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Gone, the Sun - Printable Version

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Gone, the Sun - Silver.2 - 11-24-2010

Where it All Has to Begin

>>>Loading Form X-194
>>>Security Classification: Platinum Internal Access
>>>Form Filing Designation: Report
>>>Begin Form Loadout'€¦

Subject: A Proposal for Effective Ordinance Fielding
Date: 0221 - 6/9/2196
Recipient Office: Alliance Federal Coordination Board/Defense Division
Recipient Officer: <REDACTED>


(Biologically Enhanced Mechanical Ordinance Deployment and Attack Interface)

As recognized by the Assessment of Coalition Fleet Dynamics and Effects presentation at the recent 113th Biannual Alliance Defense Summit, the loss of our troops to Coalition strike forces is escalating at an alarming rate. Over 65% of Space Service Division troops are either captured, MIA, or KIA within their first 6 months of service. Such extraordinarily high loss rates are causing a strain on both personnel availability and the effective capacity of our training facilities.

As such, the Division of Alternative Warfare Tactics and Technologies has proposed a potential alleviation of this issue.

Recent research by D.A.W.T.T.'€™s Neuroscience Department has yielded interesting results in the potential of the human body. Through the examination of the remains of several unidentifiable Space Service snub craft pilots, we have found that, while biological material within the human body quickly loses it'€™s operational viability and neural stimulation within hostile or practical vacuum environments, the inherent structure remains relatively intact.

While this information may seem relatively useless, seeing as re-animation is still considered impossible, with today'€™s technology, the potential is rather amazing.

Through several months of extensive testing, we have found that certain sections of the epicenter, temporal lobes, prefrontal cortex, and deep limbic system - when supplanted with an effective, partially-adaptive computing base, an effect bearing a resemblance to the '€œsci-fi'€ vision of an artificial intelligence is achieved. However, through careful manipulation of the computing base, this capacity can be altered - effectively, creating an adaptive, yet highly effective platform to complete an assigned task.

As to address the ethical issue'€¦rest assured that the procedure to obtain the required neural material is extremely simple, and will not mutilate any to-be-honored remains beyond generally acceptable or noticeable levels.

If a proper frame is developed, this could serve as an effective supplement to our dwindling, tired forces, perhaps even providing the edge needed to reverse the tide of this escalating conflict.

We hope to hear from the AFCB/D Division soon, <REDACTED>.

>>>Form End

>>>Loading Form X-723
>>>Security Classification: Platinum Internal Access
>>>Form Filing Designation: Report
>>>Begin Form Loadout'€¦

Subject: A viable testbed
Date: 0935 - 7/1/2198
Recipient Office: Alliance Federal Coordination Board/Defense Division
Recipient Officer: <REDACTED>

Good day, <REDACTED>. It'€™s truly a pleasure to hear on your recent promotion. Perhaps, with your influence, we may still have a shot at this war.

However, on to business.

Since the concept was proposed almost two years ago, Project BEMODAI has progressed far, with much thanks due to your significant backing. While the war has severely strained our resources and manpower, we believe that we have finally created a viable, working prototype for the concept. Using a reinforced, humanoid structure, we have crafted an interface with which the biologically-modified computing base can interact most effectively.

With this new, usable frame, our contractors have assembled two prototypes, hopefully for use in field testing. The first, meant for a more narrow-minded, combat-oriented operation, is the REVEILLE-01, which uses the neural material of an unidentified marine, lost during the boarding operation of a Coalition Class-2 Destroyer. The other model, intended for a more adaptable, service-oriented operation, is the TAPS-05, which is fitted with the neural material of a KIA snub craft pilot.

The success of this program may be key in the ending of this war. I dearly hope that you can get our models into active field testing as soon as possible.

>>>Form End


>>>Loading Form X-739
>>>Security Classification: Platinum Internal Access
>>>Form Filing Designation: Response Vector
>>>Begin Form Loadout'€¦

Subject: Field testing
Date: 1129 - 8/14/2198
Recipient Office: Alliance Division of Alternative Warfare Tactics and Technologies
Recipient Officer: <REDACTED>

Your testbeds have proven acceptable.

