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To flee or not to flee... - Printable Version

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To flee or not to flee... - Bootsiuv - 11-17-2010

Greetings friends....Captain James Bootsiuv here....some of you may know me, most of you won't though.

Anywhoos, I was wondering how many people think fleeing pvp death rule is not only oorp, it is also difficult to enforce and just plain dull?

If I'm engaging another fighter craft, why is it considered defeat if I choose to run? Why is it considered defeat if I choose to dock?

I understand the concepts involved here, but I feel it's an unnecessary rule, as far as I can tell. If I'm able to dodge cds and make a break for it....why is that considered a loss? It kind of nullifies hit and run tactics for the sake of hit and run tactics IMO.

Space is a dangerous place, and if I'm able to dock and/or flee, so can the other guy....what is unfair about this?

I also don't like the rp indie pirate should be free to come in, do some damage, and then fade away into the night, no? Much more interesting from an rp perspective.

I haven't been on the server very long, and still have much to learn about the rules....any enlightened views, constructive criticism and comments are welcome.

I thank you for your time....

James Bootsiuv
Captain of the Esus
Captain of the Ceridwen

P.S. Sorry if this is the 100th thread about I said, I'm relatively new around here....

To flee or not to flee... - Backo - 11-17-2010

Solely done because fights in space take over 30 minutes on average when talking about fighters... And in that time people that flee can reload and return... Making the fight... Endless? It's all about balance and abuse protection.

To flee or not to flee... - Alex. - 11-17-2010

Because then you haven't lost the fight when you dock - you can just grab more regens and continue pewing.

To flee or not to flee... - AshHill07 - 11-17-2010

Well then surely if your in a fight and take heavy damage and still escape the other guy isen't as good as he thought he was. Its rather oorp just to say that if you escape you died. Yes it would probably mean that fights are unfair on the person who didn't run but if your target escapes, restocks and comes back to the fight location and your still there you probably deserve it.

To flee or not to flee... - Backo - 11-17-2010

It could've been removed or made shorter (the penalty for fleeing)... If let's say... Fights were shorter. Ofcourse for that we need to decrease armor or nanobot supplies, but that's drifting into another topic.

To flee or not to flee... - hribek - 11-17-2010

Actually I think you're quite right on. Fighters are blessed with longevity. But the rule is the best compromise that could be thought of in the next few years. Removing it might work in a world without nanobots and where repairing damage at a base takes time Then there's of course capital ships using a base to juice its shields up. The game we're playing sometimes doesn't have the depth you'd want from it.

Hit and run tactics can actually work, if you hit hard enough, blow everything up or make it run, all before their reinforcements arrive. The alternative is to have someone cover you and stay in the fight, while dragging it away from you. You can't rejoin them later but you don't have to run outsystem like crazy, either.

Another view on the matter would be doing hit and run once in 4 hours. Actually more times if you use adjacent systems. It gives everybody a nice cooldown period.

To flee or not to flee... - Hone - 11-17-2010

I'd say there is some value to the dock-fleeing rule, because having the invincible bases is OoRP itself (right?) so in "Real" space warfare if someone docked, the base could be blown apart around them, and also freelancers scale is way off, making bases too close together.
But the just running out of scanner range is silly and unnecessary, its a valid tactic, and after all, you dont need to wait for your opponent to get back!

So I think we should either get destructable bases (fat chance) or keep the docking=fleeing rule, but reduce the time-out to half an hour,
and get rid of the running=fleeing rule.

Also I think hull strength for all ships should be divided by 10

As it is, flee'ers just sit 9.9ks out then stop so they dont count as fleeing, and a long and boring stalemate occurs for no good reason in or out of RP

To flee or not to flee... - Govedo13 - 11-18-2010

I guess 2 hours for fleeing and 4 for death is realistic compromise.

To flee or not to flee... - Lobster - 11-18-2010

how about you cant attack the same people after fleeing, but you can stay in the system?

To flee or not to flee... - Varyag - 11-18-2010

Its a necessary evil that we kind of have to deal with. Some players will take things beyond fun with some things to win, this is just the only way out of it.

The whole hit and run thing works fine of you manage to get out before the cavalry arrives.

Jumping to a different system to continue your rampage is valid in these instances. I have had a couple of pirates in Liberty for years and I have been fine with it.

If you go to a different system, you can be pretty sure that they will follow and attack... and this time on your terms. 90% of the time you will get a second chance when they do this.

Running battles through 4 systems with angry lawfuls have happened to me quite a few time in my light fighters.

The only time I have shaken my fist in rage over this is taking on a few fighters, winning and then having to face something like a funboat in my scimitar that just can't hurt it. (ohhh man have I tried though) You just have to bite your lip and head to the hills.... or if it is a battle cruiser or bs, buzz him for an hour taunting him. Then you get to see them rage because they can't kill you with slow guns and can't leave without this rule kicking them out. THAT is fun.