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Illusion, or Epic Tweak? - Printable Version

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Illusion, or Epic Tweak? - Jam - 11-27-2010

Hey guys,
Recently, I've been playing with the new ENB series. So I tried something, and downloaded the newest release, and tried to implement it to FL. I don't know how, I was successful.

It says that it renders the effects using Shader Model 3.0. Though... I don't think it is true in this case since Freelancer is DX8 game, not DX9. I really don't know.

Here, I include some screenshots:
(I know, the screenshots are a little bit dark)

Definitely, it looks better than the ENB series, which is in Disco 4.85 series... in my opinion.
So... is it an illusion? Or an Epic Tweak?
I really don't know.

Illusion, or Epic Tweak? - frozen - 11-27-2010

duno, but it looks HORRIBLY dark. :/

Illusion, or Epic Tweak? - Jam - 11-27-2010

I know... that can be changed anytime though.

Illusion, or Epic Tweak? - jxie93 - 11-28-2010

So what exactly is this? Is it a graphics enhancer superior to the current ENB in Disco mod?

Illusion, or Epic Tweak? - lw'nafh - 11-28-2010

Mmmm. That looks pretty, though, as previously stated.

Is dark, broski.

Illusion, or Epic Tweak? - Kestal - 11-28-2010

Looks kind of nice, but yes, really dark.

Illusion, or Epic Tweak? - xxrockstar992xx - 11-28-2010

Its dark, but looks better then what we got...

I want a new one

Illusion, or Epic Tweak? - Jam - 11-28-2010

Alright, I'll configure the ENB to make it little brighter. And yes, it is the newest ENB for GTA Vice City.