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Upchance of Inactive Character Recovery - Printable Version

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Upchance of Inactive Character Recovery - Nukey - 11-05-2010

Good evening...

I've recently got back into discovery, with a lot more enthusiasm than i had previously before. However, i was wondering if there was a slight... possibility that a previous character(s) could be recovered. However, I feel that the time frame may have been a bit too much.

Character name of one character would be:

=SoW=Nukey - Anubis (or of similar order vessel fighter type), possibly in Omicron Minor still...

Another one -could- be:

=SoW=Resurrection (if i created it)

There would also be a trading character with this, however, I cannot tell you the name that it was as I cannot remember, as they were usually random. I know it was an Adv train however. Maybe I can find a way to recall this data... anyway. trailing off here.

Bear in mind it would have been a while...

If this can be done, it will be extremely much appreciated.
If not, well, thank you for trying.


I have an old ID key. slim chance, but might be discovery. Whoever would like to deal with this request, I'll send to for checking through a PM.