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The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Unofficial Factions and Groups (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=67) +--- Thread: The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal (/showthread.php?tid=5044) |
The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Xoria - 12-18-2007 THE LANE HACKERS "Making the corporate weenies cry, so our kids can live in a free and just galaxy." IFF & ID: Lane Hacker tag & ID [font=Times]Comm Channel ID: LHcall-sign [font=Times][font=Times]"The Lane Hackers are a criminal group with the technical expertise to monitor and disrupt Trade Lanes for the purpose of seizing valuable cargo. The powerful alliance between Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues and Outcasts serves as the dominant unlawful force in Liberty space and most Independent Worlds." More detailed information on Lane Hacker ships is available in the Lane Hacker Technical Manual that is transmitted to all inducted Lane Hackers.[font=Times] [font=Times]GOALS :
1) The bankruptcy of the corrupt Ageira Technologies, the nefarious Interspace Commerce, and the dissolute cartel known as [IND] Independents.2) Confiscation of all revenues illicitly purloined from the intellectual expertise of former, current, and future Ageira employees by Ageira Technologies with the collusion of Interspace Commerce, their corporate conspirators, and associated hoodlums in [IND]. 3) The eventual use of confiscated revenues to establish a new R & D Technology firm to replace the nefarious Ageira Technologies. The firm will honor its employees, conduct fair and just business practices, and pursue technological innovations for the benefit of all mankind. The firm's first project will be the development of an inter-dimensional, quasi-molecular, table-top nomad-brain disgronifier suitable for purchase by every middle-class family in Sirius. Then families can sleep peacefully without worrying about whether there is a nomad under the bed or about to leap out of the dark closet at 2 am when you have to get up to go to the bathroom because you just HAD to drink that 26th Sidewinder Fang before you left your neighbor's groovy shindig. 4) Elimination of the hypocritical and puritanical social and legal restrictions on the use of the intellectual enhancer Cardamine. METHODS : 1) The interdiction and disruption of all commercial traffic in the colony of Liberty and its bordering systems in order to bankrupt Ageira Technologies, Interspace Commerce, and [IND] through disruption of their contractual obligations throughout Sirius.2) Harassment and, where necessary, termination of all so-called "legal authorities" under the corrupting influence of Ageira, Interspace Commerce, and [IND]. 3) Infiltration of commercial interests by Lane Hackers at every level of planning, production, logistics, and security services to provide timely intelligence to the Lane Hacker Directorship, the Hellfire Legion, and allied parties. Disruption of all broadcasts of the ancient Terran Techno-Operational Treatises known as "James Bond films". Confiscation of all known copies of these Treatises for Lane Hacker training purposes. 4) Leveraging the Lane Hacker alliance with the Outcasts and Liberty Rogues to further insinuate the enlightenment of Cardamine into Liberty Society at every level. 5) Embarrass, Humiliate, Harass, Prank, Infiltrate, Disrupt, Annoy, Irritate, Purify, Cleanse, Flail, Disgronify, Discombobulate, Confuse, Disconcert, Fluster, Rattle, Encumber, Thwart, Obstruct, Hinder, Impede, Interfere, and Tickle =LSF= & [SA] at every turn to reward them for so masterfully and effectively shilling for Ageira Technologies and Interspace Commerce. This shall include but not be limited to sneaking Cardamine into the food supply at the LSF and SA barracks and depositing yellow organic liquid supplements into their drinking water at every opportunity. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE
Ranks are permitted to pilot ships at their level and below. Rank..................... Permitted ShipsSenior Director:...... Any Director(2): ............Spyglass (Clan HQ, shared among the Directors) Hacker ...................Bombers, Hacker Gunship Specialist.................VHF, HF Technician ..............LF and Transport Class vessels for smuggling Trainee ...................Dagger LF & Freighters Recruit....................Starflier & Dagger LF All Lane Hackers are strongly encouraged to maintain a personal fighter in operational condition at all times in addition to their other ships.
