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To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - Printable Version

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To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - BlueSpawn - 11-02-2010

..:: Incoming Message ::..

Comms ID: Yevan Pushkin
Location: Freeport 9

What saddens me above all things is that so many of our fellow bretheren have turned their backs and called the people of Freeport 9 "fools" not behind closed doors, but while the whole world watched. Meanwhile, Corsairs, whose Black Sails dragged them into one mess after another, stand side by side and are ready to kill every Zoner that dares to grow a backbone. Let us review history.

We paid our taxes.
We supplied goods.
We minded our own damn business.
We let Corsairs colonize Gran Canaria.
We gave a foot for every inch that Corsairs asked for.

And what did we get in return?

We got shot at because our Freeport was out of food for 3 days and our transports were scared to enter Gamma for fear of Anarchist raiders. I am asking for all of our Zoner brothers to give Freeport 9 support in these hard times because our people tried everything short of surrendering the base to the Corsair war machine.

We let OSI do peace talks with the Elders. We passed a policy to ban anyone from using our stations as bases of operation. We delivered food to Crete WHILE they continued to shoot our people.

How many times are we going to bend our asses to the warmongering hordes? How much longer?

Freeport 9, 15 and 11 got bombarded by squads of Corsair vessels. THESE VESSELS got banned for repeated violation of No-Fire Zones and for murdering our women and children. When someone walks into your house and shoots your wife, do you answer "my door is always open to you sir, let's do business."

What happens when Corsairs shoot BAF?
What happens when Unioners kill Liberty Navy officers?
What happens when anyone shoots anyone over, and over, and over again?

Perhaps we shall also forgive the Nomads for Freeport 7??

I am pleading for all Zoner bretheren to stand back to back against the absurd situation in which the people of the Omicrons have been placed in. We did everything we could and when we could degrade ourselves no more, we banned guilty parties from our Freeport. Just like when we banned QCP for killing our people in Omega-49. This is nothing new. All that people of Freeport 9 ask for is to stand together.

Will you answer our call?

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - eleyos - 11-02-2010

:::Incoming Transmission:::


[Image: wow3.gif]


Ban is what they've asked for.
I'm against active actions against cannibals, but if
they prefere to think that this ban is a
declaration of war then let it be.
Anyway, I enforced NFZ of Freeport 9 several times against them.
Not a new thing to fight them for me you know.
If they strike count me in.

Turkish out.

:::Transmission ends:::

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - lousal - 11-02-2010


To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - RockCrystal - 11-02-2010

Comm ID: Peter Kristall, transmitting from (]o[)Free.Spirit

Behind you all the way guys. Here, have some supplies.

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - n00bl3t - 11-03-2010

A Freeport is there for those who do not attack it.

The Elders surprisingly are choc-a-bloc full of words now, but when their idiots attacked us they were silent.

It seems idiocy and noise fall in a rather synchronous pattern.

Also, apart from using high-end encryption, use bigger words. The Corsairs could not understand past basic vocabulary anyway.

That really sums it up.

-Mike Rotch.

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - sadtranslation - 11-03-2010

::: Login: Ludmila.Pavluchenko
To: Yevan Pushkin personally
Title: Delivered supplies

Body: Good day, mister Pushkin
Mister Finch requested a deliverty of some supplies to Freeport Nine. We can't provide you with that much in the moment, but, well:
::: Consumer Goods - 1000 units
::: H-Fuel - 1000 units
::: Pharmaceuticals - 1000 units
::: Nuclear Devices - 500 units
::: Synthetic Marijuana - 100 units.
Our consumer goods packages include couple of bottles of pretty nice Kusarian beer each. We recommend you to have a beer and a pot and wave to senor Valentine that flies around and shows his diminutive forward part to you as he promised. Have a good day.
Regards, Ludmila Pavluchenko.

Ludmila.Pavluchenko | .freeport1 page | Settings | Log out<div align="right]

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - BlueSpawn - 11-03-2010

..:: Incoming Transmission ::..

