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Luxury Liner, ID problem - Pacificator - 11-25-2010

Here it is :

Art doesn't belong to someone in particular, Art is the property of all.

To my point of view, the Luxury Liner is a work of art, and I do love that ship...So i stupidely bougth it, like an impulse buy, you know, for art sakes....

And then start trouble : unable to fly it with freelancer ID, I start looking into documentation to see wich ID will be best appropriate, not knowing that mounting an ID will change automaticaly some of my rep. I tryed several (Interspace, a Bretonian one, OSC, Hogosha)....and then i realise I was flashing red in about every corner of lawful Sirius, junkers, outcast, rogues.... It is most annoying as I was very carefull so far with my Rep to devellop my trading the way I wanted. Only Corsairs and few others allow me in and I am no more able to sell their artifacts. No base to land on anymore....A trader without trade routes.

I do know about "/restart" command but that will make me lose the ship and all CAU and equipement, wich is about a 400.000.000 gross loss, giving the amount of "0" after the "4", I am quite uneasy with that solution.

Getting bribes from bars is now nearly impossible, as I am now banned from most of the adequat bases to do that.

All that happen very fast, and I was quite disapointed to realise that a quasi-legal ID like Hogosha did put my Bretonian an Liberty Rep in red. No informations nowhere stated this would happen, and politicaly, I do not understand it.

What options am I left with, giving that I do wanna fly my beauty ?

*singing* With, a little help, from my friends....I just need, a little help, from my friends....

Luxury Liner, ID problem - Glis - 11-25-2010

Well you can always have a friend to take your Equipment and Money so you can do the restart command and then give it all back, or if you can't trust anyone get an Angel to help you out, otherwise I'm not sure what you can do.

Luxury Liner, ID problem - CzeReptile - 11-25-2010

Restart dont work with that much cash.
If you need help, have someone join your group and do missions together to fix the reputation you are after.

Best is to go for Liberty companies, OSC and such so you can get the liner working. Orbital spa n cruise is my bet, and missions too.

Luxury Liner, ID problem - Diabolicus - 11-25-2010

Quote:All that happen very fast, and I was quite disapointed to realise that a quasi-legal ID like Hogosha did put my Bretonian an Liberty Rep in red. No informations nowhere stated this would happen, and politicaly, I do not understand it.

Then you utterly fail at understanding Hogosha roleplay.

EDIT: Well, with your issue, I'm pretty sure that the Freelancer base can help you with your problems. Try getting a Zoner bribe there, and go on from there.

Luxury Liner, ID problem - rupturex - 11-25-2010

You are in a difficult situation. Let me ask you how is your situation with junkers? The best thing is to buy junkers bribe so you will be neutral to almost everybody. If you are red with junkers you will have so find a way to become neutral so you can buy the bribe. An exemple should be shoot hogosha NPC... (the enemy of junkers), or find a friend to pick up junker's missions for you. And if you find any xenos shoot them as well, no one like xenos. I dont have more ideas but take a look here and maybe you can find something usefull.

Luxury Liner, ID problem - aerelm - 11-25-2010

Go with the Orbital Spa & Cruise ID and use Freeports around each house to bribe your rep up with that house's lawful factions. OSC automatically sets your unlawful rep to Hostile, because they don't deal with unlawfuls. (With a few exceptions, but still...) You can also check the OSC tab in This spreadsheet for the good profit routes you can run as an OSC, which would be InRP as well.

Plus, when you use an ID, you should act according to that ID as you'll be part of that faction, that's why each ID automatically adjusts your rep according to that faction's diplomacy, and you're expected to act as a member of that faction (OSC Luxury Liner docking on Crete to load up with Artifacts is not really a good one).

' Wrote:Then you utterly fail at understanding Hogosha roleplay.
Not in a good mood today, are you? What's the need of being rude here? You could've said the same thing with a much better wording as well.

Luxury Liner, ID problem - Jayce - 11-25-2010

Double Junker-Zoner bribe. That usually fixes me right up in situations like this.

Luxury Liner, ID problem - Pacificator - 11-25-2010

Well, thanks a lot for your answers, even the harsh ones. As a matter of fact, I did not understand fully the Hogosha RP, I thought that as semi legal they would be nor good or bad with Kusari governement, thus not involve in their conflict. I was badly mistaken.

Understand that I do RP, and I love RP. What's the point otherwise ? But I'm new into it and there is a lot to learn. The character I devellop so far was a trader working with a freenlancer ID, keeping a low profile, quite well thought of by most of lawful faction so able to do business here and there according to political situation, but "secretely" supporting the Corsairs by bringing supply, so smugling Artifact from time to time, and supportive as well of the Gaiains fitgh by shipping huge amount of Synthetic Marijuana to Islay, boycotting Gaian Wildlife trade. And I don't do prisoner nor Slavery or Cardi of course. Occasionnaly I was proud to go and get a full cargo of wine and tobacco from Galia to sell it in Sirius, but never supplying anything to the Roy's affiliated bases, only to the Council.

I did quite a bit of research to be able to find an ID for this Liner, and there wasn't much choice. All the ones that suited me politicaly like a Zoner, Independant Trader, freelancer...aren't allowed Liners. OSC, cut me from Gaians and Corsair.

I'll try to find a way out by bribing with Zoner or Freelancer. In the mean time, any idea, I'm open !

Thanks again, see you in space.


PS : Nearly forgot, I do have a bad Rep with Junker.

Luxury Liner, ID problem - Coin - 11-25-2010

Buyers remorse is a terrible thing to behold. OSC is your best bet here, if you want to stay with the most beautiful ship in the mod.

' Wrote:Then you utterly fail at understanding Hogosha roleplay.

EDIT: Well, with your issue, I'm pretty sure that the Freelancer base can help you with your problems. Try getting a Zoner bribe there, and go on from there.

Zoners can fly Lux Liners?

Luxury Liner, ID problem - aerelm - 11-25-2010

' Wrote:The character I devellop so far was a trader working with a freenlancer ID, keeping a low profile, quite well thought of by most of lawful faction so able to do business here and there according to political situation, but "secretely" supporting the Corsairs by bringing supply, so smugling Artifact from time to time, and supportive as well of the Gaiains fitgh by shipping huge amount of Synthetic Marijuana to Islay, boycotting Gaian Wildlife trade. And I don't do prisoner nor Slavery or Cardi of course. Occasionnaly I was proud to go and get a full cargo of wine and tobacco from Galia to sell it in Sirius, but never supplying anything to the Roy's affiliated bases, only to the Council.
Independent Trader ID + Freelancer IFF + Borderwolds Transport

That's your best bet for such RP.

Liners are not simple transports, that's why they're not sold to individuals and only very few Corporations have access to them. If you want to fly the Lux Liner, you'll have to switch your ID to something that allows flying Liners, and pick trade runs that are InRP for a Liner.

Liners are expensive "Mobile Hotels" that only rich people with a lot of money to waste can use, so it doesn't really make sense to fill all the seats and beds and tables with crates of tobacco and fly it halfway through sirius to sell it - Because that's the Cargo transports' job.

So, I'm afraid I don't see a way which lets you have your "All-in-One Character" the way you're trying to work it out. Neither Rule-wise, nor RP-wise.