GENERAL OPERATIONAL POLICIES [font=Times][font=Times]SHIPS Ranks are permitted to pilot ships at their level and below. Ships Permitted Restricted to Rank[font=Times]Dagger LF Buffalo(NY) .....Trainees Scimitar LF ....................... Technicians Slipstream LF ....................Technicians Stiletto HF .........................Specialists Greyhound HF ...................Specialists Sabre VHF ........................Specialists Waran Bomber ..................Hackers Barghest Bomber ...............Hackers Falcata Bomber .................Hackers (Access Restricted) Hacker Gunship .................Hackers Rogue Gunboat ..................Hackers (Access Restricted) Mule Freighter ....................Trainees Dromedary Freighter ..........Trainees Bactrian Freighter ...............Trainees BW Transport ....................Technicians (Access Restricted) Pirate Transport ..................Technicians Pirate Train .........................Technicians Naming Conventions [font=Times]Lane Hackers should use the same call-sign for all additional ships outfitted unless prior permission to use a separate call-sign is given by a Lane Hacker Director.[font=Times]LH~call-sign Fighters LH~call-sign. Bombers (add a "." To the end of the callsign) LH|call-sign Gunships LH.call-sign Smugglers If a Lane Hacker outfits a second vessel of the same class, a period "." may be inserted immediately before or after the call-sign. I.E. : LH~.call-sign, LH|call-sign. , or LH.call-sign. [font=Times]To purchase a ship belonging to a different class (upgrading from Fighter to Bomber, etc) a new ship slot (character) should be started using the correct naming convention. [font=Times]WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT [font=Times]1) All weapons and equipment used by Lane Hacker Clan pilots must be purchased from Lane Hacker operated bases. NO exceptions without PRIOR authorization from the LH Directorship. Some unmentionables contend that the Outcasts and Corsairs build superior weapons to the Lane Hackers. We know the Corsair don't because their puny little minds aren't enhanced by regular Cardamine doses. As to the Outcastswell, the intense radiation in Omicron Beta must be dulling the enhancing effects of their Cardamine hits if they think they can build a better gun than a Lane Hacker. Lane Hackers research, develop, build, and sell the best weapons credits can buy, or Ageira backstabbers can steal from us. Buy it. Aim it. Fire it...Or join the Liberty Rogues.2) Lane Hacker technicians are researching the adaptation of alien weaponry into LH ships' systems. All pilots desiring to use alien weapons systems must submit their proposal to the LH technical department through our secure comm channel for safety inspection and approval. This should not be construed by you nit-pickers as meaning that alien weapons are better than Lane Hacker weapons. Alien weapons suck like a used Cardamine hit. Lane Hacker ADAPTED alien weaponry MAY be useful in the right hands. There's a big difference! 3) Due to the infiltration of the alien life-forms known as "nomads" into Liberty Space and the attempted infiltration of corporate flunkies into Lane Hacker operations, all ships squawking a Lane Hacker Clan IFF must register the following when scanned: a Lane Hacker pilot, 1 h-fuel, 1 oxygen, and 1 Cardamine. If any of these are missing, the LH Clan pilot conducting the scan may assume that the ship is a hostile being operated under the influence of alien or corporate weasel remote control. Real Lane Hacker ships have pilots, normal engine fuel, oxygen for survival, and Cardamine for intellectual & tactical combat enhancement. If yours doesn't, expect to be terminated for the alien hugging, corporate weasel that you must be, punk. AREA OF OPERATIONS