The REVEILLE-01 and TAPS-05 have both been transferred to our main shipyards, in orbit of Pluto. The REVEILLE-01 is to be stationed aboard the ANS-Arrow, a ground-assault light attack carrier. The TAPS-02 is designated for emergency medical use onboard the ANS-Thunderbird, a scout destroyer currently under construction. Both are to be integrated into the Alliance 4th Primary Fleet. Let'€™s hope they perform to expectations

>>>Form End


>>>Loading Form X-893
>>>Security Classification: Platinum Internal Access
>>>Form Filing Designation: Response Vector/Tertiary
>>>Begin Form Loadout'€¦

Subject: Testbed status
Date: 1234 - 2/21/2219
Recipient Office: Alliance Division of Alternative Warfare Tactics and Technologies
Recipient Officer: <REDACTED>

We have unsatisfactory news for your Division, <REDACTED>

Recent frontline reports have noted the destruction of the ANS-Arrow; If you recall, this was the vessel on which the REVEILLE-01 was stationed. It is believed to have been vaporized during the initial core destabilization.

Your second testbed model, the TAPS-05, has been re-located to the AFCB/D Division'€™s Secure Storage Facility, in orbit of Neptune. As of now, it has been re-designated as property of the Alliance Federal Cooperation Board.

Consider the project postponed, until further notice.

>>>End Form



>>>LoAD-ng F-<CORRUPTED>13
>>>Security ClasS-f-TIoN: Gold <CORRUPTED>
>>>Form Filing Designation: Liberty Cargo Dossier, Scientific Preservation Section

*VEgA Cl-<CORRUPTED> Farm Equipment
*TAPS-05 BEMODAI Testbed
*6x WoLve-<CORRUPTED>-class Snubcraft
*HYUF Crystal Matrix

Defective Cargo

Feb. 1st, 0 A.S. - Planet Manhattan

'€œAre ya'€™ up yet?'€

Shiva sighed at the guttural calls of the dock surveyor. As she grabbed another rung of the ladder straddling the access shaft, she closed her eyes and called back '€œYou wanna'€™ try this yer'€™self, old man?'€

She heard mumbling from below, and chuckled. Damn bastard couldn'€™t even make it up here, not to mention moving the damn freight; why they put him in charge of unloading the old girl was beyond her. But, rules were rules. At the very least, she wouldn'€™t have to listen to him for much longer - the ship was nearly unloaded. In fact, if she figured correctly, this should be her last run up.

Another rung in hand. This one was greasy. By now, she was far out of earshot from the supervisor. She could faintly see the dim lights illuminating the access hatch. A few more rungs, and she could clearly see it - a circular hatch, with the letters '€œSP'€ emblazoned in white paint. As she came closer, she grasped forward, feeling for a small grip, embedded into the hatch. As she felt the patch, she smiled, and pulled it back.

As it pulled back on it'€™s hinges, it revealed a small, cube-like room. You could tell that, before, it had been orderly, and probably stacked high with whatever the hell the techs had stuffed into the rows of identical, perfect-cube boxes which had originally been stored there. But, now, there were simply a few scattered boxes, lying on the floor. The result of her work, Shiva thought for a fleeting second.

Searching around for her assigned parcel - something called a '€œHYUF'€ - she stumbled around in the half light. Searching with her hands, along the walls, she soon found a small box, rather light in weight. Swinging her head close to it, to see the designation, she made out the letters '€œHYU'€, and then what seemed to be a rubbed-away '€œF'€. Deciding this was what she needed, she began to turn around. However, something caught her eye.

Rather than the identical, perfect cubes which had stacked the shelves of the storage room, this one was'€¦well, different. Rectangular, in a way. 2 lights - one red, one right - gently pulsated in front, although, even in the dim light, they were almost impossible to discern from a distance. The words '€œProperty of AFCB/Defense Division were imprinted on front, pressed into the metal. She gently placed the box down, and approached it.

Tapping it lightly, she heard a reverberating, ringing sound pulse through the metal. Whatever the box was made of, it was certainly something odd. Getting up closer, to see the details a bit better, she searched for some kind of viewing port, or description. After a few minutes, she sighed - nothing but numbers and scratches. Still, something about it stuck in her mind.

