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Faction creation rules ? - Printable Version

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Faction creation rules ? - snowm - 12-18-2007

I would like to know what is exactly the criteria the admins use regarding the "create / put on debate" factions, some faction or factions ideas (more precisely the Lane Hacker faction, who by the way seems a very good prospect) seem to get the "blessing" while other cant even put up their ideas for debate without getting the dreaded padlock.

I understand the criteria of putting up the faction / faction ideas for admin approval due to the spawn of over the knee factions / faction ideas that appeared on the forums some time ago (and who would probably die out soon enough, due either to lack of RP prospects or to lack of attention by their creators), but i hope this doesn't turn out to be some sort of "Patriot Act" where some people say what's good or bad faction wise.

So i ask, the admins and extend my question as a debate to the rest of the community, what is exactly the faction formation factors here and how and by who are they judged ?

The required faction members numbers / ID / Diplomacy standings / Story line / Presentation criteria mentioned in the faction creation rules are apparently not enough right now, what are then the unknown factors missing here.

Faction creation rules ? - Etaphreven - 12-18-2007

It needs to be FL based...and well thought-out,like Xoria's faction...and a whole bunch of stuff that I can't recall.

Faction creation rules ? - UnknownObject - 12-18-2007

' Wrote:I would like to know what is exactly the criteria the admins use regarding the "create / put on debate" factions, some faction or factions ideas (more precisely the Lane Hacker faction, who by the way seems a very good prospect) seem to get the "blessing" while other cant even put up their ideas for debate without getting the dreaded padlock.

I understand the criteria of putting up the faction / faction ideas for admin approval due to the spawn of over the knee factions / faction ideas that appeared on the forums some time ago (and who would probably die out soon enough, due either to lack of RP prospects or to lack of attention by their creators), but i hope this doesn't turn out to be some sort of "Patriot Act" where some people say what's good or bad faction wise.

So i ask, the admins and extend my question as a debate to the rest of the community, what is exactly the faction formation factors here and how and by who are they judged ?

The required faction members numbers / ID / Diplomacy standings / Story line / Presentation criteria mentioned in the faction creation rules are apparently not enough right now, what are then the unknown factors missing here.
As a relative noobie... I can only give my observation rather than the official line. It may help or it may not.

There appears to be nothing to stop people of like mind putting a common tag in front of their name and sharing RP. If it is bad RP admin will probably get involved and slap your wrists, or ban you outright. Tags will draw attention to your RP much more than untagged ships. So you better have your story straight in game and be prepared to run the gauntlet on here.

To get an official faction you have to get some sort of admin blessing. Admin are trying to attempt to keep the list of factions meaningful, relevant and sane. They are not trying to spoil anyone's fun. In the past unofficial factions have gained enough of a good reputation to become official by something akin to osmosis.

Admin and other key movers and shakers will be generally against a faction who are
a) the same as an existing faction (why reinvent the wheel?)
b) new weird contrived RP (stop it!!! this is Discovery not some other server)
c) offensive/arrogant/rude (don't be like that on here it isn't nice)
d) doesn't want to fit in (the existing factions exist... work with that not against that)
e) from new players (how can your faction fit in if you don't know your way around)

The LH proposal has been made by someone who has quickly built a rep for good rp and sensible forum posts. It has been well thought out and fits in with its surroundings. In short it ticks all the right boxes.

If you are willing to fit in and take things slowly then it appears almost any new faction could get off the ground. You just have to be clever and not go in with a "this is our RP... take it or leave it" attitude. People want other factions to interact with. We just need some sanity to keep us together as a community rather than a collection of wildly different RP cliques.

These are just my noobie observations and there will undoubtedly be many more official posts on this thread.

Faction creation rules ? - snowm - 12-18-2007

Ok, FL based, there are at least 3 factions that aren't FL based and a couple of other that aren't that much FL'ish.

Well presented fine, define "well presented" a good storyline?, detailed info on can and cant's of the faction, detailed diplomacy? details on ships and equipments? exceptions to rules? good spelling? fine

The "whole bunch of stuff that I can't recall" is the issue here.

Faction creation rules ? - UnknownObject - 12-18-2007

' Wrote:Ok, FL based, there are at least 3 factions that aren't FL based and a couple of other that aren't that much FL'ish.

Well presented fine, define "well presented" a good storyline?, detailed info on can and cant's of the faction, detailed diplomacy? details on ships and equipments? exceptions to rules? good spelling? fine

The "whole bunch of stuff that I can't recall" is the issue here.