[font=Times]Lane Hackers will actively and aggressively conduct operations consistent with our goals and methods and the interests of our Allies within the following star systems: Alaska, Alberta, California, Cassini (Liberty Rogue Guard System), Colorado, Coronado, Cortez, Fukuoka (Kusari Police Guard system), Galileo, Humboldt, Illinois (Liberty Police Guard System), Inverness, Kepler, Magellan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Oita, Ontario, Puerto Rico (Junker Guard System), Quebec, Shikoku, Texas, Tau 45 (Xenos Guard System), Vespucci (with deference to Hellfire Legion), Virginia (Liberty Navy Guard System), Yukon[font="Times]Lane Hackers may enter the following star systems only under the following conditions: 1) In pursuit of a crooked corporate flunky that began in one of the systems listed above. 2) To evade corrupt cops and their bullying Naval lackeys. 3) To transit to the base of our allies, the Mollys, to conduct business. 4) To educate those mud-hugging Gaians and [NLH] as to the true meaning of intellectual enlightenment through superior firepower. 5) To intercept and terminate any known vessel on our KOS list. !!Piracy in the following systems is only permitted if the pursuit began within our primary area of operations, or an irresistible opportunity flies past the bow of your ship while in transit to conduct other business. General purpose "hunting" in these systems and all others not listed above is strictly prohibited!! [font=Times]Bering, Chester, Dublin, Edinburgh, Hudson, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, New London, New Tokyo, Salisbury [font=Times]All other star systems are strictly OFF LIMITS without the PRIOR approval of the Lane Hacker Directorship transmitted through our secure messaging channel. While you're off "exploring the galaxy" to expand your mind, you aren't disrupting the corporate shenanigans in Liberty! [Vessels in the LH Smuggling Ring are exempted.] [font=Times][font=Times][font=Times]PIRACY POLICY [font=Times]General Piracy GuidelinesCommercial operators who are willing to make restitution for their previously devious and socially destructive methods of conducting business by materially contributing to the Lane Hacker cause may live. Atomize the vessels of those who refuse, and sell their escape pods to the Slavers Union for re-education. All vessels belonging to Neutrals, Unfriendlies, and Hostiles are viable targets for piracy: 1) Neutrals should be offered an escort for a fee.Rude/offensive neutrals may be extorted. 2) Unfriendlies and hostiles may be freely pirated. 3) Vessels possessing a generic Trader ID and not squawking an IFF tag should be treated as an Unfriendly. 4) Vessels possessing a generic Trader ID and an Tag IFF that is Friendly or Allied to the Lane Hackers should be considered an infiltrator and aggressively interrogated until they wet themselves and offer a bribe. 5) Vessels possessing a Smuggler ID and not squawking an IFF tag should be treated as a Unfriendly. 6) Vessels possessing a Smuggler ID and squawking an IFF tag should be treated according to their IFF Tag (i.e. Outcast Tag=Ally, Corsair Tag=Hostile.) Allies and friendlies should be escorted and/or assisted without requesting a fee. (But you can accept a free offer of gratitude). 7) Vessels smuggling Cardamine shall NOT be taxed. However, they will be expected to contribute Cardamine for our use. If they refuse, open their hulls with your Hellflurrys and seize the Cardamine! [font=Times]DOCKING PRIVILEGES [font=Times]!!Docking at the following bases is strictly prohibited at all times : 1) Bases belonging to the Corsairs or their allies 2) Military bases For the Lane Hacker Fighter Wing: 1) Lane Hacker Clan vessels are synchronized with the docking codes for bases belonging to the following factions: Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues, Junkers, Mollys, & Freeport 4 2) Docking codes for bases belonging to the following are only granted with the PRIOR approval of the Lane Hacker Directorship in order to conduct official clan business: Hogosha, Blood Dragons, Outcasts 3) Docking at any other base under any other circumstances without the prior written approval of the LH Directorship will be considered traitorous. Without prior approval, you aren't conducting espionage, you are colluding with the enemy! For the Lane Hacker Smuggling Ring: 1) Smugglers are permitted to dock at bases belonging to any unlawful faction excluding bases belonging to the Corsairs or their allies. 2) Smugglers are permitted as large an area of operation as is necessary to optimize their smuggling operations. 