Comms ID: Yevan Pushkin
Location: Freeport 9

Ludmila, ma'am, we're quite cozy and greatful over here at the Nine.
The beer is gonna keep us alive for quite a while.

..:: End Transmission ::..

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - Jinx - 11-03-2010

from: Elizabeth Tate
location: Freeport 9

*clears throat*

"the Freeport ban is a necessary step. - the concept of "freeports" has failed once the significant players of the omicrons have moved their pawns around in a selfish way, treating the playing board like something they can modify however they like.

the concept of freeports worked as long as people were dependent on them.

the BHG and the zoners always had a mutual interest in each others services. the BHG would be allowed to use our stations for repairs and relaxation - and provided local protection in their own interest. - but the developement of their more violent branch, which marked us "unlawful" and henceforth considered us more hostile than anyone else - even threatening and applying "war" on us has nullified this decades long relationship in a few days.
the corsairs who were always allowed to buy food at our stations - while we brought food to those freeports have decided that they could sustain on the deliveray of core cooperations. - henceforth decided to attack our installations and our people. they believe their cause is just - which makes them a dangerous enemy - and while it is true to keep the enemy close to have an eye on it - i dare day, we should not treat an enemy like a customer, cause a customer is not blackmailing or hurting the landlord.

the ban was necessary!

we zoners cannot becomes "targets" of blanket bounties, limited war or targets of opportunity when others wish it - and at the same time become docile and peaceful when those that attacked us are fed up with it. - it is time to make more "permanent" decisions.

*sips some water*

in the past, when history went in the same circles - we zoners smiled and defended ourselves - and so happily grasped for the peace offer when the others offered it, after they attacked and killed hundreds. - were so grateful like little dogs - and behaved like our master was gracious.
but we are left the core NOT to be patronized by anyone anymore - no goverment and certainly not a "the mighty corsair nation" and their fanatic friends. nor are we bending down to a greedy bunch of texan rednecks who are as sensitive as a blunt axe when it comes to diplomacy.

our diplomacy has not changed in years....

but for the FIRST time - we apply what we tell them. "when they shoot us, they become hostile to us" - when corsairs attacked, they lost their right to deal with us. when the core shot us, they lost the right for themselves and possibly their lesser parts to benefit from our agreement that had grown the past centuries.

this politic had been in effect ever since. NOT applying it means to become a traitor to our own cause when we wished to be our own masters - when we decided to leave the core, NOT to be pushed around and patronized by those who call themselves "powerful", applying their power by violence. In the core, we were not able to fight back, cause we were just ourselves, but here in the edgeworlds, we form societies - in the past decades, we build up the knowledge and resources to survive even conflicts against vastly superior alien races, a few corsairs and bounty hunters won t even come close to that.

we shall not back down that time - and we shall not say "yes and thank you" when those that attacked us "offer" peace... just to have war come around in a circle in a year again!

Elizabeth Tate"

*bits into a synth-chocolate bisquit*

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - Names - 11-03-2010

*** Incoming Transmission ***

Location: Omega-49, Planet Gran Carina
Comm ID: Chrome

These bloody corsairs, when will they learn how to use diplomacy that doesn't involve bringing a gun to the table.... The raping and pillaging was understandable to a degree, but this just crosses the line. I'll see if I can make my way back over to Theta, see if I can lend a hand keeping these barbarians in their place... of at least away from yours.

I will see if I can get some supplies in to help fix the joint up a bit too once I've seen how the repairs have come along. Haven't been home in a while.... I hope Freeport 9 is looking a bit better than when I last saw her.

*** End Transmission ***

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - MarioR - 11-03-2010

Greetings my friends

I will try to help you the best way i can. I will take some suplies to FP9 also. I can't take too much since the Taurus is an Aquilon not a transport. As using the Taurus as a warship ... when i'm there my guns will help protecting the FP9.

Take care all my friends

Mario, captain of the Taurus