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LOTTERY - Printable Version

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LOTTERY - galaktik - 12-17-2007

New Siruis Lottery has begun, here are the rules as this company will start

to act very soon


* Player has to pick 2 numbers form 2 to 18 for each ticket

* Player may buy maximum 5 lottery tickets

* The lowest number you can choose is 2

* The highest number you can choose is 18

* A given number can only be chosen once per lottery ticket,

* Special ticket is the one that cost 10million and it includes 4 separate tickets

* If 2 same or more players choose same numbers jackpot will be eaquly divided

* JACKPOT will be drawn once per week at 7 PM GMT on Sunday

* JACKPOT drawing will be made for first number by throwing 2 dices for first number and 3dices for second number

* Each Lottery ticket costs 3 million credits

* Minimum JACKPOT is 30 million credits per draw

* Players would have from 1 ticket, 1 in 135 chance to win(wich is not bad)

* Players name and numbers that he chosen on ticket will be written in this topic

* If no winner i gained form draw, 20% of Jackpot goes to poorest faction

* Lottery will keep 15% of all ticket profit to cover costs

All rulers are trademarks of Lottery

Lottery will make Luxury Liner named !*Lottery*! wich will receive orders to buy tickets

Leaders of Lottery are Galaktik and Sn!p3r

So Folks get your tickets and win the cash!

LOTTERY - galaktik - 12-17-2007

Current ticket buyers and number of tickets

Armoury.001 - 3 tickets
-MB52 - 1 ticket
=CR=Soulhunter - 1ticket
"Troll" - 1 ticket
Alexander-Kalashnikov - 3 tickets
TR.UN.-Alpha-Shipping - 1ticket
Monsieur_Glissant - 1 ticket
Constrict.store2 - 5 ticktes
Pablo_Ibanez - 1 ticket
El.Nino - 1 ticket
Flyingmonkey - 1 ticket
total tickets sold 19

Total Jackpot is 70 million credits and rising

Currently our ship is at planet New Berlin

last update 19.12 17.05 PM

LOTTERY - sn!p3r - 12-17-2007

Looks good, and this will be fun;)

LOTTERY - sn!p3r - 12-17-2007

3 more tickets sold, Name- Alexander-Kalashnikov ill pm you chosen numbers

LOTTERY - sn!p3r - 12-17-2007

One more sold TR.UN.-Alpha-Shipping

EDIT: and another Monsieur_Glissant

LOTTERY - sn!p3r - 12-18-2007

5 tickets Sold to Constrict.store2

LOTTERY - Rogue63 - 12-18-2007

Sounds like a fun idea. The only question I have is, is about the numbers. 1st number is decided by 2 dice, 2nd number is 3 dice, ok no problem. If you are using a standard 6 sided dice, the minimum number would be 2, and using 3 dice for 2nd number maximum number would be 18. I am thinking the number selection should be between 2-18, versus 1-15, unless I am missing something here. Now I am not complaining just somewhat confused.

LOTTERY - galaktik - 12-19-2007

Yes sir we will fix that error, thank you for noticing

Now we have Special ticket for 10million that includes 4 tickets, but cost 10milion(2mill less then 4 ordinary tickets)

LOTTERY - galaktik - 12-19-2007

Comm ID: !*Lottery*!

Since Lottery is friendly to al, and we not wish to fight or be target practice for pirates, you know we are Lottery, only trying to promote our idea and game, it ads good RP for Discovery server, we nver shot anyone exept from pirates in self defense. There is no other ship like this, so it is unique.

So i ask to grant neutral ID for !*Lottery*!

Thank you in advance,

Lottery Menagment

LOTTERY - ivr56 - 12-20-2007

great idea guys
Making the server more RP, now we even have our own lottery