3) Smugglers should focus their efforts first on Cardamine shipments into Liberty and light arms shipments to Planet Malta, followed by Counterfeit Software shipments to Arranmore Base in Dublin. Smugglers obtaining legal commodities relinquished from other commercial vessels are permitted to sell the cargo at lawful bases. [font=Times][font=Times]CAREER ADVANCEMENT [font=Times]Lane Hackers advance in rank by making contributions to the achievement of The Lane Hackers' goals and correctly following Lane Hacker methods and operational guidelines.These contributions are measured by : 1) number of pilots captured for interrogation 2) contribution of credits to the clan (especially important for LH Smuggling Ring pilots) 3) successful completion of assignments 4) your creation of unique plans to achieve LH goals 5) assassination of corporate villains and their police / navy flunkies (screenshot proof) 6) contribution of valuable technology (Codename weapons) to the Lane Hacker technical department [font=Times]All pilots should be surrendered to the designated Interrogation vessel located at Mactan Base, or to a Lane Hacker Director. Contact a LH Director to arrange the surrender of captured pilots. Records of your accumulated contributions of pilots, credits, and technology will be kept and will be used to determine your career advancement. [font=Times]**Lane Hackers are completely prohibited from accepting transfers of credits from their non-Lane Hacker relatives throughout Sirius!!!**Special Note : Lane Hacker Smugglers may have credited towards their advancement funds that they spend to purchase a larger vessel for their smuggling. Thus, purchasing a larger ship to smuggle with does not delay your advancement, since the purchase price is credited towards your clan contribution. Just be sure to report it to receive credit. **The Lane Hacker Clan prospers due to the productivity of its members, thus all Lane Hackers are expected to make financial contributions to the clan on an ongoing basis above and beyond the requirements necessary for career advancement. Failure to follow Lane Hacker Protocols may subject pilots to demotion. [font=Times]Recruits advance to Trainee by successfully completing the induction procedures. Trainees advance to Technician by: 1) Providing the following pilots for mania-interrogation: 10 civilian pilots, 10 liberty police pilots, 10 Bounty Hunter pilots [unnecessary for LH Smugglers] 2) Successfully hacking The Lane Hacker secure comm channel for reports on at least 3 separate days [contribute 3 in-character posts in this thread] 3) Complete at least 5 hours of service in good standing [screenshot your F8 window in game]. Submission of a screenshot of your galactic nav map to demonstrate adherence to the Lane Hacker Area of Operations Guidelines [attach these to your third RP post in this thread]. 4) Contribution of 1 CODENAME weapon to the Lane Hacker R & D Department. 5) Complete an intelligence gathering mission. More information is available in The Lane Hacker Technical Bulletin. 6) Members of the Lane Hacker Smuggling Ring must provide the clan with a full cargo hold of Cardamine from their smuggling vessel. 7) Correctly answer a 3 question quiz about the Lane Hacker piracy protocols, and area of operations. 8) Maintain 1 Lane Hacker pilot and 1 unit of Cardamine on your ship at all times. If you die in combat, Cardamine replacements will be provided by the clan. Just make sure that you don't lose them otherwise. 9) Demonstrate mastery of the tactics and combat skills contained in The Lane Hacker Technical Bulletin. * Trainees should focus their efforts on becoming proficient in Lane Hacker piracy techniques, efficient teamwork, and tactical combat. *Optional: Trainees that submit a biography of their pilot to The Lane Hacker Senior Director are eligible to receive a mark 8 armor upgrade from the clan. Technicians advance to Specialist by: 1) Achieve a total lifetime contribution to the clan of 100 pilots for mania-interrogation. [unnecessary for LH Smugglers] 2) Achieve a total lifetime contribution to the clan of 5 million credits [25 million for Smugglers] 3) Successfully command a piracy team according to Lane Hacker piracy protocols. 4) Completion of a mission assigned by a Lane Hacker Director 5) Demonstrating the correct use of mania-interrogation / harassment methods towards corporate or police/navy villains [screenshot proof of system chat log posted in this channel even if it is witnessed by a LH Director]. You will be instructed in these methods. 6) Contribution of 1 additional CODENAME weapon to the Lane Hacker R & D Department. 7) Maintain 1 Lane Hacker pilot and 1 unit of Cardamine on your ship at all times. 