If I had to sum it up in one word it would be "Attitude".

Faction creation rules ? - snowm - 12-18-2007

Lets take the Lane Hacker faction as an example:

a) the same as an existing faction (why reinvent the wheel?) - there is another Lane Hacker faction called Hellfire Legion, but RP is different
b) new weird contrived RP (stop it!!! this is Discovery not some other server) - not applies
c) offensive/arrogant/rude (don't be like that on here it isn't nice) - not applies
d) doesn't want to fit in (the existing factions exist... work with that not against that) - not applies, i believe they will fit in with the other factions
e) from new players (how can your faction fit in if you don't know your way around) - not applies, not new players, at least the ones starting it out

so, they are from the same ID as another existing faction but have a different RP, their RP is not contrived not weird, they are polite nice people, they fit in or will make their RP fit in, they are veteran semi-veteran players.

and "Attitude" would be?

Faction creation rules ? - Etaphreven - 12-18-2007

I've never tried to make a faction on Disco,and I probably never will.So don't ask for details:P

EDIT: Those none FL based factions are exception due to their extremely good RP.

Faction creation rules ? - UnknownObject - 12-18-2007

' Wrote:and "Attitude" would be?

If the word means nothing to you then I going to have a problem explaining it.

If you have some humility then you will go a long way in influencing people. Aggressive posts lead to people coming straight back at you. So if you look at your opening post there is a thinly veiled attack on the established members of the community and how unfair they are being to people like you. (I'm paraphrasing to make my point).

Attacks are unlikely to get a positive response. You could have rewritten your question in a much less aggresive manner and therefore gained a more positive response. Your question is a valid one but you are almost answering it yourself in a quite insulting fashion. I am not saying any of this to flame you but to try to show how your words can be interpreted.

Faction creation rules ? - Drake - 12-18-2007

It seems like someone can post their faction proposal for the community to have a look at, but if it's pretty obvious that it's not gonna make the cut Hoodlum will go ahead and lock the thread and tell you what needs to be worked out. Too many similar threads have devolved into flames.

If your faction is very similar to a current faction (such as yet another Corsair or Outcast faction that isn't anything but a Corsair or Outcast faction), it won't be accepted.

If your faction is very different than the Freelancer norm (such as Phantoms, Cylons, diplomacy much different than it's parent faction, etc.), then you'd better have some bloody good and sensible RP to back it up, and you'd better have it when you make the faction proposal. This goes double for factions taken from another game/TV show/movie (I expect the Cylons were only allowed because we already had BSG).

If you're arrogant, rude, argumentative, or apparently unwilling to consider the opinions of the rest of the community, that's a big mark against you (see DIC).

If you've been around and active on the forums for less than a month, then that's a big mark against you.

If you can't type up your faction info reasonably well (spell/grammar checker, at least), then that's probably a mark against you.

Things that help (a lot in many cases) are a good, extensive RP story (especially if you differ at all from your parent NPC faction), diplomacy, ship/equipment list, ranking system, a record of good personal RP (in-game and on forums), and doing something unique but not-un-Freelancerish (such as using an NPC faction with no player faction, or a new but not drastically different spin on an already used NPC faction).

This is all just my observations.

Faction creation rules ? - Jinx - 12-18-2007

a good faction is a faction that a neutral person reads and imagines that faction to be a part of the server. a bad faction is one that leaves "too many questions" or appears to be too strange, when it comes to the setting.

for example... : NPC faction base : ALG waste disposal - it can be...

- copy of the npc faction, rewrite the story to fit it in - boooring, but surely possible

- think of ALG to be largely a part of the mafia, with corrupt businessmen etc. - you d need a good background, but it offers more options for a real player faction

- green alians wearing rubber masks impersonating humans, doing their waste disposal ... umm... ok, that one would certainly not fit into the FL universe and is no addition to the server community. ( ok, thats a bit too much - but you know what i mean )

so a good faction must leave allmost no questions about their goals, their relationships and their influence. and it should add something to the server. either something new, or renewed. at least it people shouldn t shake their head in disbelieve when they read it.:)

personally, i don t care if someone is new or a veteran - a newbie can come up with a great story and description aswell as a veteran can come up with a crappy faction idea - the only difference might be, that the vet will post his idea in flood and the newbie in roleplay 24/7:laugh:

edit: adding "???!?!?!?!?" to a question is surely not the way to go - but thats my personal dislike.. . i don t like it when people use caps or multiple questionmarks or explanation marks if its not really necessary. ( no offence hehe )