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How do you scroll the forums? - Printable Version

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How do you scroll the forums? - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 11-26-2010

Do you use the scroll bar to the right? Or maybe mouse wheel? Ech.. middle key and drag?

Maybe there is some other ways? Personaly I've found using middle key and dragging page down the easiest way.

How do you scroll the forums? - Stargoose - 11-26-2010

Mouse wheel.

My browser scroll bar is on the right.

Why is yours on the left?

How do you scroll the forums? - Cond0r - 11-26-2010

Mouse wheel. Really a weird question : D

Also yea, mine is on the right too. wtf is your doing on the left :\

How do you scroll the forums? - TheJarl - 11-26-2010

Mouse wheel unless I need to go on a lengthy page quickly from bottom to top or visa versa in which I used to use the bar on the RIGHT side, but since my mouse is behaving weird I now use middle click for that.

and srzly... weird question... really... I mean it, dude.

How do you scroll the forums? - Crusader4 - 11-26-2010

' Wrote:Mouse wheel

How do you scroll the forums? - jxie93 - 11-26-2010

Weird question indeed, I go between the mouse wheel and up/down arrow keys on my desktop. I use the scroll section of my touch pad on my laptop.

How do you scroll the forums? - Brix - 11-26-2010

mouse wheel

How do you scroll the forums? - SeaFalcon - 11-26-2010

on my laptop,
2 fingers down and up.

on my computer
scroll or when I wanna scroll a lot I just move the scroll bar by clicking the bar and dragging it.

How do you scroll the forums? - sadtranslation - 11-26-2010

My magic keyboard has special keys. They are called "Page up" and "Page down". Can you even imagine what activities do such keys perform? And, yeah, bar on the right, arrow keys, trackpoint + middle button and the respective area of touchpad.

How do you scroll the forums? - NOVA-5 - 11-26-2010

These are the questions i like to hear, nice and simple ones. For me, i know nothing of forums
and tintinet and how to use them, a friend set me up with freelancer, all i know is the game itself,
so wierd questions for you young lads in the knowhow are great for me, who suffers from technofear!
I use the mouse wheel but didnt know about the up/down arrow keys, alas, now i do, cheers:)