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Corsair General Directives - Printable Version

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Corsair General Directives - CorsairCouncil - 11-24-2010

:: transmission start ::
:: source : Council Hall, Crete, Omicron Gamma ::

[Image: nqzciw.jpg]

Corsairs, Brothers, Sisters,

Lately, some of you were asking for guidance in your actions. We will provide some here. In the days of some of the relations with our neighbors changing at a fast pace, the Elders would issue orders that should be heeded to. The Three Clans know of these orders through their respective Elders. Here, you - Corsairs of other allegiance will be capable to see these issued orders, so that we can perform - as a Nation and Empire - in more unison.

This channel can be accessed from any Corsair base and stationed flagships. To prevent the order being intercepted and exploited, we will not broadcast them at all. They will be delivered on physical discs, by couriers.

- The Council of Elders

:: transmission end ::

Corsair General Directives - Curios - 04-03-2011

:: Channel Open ::
ID: Ellias Fernandes De La Rosa

[font=Book Antiqua]
This channel was extremely helpful, thanks for wisdom.

/Signed Ellias Fernandes De La Rosa

Corsair General Directives - DarthBindo - 04-05-2011

[Image: trioq.png]

Snarkiness never got anyone anywhere.
If orders you want, orders you get.
Seems the Kusarians have requested our aid in fighting the GMG.
Give it to them.
All reserve forces are hearby advised to move to Sigma 13, and Sigma-17, to destroy all you see.
Scouts dispatched by ACIO have also advised of the presence of a Rheinwehr battlegroup in the area.
Destroy it, destroy the GMG, destroy the Outcasts, destroy them all.
And try not to let anyone see you dock on Yanagi or Atka. No need for unpleasantness.

Vivat Fraternitatem!Vivat Imperii! Vivat Corsair!
~Elder Ezio Della Francesca, The Brotherhood

Corsair General Directives - CorsairCouncil - 01-29-2012

:: transmission start ::

:: source : Council Hall, Crete, Omicron Gamma ::

[Image: av-328661.png]

Starting now access to the Omicron Theta and Omega 41 systems is forbidden for any combat ship, regardless of their affiliation, with the exception of allied* ships. That means any fighter, bomber, gunship or larger vessels not belonging to the Corsair Empire or its allies* will be told to turn around and leave the Empire’s space. The refusal to comply will result in the destruction of any trespasser.

All allied*, friendly or neutral transports hauling supplies for the Corsair Empire are not to be harmed.

All non-allied transport ships that wish to transit Omicron Theta or Omega 41 for any reason other than transporting goods for the Empire need to get one of the Corsair Elders’ approval before doing so. Entering the system prior to receiving permission will result in the confiscation of the entire cargo load.

All trade with Freeport Five, Freeport Nine and Corfu Base is forbidden. No shots are to be fired on any of those station but all supply convoys are to be stopped and redirected to Leon Base or Skiros Station until the administrators of all three independent bases give up command in favor of the Corsair Empire.

All Corsair pilots must take note of these orders and enforce them within the Omicron Theta and Omega 41 systems. It is our duty to protect the space that so many of us died for and it’s imperative that we secure Omicron Gamma’s neighboring systems.

In case of complaints, address the nearest Corsair Bureau for Complains contact device. These are placed throughout whole Sirius, in cores of stars. Remember you have to be at most 2000 meters from the device to record a transmission.

<div align="right]The Corsair Council of Elders

- OSI tagged transports, freighters, fighers/bombers and gunboats in transit through Corsair space. The base embargo still stands

*Allies: Farmers Alliance, Hogosha, Gaians

*** This is a read-only transmission from the Corsair Council of Elders ***

:: transmission end ::

Corsair General Directives - CorsairCouncil - 02-03-2012

:: transmission start ::

:: source : Council Hall, Crete, Omicron Gamma ::

[Image: av-328661.png]

The Laws of the Corsair Empire have been revised and improved. All pilots need to make sure they are aware of the changes. The new document can be found here.

:: transmission end ::

Corsair General Directives - Zelot - 02-03-2012

The Corsair Brotherhood does not respect, nor will it be bound by the laws of the Council, we have our own laws, we shall follow those.

Miguel Sephardi

Corsair General Directives - CorsairCouncil - 02-05-2012

:: transmission start ::

:: source : Council Hall, Crete, Omicron Gamma ::

[Image: av-328661.png]

Due to the recent developments the blockade on freighters and transports heading to or leaving from Freeport Five, Freeport Nine and Corfu Base is lifted. The restriction on fighters, bombers, gunships and anything larger still stands and soon we will provide you with a list of the Zoner ships allowed to operate in Omega 41 and Omicron Theta. To allow you to stay up to date on the situation all Corsairs will be given read only access to this communication channel.

Please not that the Zoners have imposed a restriction on the bases within our systems and all Corsairs are required to report any breach of the lockdown to the Council of Elders as well as to the Zoner representatives. Here is their announcement.

:: transmission end ::

Corsair General Directives - CorsairCouncil - 02-18-2012

:: transmission start ::

:: source : Council Hall, Crete, Omicron Gamma ::

[Image: av-328661.png]

The embargo regarding the star systems of Omicron Theta and Omega 41 is now removed. The Council and the administrators of our neighboring Zoner stations reached an agreement.

More instruction will follow shortly but for now all hostilities against Zoner ships need to stop unless said ships are breaking the Corsair Laws.

:: transmission end ::