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Cyber bullying etc. - Printable Version

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Cyber bullying etc. - Exile - 11-23-2010

A friend of mine is doing a paper on cyber bullying, cyber abuse (Sexual and other forms of) and all nasty things of the internet children may run into. I told her I knew just the place on where to inform about this, so I'd appreciate it if you have a story and wish to share, were to PM me about it. Either here or on my Facebook if you're on it. (No, I won't be adding anyone for it.) Your name will not be included into the paper but what you have to say will merely be used as say an example or as a part of a larger theory.

Would like no troll, too.

Cyber bullying etc. - Kestal - 11-24-2010

I've been lucky and come into very little of it myself. But I've seen people who have been harassed, and even had been given death threats over a game.

The only thing I can think of is from back in June, on WoW. I was being griefed in tells and PMs on a guild forum because I was too busy to login and for a little while, this person made me quit the game. But I've been lucky, and compared to some things I've heard of, my experience is nothing.

Nonetheless, I hate it. I really do.

Cyber bullying etc. - hypermauler - 11-24-2010

Well, I could talk about the ''standart'' day of an averaze player within an online shooting game.

Well, briefly, First person shooters, the one I played (PC btw) have always been a hell of a time.

I can talk about:

-Racism, im a french Canadian'

-Hate and rage to very violent chat between players on a very regular basic.

-Insult , and very low respect within a large population, general anger envrionnement.

''those 3, I consider are 3 very bad influences on a child development, especially socialy, and moraly as he become himself a cyber bully, It is something I have experienced and that Im still having some influence on my living today , 3-4 years later.

Then, I have also experienced ''Competitive gaming'' , of Hight amateur grade, and there are a lot of negative inpact on one player.

-well, even been fun , and linking you with a very known group of person daily + giving you a feeling of strengh and accomplishment.

- There are several key ''negative impacts'' : - You become addicted, ( 4 hours a day as a standart), and add enlarged playing sessions ( whole night playing on a regular basic), you become addicted even not knowing it at first and eventually mutulate your lifehood, for the worst...

-You are psycologicly streesed by the fact that you need to perform, which often overdrive the feeling of entertaining. When your mark in a game become more important then your school grade' , And that effect is bigger as you fear to be missreguarded by your clanmates.. as a ''noob''.

-There are successive consequences about this, that can go really really far..

To tell you the truth, its even worst when your out of it, as it misss you, that you feel very bored,... somehow It completely removed my needs of real friend, at least about calling them... even afterward. it turned me into someone very lonely with poor self confidence and sad in overall. I have yet to ''cure myself'' from these events... But in another hand I just want to play... because it dissimate the pain... for a short time, while it last.

I can provide further more detail about this,
I consider this as some sort of cyber danger, a fun game can turn as a hazaradous area psychologicly and is in my opinion much more worst then standart harrashment and bullying as it turns to be part of your life.

Cyber bullying etc. - peyton - 11-24-2010

Hmm.... most of freelancer is Cyber bullying

Cyber bullying etc. - Death.RunningVerminator - 11-24-2010

' Wrote:Hmm.... most of freelancer is Cyber bullying

But uh. Exile, if ya use google a bit you'll find a lot of stuff regarding people commiting suicide due to Cyber Bullying.

:/ = My opinion on the matter.

Cyber bullying etc. - lw'nafh - 11-24-2010

' Wrote:This.

But uh. Exile, if ya use google a bit you'll find a lot of stuff regarding people commiting suicide due to Cyber Bullying.

:/ = My opinion on the matter.
I think An-Hero's friend might be a good example, though he didn't kill himself, if I remember correctly.

Cyber bullying etc. - Bass_masta992 - 11-24-2010

I would recommend that she bring up the idea that the only reason the issue is being mitigated at this point is because of stronger media exposure. No, this isn't the first instance of bullying, but it was one that got taken more seriously by a larger crowd, and that's the reason it's being acknowledged. Reason being, that's how it gets solved: in numbers.

Cyber bullying etc. - AeternusDoleo - 11-24-2010

... use the Sair/Zoner conflict as a prime example?;)

On a more serious note: I've had this happen but frankly, I don't understand the current fuss on cyberbullying. There is such a thing as ignore lists. And people take this crap way too seriously. Identity theft/cyberstalking is a far more serious issue, as it doesn't target the person directly.

Cyber bullying etc. - Stargoose - 11-24-2010

Once, while playing counter strike source, I heard what sounded like a bunch of 12 year olds chant "kill all arabs" at a guy called mohamed.

I think most bullying happens when those who are considered to be the cool kids make it acceptable for the rest to jump on another person or group of persons.

Once that happened, all the behavior standards that were upheld by them when it came to protecting one of their own is dropped, and becoming extremely personal, threats to hack someone's computer, to beat someone up, kill them, or encourage them to kill themselves suddenly become ok.

Yeah I think the zoner thing that someone pointed out would an example, at least what concerns the group dynamics and psychology behind it. But there are more examples in every online community.

Cyber bullying etc. - schlurbi - 11-24-2010

' Wrote:... use the Sair/Zoner conflict as a prime example?;)

On a more serious note: I've had this happen but frankly, I don't understand the current fuss on cyberbullying. There is such a thing as ignore lists. And people take this crap way too seriously. Identity theft/cyberstalking is a far more serious issue, as it doesn't target the person directly.
There are Things like putting a sexy Video of an Ex-Girlfriend into the Internet, that is considered as Cyber Bullying, and you almost cannot do a Thing to change that, meaning delete, block or do whatever. Mostly it's that bad that People or whole Families have to move.