8) Demonstrate excellent teamwork and a positive attitude towards your teammates and the clan. * Technicians should further refine their Trainee skills, and focus on the development of their Cardamine-enhanced Lane Hacker persona. Specialists Advance to Hacker by : 1) Achieve a total lifetime contribution to the clan of 200 pilots for mania-interrogation. This must include at least one Liberty Gunboat Pilot. [unnecessary for LH Smugglers] 2) Achieve a total lifetime contribution to the clan of 20 million credits [50 million for LH Smugglers] 3) Creating, organizing, and executing a plan that follows Lane Hacker methods to further the goals of The Lane Hackers [stage an RP event of some kind that involves both RP in the forum and in-space activity]. The involvement of other Lane Hackers in the execution of the plan is required, even if they are merely witnesses. You must brainstorm the plan, but other Lane Hackers may provide input and participation at every stage. 4) Participation in the assassination of one corporate villain or one of their military hoodlums in the furtherance of Lane Hacker goals and methods. This may overlap condition 3. [unnecessary for Smugglers] 5) Demonstrate mastery of The Lane Hackers' Goals, Methods, Operational Guidelines and The Lane Hacker Technical Bulletin through both verbal testing and flight demonstration for a Lane Hacker Director. 6) Have personally conducted the training of at least one lower ranked member. 7) Contribution of 1 additional CODENAME weapon to the Lane Hacker Technical Department. 8) A biography of your pilot must be submitted to the Sr. Director. [Biographies that are submitted by Trainees are rewarded with a mark 8 armor upgrade] 9) Have demonstrated an overall superior record of personal conduct & operational skill. 10) Maintain 1 Lane Hacker pilot and 1 unit of Cardamine on your ship at all times. * Specialists should focus on their overall RP contribution to Lane Hacker goals and methods. Creativity and brainstorming is highly encouraged. Hackers Advance to Director by: 1) This promotion is only available when there is a vacancy. All Hackers interested in the promotion will be required to compete for the job through a competition constructed by the sitting directors. *Hackers should focus on creative, innovative RP plans and methods to achieve The Lane Hackers goals and enhance life for the clan. The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Xoria - 12-18-2007 DIPLOMACY
NPC relationships are only listed if there is a possibility of encounters within LH sphere of influence, when in doubt: Friendly to Outcast aligned factions, Hostile to Corsair aligned factions. Or: if you don't like Cardamine, then The Lane Hackers don't like you!
PROPOSED MUTUAL PROTECTION PACTS : (to be negotiated) [HF] Hellfire Legion (Lane Hacker) .:UOG:. Union of Gold (Mollys)
ALLIES: (Go out of your way to assist. Do not attack except in self defense.) Liberty Rogues, Mollys, Outcasts [101st] The Outcast Guard [BLS] Blue Lotus Syndicate (Outcast) [RoS] Reapers of Sirius (Outcast)
FRIENDLY: (Offer Assistance at all times without requesting a fee.) Blood Dragons, Hogosha, Junkers -{BD}- Black Dragon Society (Hogosha) (NovaPG) NovaPowerGen (Blood Dragon)
NEUTRALS: (Targets of Opportunity) (Assist / Attack / Pirate / Ignore : depending on what is most consistent with LH goals.) Freelancers, GC Golden Chrysanthemums, IMG, The Order, Zoners [AW] Asgard Warriors Bs| Black Squadron (The Order) [\JG/]Jupiter Guild [M] Mandalorian Mercenaries [RHA] Red Hessian Army {SU} Slavers Union (Junkers) [TAZ] Temporary Autonomous Zoners UKMG United Kingdom Mining Guild [W] Workers Front (Unioners) UNFRIENDLY:
(Pirate them if you can, kill them if you must.) Corporations and Commercial Interests Headquartered outside the colony of Liberty UKMG All Vessels possessing any type of Trader ID and no IFF tag
(Drop whatever you are doing, hunt them down, and separate them from their ill-gotten credits without mercy! These may only escape death by buying us off with a sum equal to 1 million credits multiplied by 10% of their financial rank. No negotiating!) Ageira Technologies and their flunkies Interspace Commerce and their lackeys [IND] Independents and their hoodlums HOSTILE:
(Be prepared to terminate or Pirate on sight, remembering that discretion is sometimes the better part of valor. But even if you aren't hunting them, they may be hunting you!)
