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PS3 owners - - TFinnegan - 11-09-2010

Ever get corrupted data on your PS3?
I got your fix, daddy-o.

I had a game demo I downloaded, didn't like, and during deletion, my PS3 froze.
when I came back there was a corrupted data file in it's plcae that couldnt be removed.
So...I reformatted the HD, reinstalled the PS3 OS, updated it, and an hour later I had my system back, minus all my tweaks and downloads.

A few months later, I was networking my music, picture, and vido library to be viewed/played through my PS3, and same thing happened, some videos got corrupted, and couldnt be removed. Had to go through the SAME B.S. again!

THIS time, my PS3 started stuttering on loadup, and stopped running some games altogether, dvd's and Bluerays too. I was about to hurl it through the window when I'm walking past the Geek Squad counter at BestBuy and I see some techy working on a screen that said "file system corrupted, would you like to fix?"
I jerked to a halt, watched him fix someone elses file system, delete the now fixed files, then unplug th emachine and put it back in its box. Inside seconds...

I begged him to tell me how, and THIS is what he said:

1st, make sure your controller is hooked up with the USB cable.
Then, with the ps3 turned off, hold down the power button until you hear a 3rd set of beeps, then release it.
(if it asks you for desired display, thats not long enough, if it turns off again, thats too long)
There will be a number of options there, one of which is to fix the file system (WITHOUT FORMATTING hooray!!!), click -OK-, wait a few seconds and then the system restarts. Then delete damaged goods as normal.

He told me that this is what PS3 repair shops charge $150.oo to do 90% of the time there's a problem with PS3 file systems.

Also, i've noticed that EVERYTHING runs better, smoother, and faster now, even finding networked music and pics on my laptop remotely is faster.

Hope this helps someone save money, save grief, and avoid sending thier loved one into the shop or hurling it through the window.