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Fins' infocard - Fins - 11-24-2010

DSE employee infocard.
Subject: Fins, Nickolas.
Date: November 21st, 817 AS.

1. General info.

Date of birth: december 29th, 786 AS.
Place of birth: planet Los Angeles, California system.
Gender: male.
Full name: Nickolas Fins. Note: the subject is the last and only alive male of his bloodline, and insists to be addressed and known simply as "Fins".
Father: Eugen Fins, 6th-tier mechanic, Ageira technologies. Died 797 AS.
Mother: Tamara Fins, professor of Law, Universal Shipping's corporate training academy. Alive.
Native language: russian.
Age: 30.
Own family: none.
Current assigment: deep space mining operations.

2. Biography.

790 AS:
- Eugen Fins is assigned to prolonged duty in remote systems, and most of the time is not with his family.
792 AS:
- Nickolas Fins is at his last year in kindergarden at the age of 6. In one of kids' fights, he is kicked in his gut, which results in internal tissues damage, blood infection, and consequently very bad heart condition. Two surgeons refuse to operate him out of fear to be held responsible in case Fins dies during the operation. Medics then decide to perform intensive anti-biotic therapy coupled with special-nutrition course. Despite pessimistic 30% prognosis, the child survives, and slowly recovers to full health in next 3 months. Being only 6 years old and only recently becoming aware of the facts of death, Fins realises clearly (and years ahead of other kids) how fragile human life is, and how easily humans can kill each other, no matter if they intend to actually kill or not.
- Technological catastrophe strikes not far from Fins family house, and only few days after he started to recover from his major illness. Massive leak of dangerous radioactive isotopes into environment. Medics call Tamara Fins and tell her that survival of the child is at stake, unless she manages to leave the affected area, "the further - the better". Tamara has nowhere to go, except to her husband, who's working long shift at Pueblo Station, Colorado system. It takes one day for her to pack her things and arrange the leaving. Few weeks later, she and Nickolas settle down in one of small towns of planet Denver.
797 AS:
- Eugen Fins passes away, while resting at home after regular working shift. Agony is only about 10 minutes short, and completely unexpected, as Eugen had good health and was only 42 years old. Medics conducted post-death research and found that Eugen had rare genetic mutation which led to unusual processing of tobacco burn byproducts within his blood vessels (Eugen was smoking tobacco since his late teen years). Effect itself was tiny, but over the course of two decades led to growing of numerous non-organic dense structures within his blood vessels. During his last evening, Eugen had two cups of coffee instead of usual one, and so double dose of coffee was "last ounce" that was needed for one of largest non-organic structures in his blood vessel to be detached from the vessel's internal surface. Then that structure, no longer attached to anything, was taken by natural blood flow into one of the main blood vessels of the body, where it "met" another big structure of described kind. Ultimate result was nearly complete shutting of one of main blood vessels of Eugen body and therefore, death. Unfortunately, this kind of genetic mutation is so rare and so otherwise unaffecting that medics never search for it in new-borns. Slow growth of these non-organic structures within blood vessels only happens to people who both have the mutation and smoke alot, and even then, only some of smoking people develop this condition. Condition itself is undetectable by any known non-intrusive means. Nickolas Fins, being 11 yeas old at a time, once again realises how fragile human life can be.
799 AS:
- Nickolas Fins completes 5-year long music school, which he was attending in addition to regular school, with excellence.
799 to 801 AS:
- Nickolas Fins takes additional education in mathematics, and demonstrates outstanding results.
801 AS:
- Tamara and Nickolas move to much bigger town.
803 AS:
- Nickolas, for his outstanding results during school education, is accepted without testing to one of Denver state univercities. However he declines the invitation: willing to start independent life and to see the capitol, he moves to New York, where he passes tests and is accepted to one of Deep Space Engineering technical colleges. His mother decides to stay at Denver.
806 AS:
- Fins decides to leave the college without completing his education. Corruption, bribes and stunning amount of stupidity within higher education system (both in print matherials and as incompetence of his mentors), as well as inability to choose special courses instead of mandatory ones, are his reasons.
806 to 812 AS:
- Fins learns the difficulties of surviving in big city without anyone's support. He works as a guard, messenger, terminal operator, barman. During these years, Fins had several prolonged contacts with cardamine addicts. Fins knew the dangers, and managed to stay away from the drug himself. First-hand witnessing of cardamine effects, as well as effects addicts have due to lack of cardamine, convinced Fins that this drug must not be available to public, and therefore, all who help to spread it should be stopped at any cost.
810 AS:
- Despite (well-known to Fins) fact that his father and his grandfather both died from causes related to tobacco smoking, Fins starts to smoke tobacco himself. As of 817 AS, he's still actively smoking tobacco, and is not about to quit.
812 to 817 AS:
- One of Fins' friends recommends him to local DSE office. During few years, Fins earns a reputation of quite reliable, honest, and capable employee. The main observed negatives are being late in the morning often, wearing ridiculous/improper clothes (this even caused some conflicts), and mouth stench (this guy doesn't brush his teeth for unknown reasons, despite being told many times that there's a stench from his mouth).
817 AS:
- Fins accumulates enough funds to buy his first personal space craft. Upon purchase, he takes a vacation, and in two weeks he manages to build enough credits to buy his own Hegemon mining ship. Next, even before his vacation ends, he manages to sign all nesessary papers with DSE to get his current assigment (and thus be released from his previous duties in the office).
- It is rumored that the stench from Fins' mouth (during in-person conversations he had with involved DSE officials) was significant factor in favor of his request, although involved DSE officials never officially said something on this "unsignificant" issue. Anyways, once assigned to mining department, Fins regularly delivers undustry-scale amounts of copper ore to Texas. He also is often seen extracting silver ore, most recently in some cooperation with IMG vessels sometimes. At present, Fins rarely visits DSE headquorters, and overall is rarely seen in Liberty space.