Bounty Hunters Guild, Corsairs, Gaians, House Militaries, House Police forces, Nomads, Xenos
All Liberty HQ'd Corporations: Cryer Pharmaceuticals, DSE Deep Space Engineering, Orbital Spa & Cruise, Synth Foods, Universal Shipping
Benitez (Corsairs) =CR= Colonial Remnant (IMG) DW Darkwing (Merc ID, BH tag) Keepers (Nomads) [KNF] Kusari Naval Forces [LDDLG] (Corsairs) =LSF= Liberty Security Force [NLH] Nature's Last Hope (Gaians) [Phantom] Phantom Empire [QCO] [QCP] Queen Carina's Own,Queen Carina's Privateers (Bretonian Armed Forces) RAXX Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army SCRA RepEx Republican Express Shipping [RM] Rheinland Military [SF] Sirius Federation (Bretonian Armed Forces) [SA] Southern Alliance sso| Shadow Stalkers Organization (Bounty Hunters) [TBH] The Brotherhood (Corsairs)
This thread is open to all relevant comments and critiques.In particular, I am interested in critique of our Career advancement requirements. These are in the process of being tested, so they are likely to evolve. They are intended to provide a challenge without being too punishing, while weeding out lack of dedication in new recruits. Generally speaking, this clan is intended to be a RP clan, not a PvP clan. I will be actively brainstorming and attempting to organize RP events, both one-time events and ongoing plot lines, with our neighbors in Liberty, Bretonia, and Kusari (much more limited for Kusari since we will only be venturing as far as Shikoku, generally speaking). So QCO/QCP, LSF, SA, SF, KNF: you are on notice! We want to play WITH you, not against you. (Naturally the "with" part will involve us blowing each other up at various intervals!) Current Members: We will be encouraging the use of separate forum accounts for official roleplay posting, thus 2 forum accounts are listed below where applicable. Xoria / Moriarty ::Aaron:: / Damien Van Hribek Duke nuke'm / Robin Hood Mjolnir Debian Kazyumi The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - sn!p3r - 12-18-2007 This looks great. Ive encountered some LH lately and seems your roleplay is good. Best of luck to your faction. The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Yngen - 12-18-2007 Might be a good idea to remove all the locations of those ships. Discovery doesn't like it's secrets displayed in public. The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Xoria - 12-18-2007 Good point Yngen. Done. The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - I_m_rdy - 12-18-2007 Mud hugging Gaians, I love that!:laugh: Anyway, that looks very good, and the requirements for the higher ranks pose a good challenge for new recruits. The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Fellow Hoodlum - 12-18-2007 This has our blessing - Hoodlum The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Etaphreven - 12-18-2007 Looks very well thought out.Great work Xoria;) //Eta The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Denelo - 12-18-2007 Awesome. Protection pact, and a bunch of other stuff - I'd love to talk to you on x-fire or in-game. Got x-fire? Also... Daggers/Stillettos. Trust me, you don't want them. I suggest allowing anyone to fly Scimitars and Sabres, as Daggers are pointless, and Stillettos are too (I've owned one with a full, overpowered, rather cheap loadout for the last few months now, trying to prove Vanilla HFs need an upgrade or an MK II, and it still usually ends up killing itself and/or being shot down without doing much damage... :sleep:) Other than that, looks awesome, can't wait to fly with you guys. The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - galaktik - 12-18-2007 Another faction to shoot up:PWell i hope it works well Guess you can add in advancment, combat skills, and longiness of member in clan otherwise you all be Senior directors |