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random idea - Not Espi - 11-24-2010

[5:44:55 PM] martin 'vlko' vlk: at least that wasnt in gamma
[5:45:09 PM] martin 'vlko' vlk: srs ... im friggin placing CD platforms all around the bloody system
[5:45:36 PM] martin 'vlko' vlk: so when you get in, it takes you 12.5 seconds to pass 1k
[5:46:43 PM] Prarabdh Thakur (Hot Rod): xD
[5:47:05 PM] martin 'vlko' vlk: then people will reconsider messing around our home system

so let's say these would be placed every 5k. in systems or something. maybe people wouldn't roam around various home systems of their arch enemies faction

random idea - Rodent - 11-24-2010

Yeah. Random CD platforms, say around the big lanes, and the home systems of factions would be a great help. Would keep people away from...say planets. Cause attacking close to Crete is supposed to be rape.:P

random idea - Implosion - 11-24-2010

There's only one flaw.
What's stopping me from flying 4Ks above them?

random idea - Rodent - 11-24-2010

Only meant to keep the planets clear I suppose. If you fly 4k up, you're far from the planet. Enough for RP purposes.:P

random idea - Not Espi - 11-24-2010

OR ... we could just make ones that like disrupt engines for 20 minutes - slap them in guard and home systems near exit holes.

random idea - Implosion - 11-24-2010

Now that,I like.

random idea - Elven - 11-24-2010

I like that, but I sense huge amounts of Q_Q and possible nerf of CD.

random idea - Cond0r - 11-24-2010

' Wrote:RP purposes.

I don't like the idea.

random idea - Rodent - 11-24-2010

Quote:OR ... we could just make ones that like disrupt engines for 20 minutes - slap them in guard and home systems near exit holes.

If it's possible, it should definitely be done. Would encourage people to stop fighting near planets and critical points and take battles to the RP battlefields. Eta, Bering/Hudson and Delta come to mind.

@Igor- Fag.

random idea - Not Espi - 11-24-2010

is it doable though? extending the period for which a cd keeps its effect on a ship.

edit: lol igor