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To:The Liberty Navy - Printable Version

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To:The Liberty Navy - 'Ends' - 11-11-2010

*Incoming transmission*
To:The Liberty Navy
Location the transmission was sent:Planet Erie
Subject:Exilation of my drone
Faction ID of the sender:Zoner

Greeting Libertonians,some time back my drone which I have lawfully progammed and constructed to research cell samples has been for some reason told to leave Liberty by one of your capital ships ID'd as the Oakland,claiming that Liberty is at war with all AIs.The drone works for nobody,except the Zoners and I .The drone does not serve criminals,the drone does not serve the Junkers,the drone does not serve terrorists,the drone does not even serve the Harvesters,the drone serves the Zoners and I alone,no one else.The drone does not fire on anyone save in self defense or Zoner enemies or people who have violated Zoner neutrality.I observe my drone all the time and when I sleep,the drone is always programmed to stay docked at a Zoner base.Now,I would like to know the reason my drone has been ordered by Oakland's captain,Cain to leave Liberty.That drone caused me my lifetime savings of 40000000 credits to construct and now it has been told for no reason to leave Liberty.How am I supposed to continue my research without that drone?I would like to know the reason as I strongly believe that the drone is innocent.If possible,the captain of the Oakland should respond as my drone has been here for quite some time and nobody from Liberty has ever ordered it to leave until now

Robert out
*The transmission ends*

To:The Liberty Navy - Sebastian Wolfe - 11-11-2010

Subject_Name: S.Wolfe
Location: Planet Manhattan, New York
Comm_Topic: AI

I realise that I probably am not the one you expected to hear from in regards to this message, but I felt that I should get my opinion on this matter in, as I am somewhat affected.

You see, I do not believe there is such a law in place for one simple reason: No-one has yet to tell my AI vessel to leave either.

It's not like it operates in secret, either. The Wolfcrest is a member of the Secondary fleet, and has operated as such for quite some time, even alongside the Oakland in question.

It is more likely that this Cain has a simple grudge against AI vessels, riather than AI-contolled ones. They do seem to attract a lot of unnecessary attention, much like how the Pilgrim-class attracts scrutiny despite their captain's intentions.

To:The Liberty Navy - Dejavu - 11-11-2010

[font=Fixedsys][color=#00CCCC]>/ Incoming Transmission \<
[font=Fixedsys][color=#00CCCC]>/ From - Task Force Seven Complaints Department \<
[font=Fixedsys][color=#00CCCC]>/ Case Reference - 11118180622 \<

[font=Fixedsys][color=#00CCCC]>/ Message Follows \<

[Image: TF74-1.png]

<div align="center][color=#FFFFFF]Ah, another Zoner, eh? If this turns out to be a false claim, or rather a claim that is trying to bring down the good reputation of the Task Force Seven you will be treated as hostile to all of the Task Force Seven's Operators, understand?

Now, to the matter in hand. Do you have any of the following:
  • Witnesses
  • Photographic Evidence
  • Conversation Recordings
If not, this is a very poor case indeed and will be dismissed. If yes however, please forward all evidence to the Complaints Department (Myself) and we will process them.

Have a Nice Day.

[font=Fixedsys][color=#00CCCC]>/ Cutting Transmission \<
[font=Fixedsys][color=#00CCCC]>/ Saving Backups \<
[font=Fixedsys][color=#00CCCC]>/ Transmission Sent \<

To:The Liberty Navy - Samuel Zanders - 11-11-2010

Initiating Connection...
Establishing Network...
Network 100% Complete...
Transmitting Message...

[color=#FFFFFF]Identification Processing...

Lieutenant-Commander Samuel Zanders

[font=Palatino Linotype]Robert Kramer,

The Liberty Navy has never declared a war against all AI vessels but there are a few things to keep in mind.

First of all, as stated in Section 3 - Paragraph V. of the laws of Liberty, any vessel that is a cruiser or above is automatically deemed as a threat unless it has received special permission by the High-Command to operate within Liberty space. I would like to know what exact vessel this AI-unit of yours is flying.

Second of all, a Liberty Navy officer on the field, or a LPI for that matter, has always retained the right to demand any AI unit to leave Liberty space if it finds it to be a potential threat to our security. Now I'm not saying that your unit is, I'm explaining the right that we possess.

This change of orders has been given to us due to the amount of AI that have been found acting in benefit for criminals or even directly attack us such as the harvesters. We even had one group of AI that had breached the Alaska system. So you can see, why we are careful to let in any robotic-unit that claims to be helping us.

However, what I suggest you do is two things. Attach files of evidence to back up your claims and send a transmission to the Liberty Navy High-Command and request permission to operate within Liberty. Then I'm sure that if you are granted such permission, a problem like this will never occur again.

