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Elsa Bjorn - Printable Version

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Elsa Bjorn - Elven - 11-05-2010

-- Opening file...
Name: Elsa Bjorn
Rank: Flieger
Age: 26
Height: 1,82 cm
Weight: 64,6 kg
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue-Green
Planet/Station of Origin: Hamburg
Background Information: (Marineintellegantzbureau archives)
Elsa Bjorn's originating from Hamburg, has Rheinland citizenship, has educational degree from Grundschule Müssenredder University of Hamburg, specializing on ship analysis & mechanics, as well as intergration of foreign details. Her motivation to join the Rheinwehr was explained by possibility to take over high position and get respect, as well as right to defend her homeland. Political affiliations seemed clear, although half of her alive (suspected to be alive) relatives might have dangerous links with communist movements. No proofs have been taken yet, though. She does express strong will to serve Chancellor, strong enough to be killed by order of Chancellor.

Medical checks show she has weak troubles with sight, as well as once broken legs, but she refuses to comment them.

Relatives: Rudolf Bjorn (Father), Hilda Bjorn-Moritz (Mother), Anika Bjorn (Sister), Mikhail Moritz (Uncle)

Rudolf Bjorn was working as one of high executives in the ALG for quite long time. He's well-known as one of main ecology defence activists who're rarely making huge raves against nature opression (and das Wilde activities) in Rheinland. Otherwise he's loyal to Chancellor man, whom devotion's mostly based on immovable property (personal line of shops on Hamburg). Right now he's out of business, but still controls majority of shares within his own company. Although, most likely he'll sell them soon.

Hilda Bjorn-Moritz was once a journalist, taking research in folk psychyology and behaviour, trying to lower level of foreign discrimination in Rheinland and enrich relations between Liberty and Rheinland. One of her famous works was "Lone Nation", brochure about lone folks not standing a chance against the rest of the world. She was also encouraging globalism views by all means. While she's suspected in undertable deals with certain terrorist groups, no proofs have been taken yet. Russian roots are to be taken into consideration. MONITORED.

Anika Bjorn is one of students of Berlin University, where she was lucky to enter in, by lottery. Considering actitivities on the Bundschuh in universities, she's better to be monitored, although no illegal activities have been officialy spotted, except few drunk parties.

Mikhail Bjorn is currently missing, but he was working as civilian contractor for Rheinland Federal Police, doing prisoner shipping jobs as freelancer. In general he shipped about 2, 394 in 3 months. Although Russian roots are to be considered, could be Coallition informant. STATUS: MIA
Basic Personality Traits:
(Comment by Helmut Becker, Hamburg, Grundschule Müssenredder University)
"Person is well eduacted in physics, chemistry, although her somewhat strange attitude doesn't let her utilize her abilities on science field. She has some troubles with her psychology and world views, however that's compensated by emotional and live appearance she has, bringing optimism into everyone's heart. Her discipline is often broken by emotional bursts. General communicative capabilities intend to show rather passive and closed character, despite she's trying to fix that (as it was explained once by her parents, she had hard childhood). Unfortunately her lack of emotional stability doesn't allow her to keep certain political affiliations."
(Comment by leutenaunt Emily Neumann)
"Rather well coordinated soldier, always looking to fight separately from group, though, making her skills quite useless. I suppose that shows quite low level of discipline, but I have to assure you, she's a bit fanatic sometimes, initiating fight faster then it's needed"

Elsa Bjorn - Elven - 11-05-2010

Winter, 818. Hamburg.

Unhooded girl going through streets of Hamburg city - something wonderfull, indeed! Considering amount of ice and snow in such time, she should hope she'd not get her nose frozen off.

Finally, I have my break! Now I can visit my parents and Anika! And eat more of those delciuous pies with tomatoes... Mm - Elsa thought with hunger. She just got a break from army for medical reasons for two months, that's really something to be glad about, considering level of enforced discipline in the Rheinland Military. She was looking for some party to celebrate that in, and right now was going to visit one of her military friends, Gunther, who was flieger in the same wing as she was. He took break for nearly the same reasons, coupled by pair of phobias pursuing him. Strong Rheinland discipline makes your health, that's right... Elsa sighed.

