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We-lp - Dusty Lens - 11-17-2010

Yeah. It's gonna be one of -those- threads.

In short. I'm taking a powder. The meal was great, the conversation charming. The bill will be here any minute and if you can just excuse me I need to go use the restroom.

All that was seen of him was a shoe atop a urinal, adjacent to an open window.

That cad.

I'm taking my leave of you lot. On a rather permanent basis. The times have been many and fine. Most of you folk are pretty decent, the rest I can't bring myself to hate too much (except for the racists, but you guys have your own issues to work out, like finding employment when you're under-qualified amiright?).

Issue is rather that I've a bit too much in my own life and things are a bit too busy on the real side of the screen. Work, school, shooting fish with guns and generally enjoying things. Those don't sit well with FL because, well, I can't seem to play here casually. I've tried, many a time. But no matter how much energy I put into just logging in on the occasion I swiftly find myself scheming a project, taking on responsibility or otherwise trying to direct/control something.

I just enjoy moving things around too much to kick back and enjoy myself occasionally. Woe that it should be so.

I'll be finishing out my obligations to the dev team for this cycle. Those ship infocards that still need doing and the remaining ID changes. The GMS has been handed over to our own Duncan, who will lead them to glory beneath the arch. My loot's eventual owners have already been selected, there is no stuff to haz.

Consider the mod badge officially turned in. You're on your own Dab. Trolo.

Now, before I go, a flurry of spam in various topics to bring my post count up to 7000.

I say good day sir.


1 (16 ounce) package hot dogs
2 (48 ounce) containers chicken broth
1 1/2 cups chopped fresh chives

With a sharp knife, cut the hot dogs in half the short way. Slice each piece in half vertically, cutting about 3/4 of the way up towards the rounded end. Leave about 1 inch of the rounded end as the head of the octopus. Rotate the dog 90 degrees, and make another vertical cut. Cut the 4 legs in half again, to make 8 legs and a head. The hot dogs should look like tassels with rounded heads.
Bring the chicken broth and chives to a boil in a soup pot. Place the octopus hot dogs into the boiling soup, and simmer for about 5 minutes. The legs will curl to make the octopus shape. Serve in bowls with an octopus or 2 in each bowl.

Edit: To hell with getting to 7000.

We-lp - Zelot - 11-17-2010


We-lp - Miaou - 11-17-2010


We-lp - Akura - 11-17-2010

[Image: tumblr_l8cdocEy5v1qbtqtm.gif]

We-lp - Jihadjoe - 11-17-2010

Take it easy Lens. You've done a lot of good man.

We-lp - Zelot - 11-17-2010

' Wrote:Take it easy Lens. You've done a lot of good men.

Fixed that for you Joe.

In honor of Dusty.....

Penis... Trololololo

We-lp - Shagohad - 11-17-2010

You forgot to give Duncan mod powers in the GMS chat....

Edit: I mean we can just make our own chat and not bother Dusty.

We-lp - Akura - 11-17-2010

' Wrote:Penis...


We-lp - Agmen of Eladesor - 11-17-2010

Good luck and enjoy life.

Failing that...


We-lp - Boss - 11-17-2010

[Image: this_is_unacceptable.png]