[color=#3366FF]That is all - Zanders out.

To:The Liberty Navy - 'Ends' - 11-11-2010

*Transmission received*
*Incoming transmission*
Location the transmission was sent:Planet Erie
Subject:Exilation of my drone
Faction ID of the sender:Zoner

Witnesses?Oh yes,there was this ship ID'd as Wolfpaws if I remember correctly.The ship is just ID'd as Wolfpaws,it has no tags on its ID or maybe you could try Kentucky I hink he was there at that time and I am sure he is now with the [PTI]

Quote:'€¢Photographic Evidence
'€¢Conversation Recordings
Sadly,I did not install any devices capable of storing visual image and the recording of the drone was slightly faulty at that time.

Also,if you don't mind me asking,is TF7 something like a fleet?The only TF7 ships I have seen are capital ships.

Robert out
*Transmission terminated*

To:The Liberty Navy - Samuel Zanders - 11-11-2010

Initiating Connection...
Establishing Network...
Network 100% Complete...
Transmitting Message...

[color=#FFFFFF]Identification Processing...

Lieutenant-Commander Samuel Zanders

[font=Palatino Linotype]Robert Kramer,

Please answer the question provided in my previous transmission, what exact vessel is your AI-unit flying?

Secondly, what exactly is your research in Liberty?

Thirdly, if you cannot provide with any hard-evidence to back-up your claims. The only thing we can do in this regard is to monitor the Oakland for a brief period of time. I hope you understand why.

As to your own question, the Task-Force Seven is a special Liberty Navy wing ranging from Fighter-crafts all the way up to Dreadnought Capital Ships.

[color=#3366FF]That is all - Zanders out.

To:The Liberty Navy - 'Ends' - 11-11-2010

Quote:To:Samuel Zanders
Location the transmission was sent:Planet Erie
Subject:Exilation of my drone
Faction ID of the sender:Zoner

My AI drone is a drone...The small green ship thing...
I research on Humans.Volunteers donate cell samples to me but everything is legal and I repeat LEGAL
Yes, I cannot provide evidence,but I just need you to monitor anyone who is the captain of the Oakland especially Cain

Robert out
*Transmission terminated*

To:The Liberty Navy - Samuel Zanders - 11-11-2010

Initiating Connection...
Establishing Network...
Network 100% Complete...
Transmitting Message...

[color=#FFFFFF]Identification Processing...

Lieutenant-Commander Samuel Zanders

[font=Palatino Linotype]Robert Kramer,

Considering what vessel you fly and the research you conduct, you are within the parameters of the law.

However, I strongly suggest you request official clearance so you can refer to that document whenever you are in a tangle with the Liberty Navy or the Liberty Police. Conducting a research within Liberty is possible, but you must apply for it. Having a licence always makes things easier.

I believe this could be the underlining reason behind the decision-taking of the Oakland. An AI-Unit conducting research (regardless of its nature) within Liberty but without having a license to do so is indeed a reasonable justification for suspicious behaviour.

This being exactly your case.

Regardless, the TF7 and the Oakland in particular have received numerous complaints in a single week. Despite the fact that a few of them were deemed invalid, and your own being backed up by zero evidence - we will begin monitoring their behaviour.

[color=#3366FF]That is all - Zanders out.

To:The Liberty Navy - 'Ends' - 11-11-2010

To:Samuel Zanders
Location the transmission was sent:Planet Erie
Subject:Exilation of my drone
Faction ID of the sender:Zoner

Yes,I understand,and I will try to do it ASAP.
Quote:Regardless, the TF7 and the Oakland in particular have received numerous complaints in a single week. Despite the fact that a few of them were deemed invalid, and your own being backed up by zero evidence - we will begin monitoring their behaviour.
You may interrogate the names I have given to TF7,if you could not see the transmission then here are the names:Wolfpaws and[PTI]LtlKentucky.
So when can my drone resume operations in Liberty,after I apply for my license?
Thanks for looking into the matter

Robert out
*Transmission terminated*

To:The Liberty Navy - Makc_RU - 11-11-2010

*** Transmission***

I was there when it happened. It happened BACK IN A DAY WHEN I WAS STILL ON GOOD TERMS WITH LN, before someone on pms gave me the penalty.

Anyway, it was Oakland, Roy and I chasing HF Battleship, which was killing AWESOME. There was this AI vessel, I forgot its name, but it starts with D i think. So, the AI vessel stated that it is here strictly to observe and was just flying around. After a while Oakland told him to get out otherwise he will blow him to pieces. Then there was something about Liberty declaring the war against AIs.

*** End of Transmission***