As she picked up her parcel once more, she shook her head, trying to focus on her task. Whatever was in the box was probably scrapped anyway, she reasoned. It didn'€™t look like it was lashed to anything, and there were certainly a good amount of scratches on it'€™s box. Probably shaken to bits.

She turned away, as she climbed back down into the shaft. Pressing an old, cracked switch on the walls of the shaft, she caught a glance of the hatchway sealing itself.

Gone, the Sun - Petitioner - 11-27-2010

"Keep the museum clean. No dust, no dirt, no holes in the floor. It's a very old ship, and most certainly prone to minor structural failures." That was what he had signed up for. The Liberty was turned into a museum after the first colonists had set up a real and proper colony, a House, and now, seven hundred years later, it was still standing. The other Houses also had set up their sleeper ships as national museums, too... and they were in much better shape than the Liberty. The government was always trying to cut costs. When they started hiring workers from Texas - workers like him - they had gone to the cheapest labor in society that wasn't free.

Three and a half credits an hour, and in return he had to clean up the oldest piece of human history still in existence. Now, he'd always been a bit of a shady character, and taking this job didn't exactly discourage him from trying to make a little money on the side. Little did he know, he'd have his chance soon enough.

As he went about repairing a broken floor panel, he tossed his bag of tools haphazardly at the wall, as was his usual custom. But, something quite unusual happened - as it fell down from the wall and hit the floor, there was a creak. He went over to investigate, and as his hand touched down upon the floor panel, it fell away, revealing a large, dark room. He pulled a flashlight off of his tool belt and peered into the room. He saw hundreds of ancient relics from old Earth, apparently hastily stuffed away with little regard as to how it would fare for the long journey to humanity's new home.

Over the coming weeks, he would sneak out large amounts of the ancient artifacts at a time, disguised in large crates. When asked what they were, he'd simply remark that they were old wires and floor panels that required replacing. Nobody asked any questions. He started slowly selling them off, one at a time, to his even more shady friends. Until one day, he found something that would change his life forever. A nearly-functional AI unit, marked as "TAPS-05". Eventually, he purchased two spaceships with the money from the old relics, and hooked the TAPS-05 up to one of them, keeping the second for himself. Now, things were going to work a little differently.

Gone, the Sun - Petitioner - 11-27-2010

"Keep the museum clean. No dust, no dirt, no holes in the floor. It's a very old ship, and most certainly prone to minor structural failures." That was what he had signed up for. The Liberty was turned into a museum after the first colonists had set up a real and proper colony, a House, and now, seven hundred years later, it was still standing. The other Houses also had set up their sleeper ships as national museums, too... and they were in much better shape than the Liberty. The government was always trying to cut costs. When they started hiring workers from Texas - workers like him - they had gone to the cheapest labor in society that wasn't free.

Three and a half credits an hour, and in return he had to clean up the oldest piece of human history still in existence. Now, he'd always been a bit of a shady character, and taking this job didn't exactly discourage him from trying to make a little money on the side. Little did he know, he'd have his chance soon enough.

As he went about repairing a broken floor panel, he tossed his bag of tools haphazardly at the wall, as was his usual custom. But, something quite unusual happened - as it fell down from the wall and hit the floor, there was a creak. He went over to investigate, and as his hand touched down upon the floor panel, it fell away, revealing a large, dark room. He pulled a flashlight off of his tool belt and peered into the room. He saw hundreds of ancient relics from old Earth, apparently hastily stuffed away with little regard as to how it would fare for the long journey to humanity's new home.

Over the coming weeks, he would sneak out large amounts of the ancient artifacts at a time, disguised in large crates. When asked what they were, he'd simply remark that they were old wires and floor panels that required replacing. Nobody asked any questions. He started slowly selling them off, one at a time, to his even more shady friends. Until one day, he found something that would change his life forever. A nearly-functional AI unit, marked as "TAPS-05". Eventually, he purchased two spaceships with the money from the old relics, and hooked the TAPS-05 up to one of them, keeping the second for himself. Now, things were going to work a little differently.