Strong wind was blowing, covering hair and dress of Elsa with snow... She loved snow so much. So brilliant, white, light... It was leaving impression of cleasense in her mind. Sometimes she thought it'd be better to replace military insignians with home somewhere deep in forest, but... pride took her place. Pride, ignored by anyone - by all those selfish little people.

Unnoticed, pair of hooded men were following her... When she turned to the corner, they forced her to stop by slow knocking her shoulder... "You're miss Elsa Bjorn, specialist in intergration of foreign ship systems, are we right?" One said.

Elsa turned around, surprised:
"Yes, I am... But what'd you need?"

One of men smirked, showing definately not Hamburg-native health. Another one was continuing:
"We have a job for you. Let's say, our contractor is in hurry, so let's go just now - isn't it better to discuss business in warm house with cup of tea?"

Elsa nodded negatively, showing dissappointment. Wind ceased for a few moments, letting hooded people speak faster:
"Unfortuantely then we'll have to apply certainly unintellegent methods of capturing women for a dinner"
One of them pulled out pistol. Unarmed Elsa felt like frozen, yet mixture of panic and histeric was ready to blow up them. She slapped the one with pistol, nervously screaming "Damn you, thieves!" and started running like mad.

Wind started blowing more...

Running was hard, as snow didn't help. Criminals were in the same situation, though. Elsa didn't know where to run, as she was feeling histerically and couldn't concentrate... One of them aimed pistol for her leg and pulled the trigger...

Elsa Bjorn - Elven - 11-06-2010

Blink... Flash of light.

Uh... Head... Where am I? - Elsa looked around with curiousity. Clothes were on, she had quite painfull feeling in leg. She was laying on soft sofa in quite large room with table and pair of chairs, with weak soft light, which prevented her from seeing more and better. She heard loud steps coming to her location and tried to wake up... Ouch! - she just realized she had leg injuiry and remembered events of "last" night.

Oh, so there you are... Elsa Bjorn, right? Excuse me, I was busy... Curing other clients. Let's say, I'm quite interested in knowledge you possess, and you were lucky I was around to save you from those outlaws. Damn unioners, little thieves, not worth of anything, they just fled with guns... Anyway, I don't think you're interested to hear that - perhaps you'd like to get some tea? - brown-haired grey-eyed man of middle age with medical kit entered room to fill it with walls of sounds slowly separating Elsa's mind. She didn't understood even half of what he said, so she just nodded and smiled. He clicked: Christhian, please bring two cups of finest earl grey to room fourteen!. Rapidly, he heard response: "Aye" and decided to take a sit.

Elsa slowly started to understand where she was... That looked like one of private hospitals, for elite, for those who have money to pay. She looked around, noticing some pictures... Some portraits, some photo... Even some katana was hanging on wall, leaving strange impression of bad taste of room designer. Either he was in hurry, or he was poorly paid?

Meanwhile man stared at Elsa's face, trying not to attract her attention. Somehow it was looking like some junker who picked up some new Kishiro toy and was trying to envalue it. Once she had ended with looking around, she looked into his face and chukled. Man sighed and started unpacking his kit.

I'm doctor Otto Schiller, nice to meet you. I hope you heard my words about those thieves who tried to rob you? - Elsa nodded. - Although, I'm interested in your service, I have one of those CTE ships with fancy names - I'm not really familiar with them, not being pilot, and I'd like to add some Rheinland-produced engine to it. I hope it shouldn't be hard for you.

Uhm... No, why not... But... Where am I? And how far from Grunwald is that? And how's my leg? - Elsa scratched her head, showing her confusion.

You'll be able to "use" it properly in few days. Although, as payment I require you to do a job I told you to do... And Grunwald is currently unaccessible due to snow storms, but relax- we'll deliver you in car to there, it won't take really long.

Someone knocked into the door "Tea delivery". Otto yelled "Come in". Some young-looking guy came in, carrying two cups of tea, sugar and pair of tea spoons. He left rather positive impression in weakened Elsa's mind. He closed the door, and doctor turned back to Elsa.

Since we do a business, perhaps we could find out more about each other?... What do you think about communism, for example? - his eyes were drilling Elsa ones. Girl suddenly felt like in university, with one of professors who openly accused her of being communist.

I... I don't know. Although I'd gladly contribute to well-being of usual folk, as they're Rheinland... - girl hugged cup while sipping tea. Pleasing warmness slowly was spreading through her body.

How're you willing to contribute to the Community then?