efficiency would be very reduced without a capable and an efficient crew. The ship also has its own doctor: Helmut Kreuzer.

- Fähnrich Schulz is a navagation officer on the ship. His job is to navigate the Gunboat through space. He'€™s also a deputy commander (during Kreuzchen's absence). Hans Schulz was born in 790 A.S. on planet Hamburg. Currently has no specialization. He has decent combat experience. Into the crew was assigned by the RMHC.

- Feldwebel Peter Rolf is the ships's weapon officer. He was born on planet Stuttgard in 788 A.S. He has extensive experience with the weapon control systems,... this is his job on the ship. Peter Rolf studied the control of weapon systems on New Berlin'€™s university. He was assigned by W. Kreuzchen. He is specialized in Long-range weapons.

- Feldwebel Karl Nowell was born in 790 A.S. on planet New Berlin, where he studied High school for Military communications. He has no combat experience. Assigned by W. Kreuzchen for his specialization in cipher messages. His job is to maintain the communications between the RMHC and the Wolgast, intercepting enemy communications and establishing coms. with other vessels.

- Boat doctor is Helmut Kreuzer. He was born in 779 A.S. on planet Baden Baden. His spacialization is surgery. He studied medicine on Baden Baden'€™s university. He has long experience in treating combat injuries. Helmut Kreuzer was a doctor on the ship before its destruction (Hessian'€™s incident, where Leutant Hagen died). Assigned by the RMHC.

Name of the ship: [RM-RNC]Wolgast

Ship official name: Rheinland Naval Capital Wolgast

Ship class: Rheinland Military Gunboat

Ship status: ready

Bridge officers:
[Image: Kartykopie3.png]

Weapon systems:

1x - Gunboat Large Forward Gun
5x - Gunboat Secondary Turret
1x - Rheinland Gunboat Missile Turret

Other systems:

Capital Armor Upgrade VI
Gunboat Molecular shield class 8
Capital Ship Thruster
Advanced Deep Scanner
Rheinland Military Guard identifier
Countermeasure Dropper class CM-6 ECM

Technical information:

Rheinland Gunboat
Guns/Turrets: 1/6
Armor: 135,000
NB/SB: 400/400
Generator: 600,000 u

[Image: Gunboatkopie.png]

[RM-RNC]Wolgast (817 A.S.)

[RM-RNC]Wolgast - RP story - Jaffa - 11-06-2010

"The Black Box"
1. 11. 818A.S. Military Gunboat [RM-RNC] Wolgast

[Image: Alster-dock.png]
10:30 AM
Leutnant Kreuzchen came to the control room. It was his first visit after promotion. Kreuzchen met Feldwebel Schulz and took command.

Kreuzchen: Guten Tag, Herr Schulz. Do you have something to report?
Schulz: Guten Morgen'€¦ Herr Leutnant! *Salutes* We just tested navigation systems. All showed green, mein Herr. We had combat exercises in 6:00, and in 10:00 I informed our Crew about your arrival.
Kreuzchen: Gut. This is my first real Gunboat command. So we'll see how it will. I have orders from RMHC. I have to check everything, and prepare the Wolgast for active duty. *Sighs*
Schulz: Oh'€¦ Verstanden, Herr Leutnant. We can start whenever you want.
Kreuzchen: Sehr gut. Let'€™s go'€¦ First of all check life support, then defense systems and engines. I personally will see to that. Rhall'€™s wishes.
Schulz: Fleet Admiral Gunter Rall, mein Herr?
Kreuzchen: Ja,'€¦ that'€™s him. Some problems, Feldwebel? *Smile*
Schulz: Ehm,'€¦ nein of course. This way, mein Herr. Follow me bitte.

2:22 PM
Leutnant Kreuzchen perform diagnostic communication system, when it hit the unidentified file. It was a very old audio record.

Kreuzchen: What is it, Feldwebel?
Schulz: I don'€™t know, Herr Leutnant. I have never seen this file. But it'€™s very old... 815A.S.
Kreuzchen: Well,... We will see what is there. Open it, bitte.
Schulz: Jawohl! Aaannnd... got it!

- 13.8.815 A.S. 12:48
*Siren Sounds*
Meyer: We are under attack, Herr Leutnant! Red Hessian gunboat in scanner range'€¦. Closing fast!
Hagen: Shields to maximum! Power up Foward Gun!
Meyer: Jawohl! Foward Gun powered. We are ready to fire, mein Herr!
Hagen: Fire at will!

- 13.8.815 A.S. 13:00
*Explosion shook the control room*
Meyer: Shields are down to 82% Herr Leutnant! We have got several small targets on our six.
Hagen: What is it, the hell?
Meyer: A bomber wing! Red Hessians! They will be here in 10 seconds!
Hagen: Transfer power to the rear shield! Power up Secondary turrets and destroy the bombers, damn it!
Meyer: I'€™m trying sir, but we are loosing power. Our shields are down to 60%. We can'€™t hold it much longer, mein Herr!

- 13.8.815 A.S. 13:10
*Explosion shook the control room*
Meyer: Shields are down to 49%'€¦ Weapons are down! Reports about decompression on board 1, 2 and 8!
*ship intercom* Kreuzer: Leutnant! We have many wounded! They just destroyed our main infirmary'€¦ we will need some help here!
Hagen: Damn it'€¦ Meyer! Power up cruise engines'€¦ get us out of here as quickly as possible!
Meyer: Verstanden, Herr Leutnant.
Hagen: Kreuzer, help is on the way! They will be there in few minutes, how is your status'€¦?
*Explosion shook the control room*
Meyer: Shields are down to 25% and we lost contact to the engine room! I think the engines are down'€¦ mein Gott!
Hagen: We are trapped'€¦ Kreuzer! Do you copy?

-13.8.815 A.S. 13:15
*Power generator exploded *
Meyer: 28 dead! Shields are offline! Life support is failing!
Solider: Herr Leutnant! Fire spread to the control room, we have to get out!
Hagen: Gott, we have no chance! Evacuate the ship immediately! We h-aa---
--End of the record--

Schulz: Mein Gott! What the hell was that?!
Kreuzchen: Ahhh,'€¦ I'€™m sure it was a record from the battle with Red Hessians 3 years ago.
Schulz: I'€™m sorry, mein Herr'€¦ but what happened there?
Kreuzchen: One Gunboat and few bombers of Red Hessian Army attacked the ship. The Wolgast was heavily damaged.The crew has been evacuated, but Leutnant Hagen'€¦ died. After that Rheinland Military repaired the Wolgast. That'€™s all.
Schulz: Oh'€¦ That'€™s a horrible story.
Kreuzchen: Ja, it is. Well'€¦ we can delete this recort. Nobody needs it.
Schulz: Ehm,'€¦ Verstanden, mein Herr!

After that, Leutnant Kreuzchen complete diagnosis of the ship. Everything was on green status. The Wolgast is ready for his duty, and for his revenge. For Rheinland,'€¦ For the GottKanzler, for the Vaterland!