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The interrogation of Sophie Schwab - Blodo - 11-27-2010

27th November, 818 A.S. - 01:24 PM

- "The pod has been cleared to cargo bay 3 and is kept fully isolated just as you requested, Herr Major."
It was a busy morning on Freital for Hoerst. He knew he needed to study all of the SOA's past research into Wilde mind control before the deed was to be done. And yet he still had to micromanage the operation himself to ensure that it is carried out to the letter. Overseeing the whole thing from his office was not something that he was used to, always preferring to be on the field and in direct control instead. But this situation needed his attention directed at the finer details. He activated his base communicator.
- "Gut. Now, I want a large security team at that escape pod, weapons holstered. Get her to my interrogation chamber and lock it down. Don't answer any of her questions. Got it?"
- "Verstanden, Herr Major."
- "Call me immediately if there is any unexpected trouble."
As Hoerst finished his sentence, he put the base comm on standby and returned to sifting through pages of printed data and documents from the past. Some of these were analysis of Wilde infested human corpses, others were field analysis of tactics employed by the Wilde. Captured equipment reports, scouting reports, theories on motivation and final goals... mountains of circumstantial and not fully understood information.

Hoerst sat back, visibly annoyed. Even though the last Reapers of Sirius attack came months ago, the setback caused by their first ambush has basically destroyed the actual substantial part of the research on the Wilde. Even the Coalition aces were unable to stop the transport from being blown up. The SCRA's scientists then simply cancelled their Wilde research program, acting as if nothing happened. He learned a few things that day.

He glanced again at his files, at the top of the pile laying a theory on Wilde indoctrination tactics. Supposedly the first step on the road of leading gullible or weak minded pilots into being physically infested. He had no reason to not believe this theory, as according to observations so far it was quite accurate. He knew that paper by heart. He also realised that the Hessians had never captured a live Wilde target before, and that in the end no paper can really prepare him for the days to come.

His comms flickered to life again, suddenly as usual.
- "Herr Major, the prisoner is in interrogation chamber B-7, high security as you requested."
- "What's her state?"
- "She seems quite shaken, sir."
- "Don't let anyone in the chamber until I come. Get the recording equipment ready, I want to have everything the girl says on tape and archived in our Neural Net as it comes in, we can't afford any data loss here. And get Leutnant Dresner on standby in the observation room."
- "Jawohl."
27th November, 818 A.S. - 01:38 PM

The single militia man standing by the door saluted as Hoerst walked toward him. Hoerst saluted back and motioned for the other security standing behind a bullet proof window to the side to open the heavy duty security door. The mechanic lock then released itself and the door slowly opened. Hoerst walked straight in to see a figure strapped into a chair in the middle of the room, illuminated from the top by a typically bright lamp. He pulled up a chair, sat down and stared down the eyes of the figure sitting in front of him for a couple of moments before speaking up.
- "Hello, Sophie. How are you feeling?"
The girl in front of him simply stared back at him.
- "You don't seem injured. That's good. I told the men to be careful with you."
She kept staring back, as Hoerst opened the case he brought with him and pulled out her file, taking a quick look at it then back at her. "It's always the young ones..." he thought.
- "There's a reason why you are here, Sophie. You might not understand it now, but this will change soon. First though, you have to tell me more about yourself. Tell me about... how you first came across your Gods."

The interrogation of Sophie Schwab - Jansen - 11-27-2010

She still thought about the men, pointing their guns at her, when they opened the escape pod. They they were treating her like a dangerous person, she knew that she wasnt dangerous, cant be dangerous, never would be dangerous.
The Majors question got lost in her thoughts, until he asked the second time. [color=#33FF33]"Tell me how you first came across your Gods."

She tried to smile slightly [color=#FF99FF]"You are Major Hoerst, right? Will you tell me why I am here after I gave you those answers?"
The Major noded. "This must have been nearly 6 months ago, I met someone, a very interesting person. He was a Hessian before, but decided to work for the Bounty Hunters Guild. He asked questions about many things and then, then he told me about the gods. That the gods test us, that they are amongst us."

She sighed, when she remembered this moment. "Well... and then I returned to Cassablanca and everything was like always. A week later, I didnt think about the Hunters words anymore, a wing of Corsair ships chased me. Four of them, they would have killed me, like they killed Max."

She took a deep breath before continuing. "And then... out of nowhere a big thing appeared and destroyed them. It saved my life. This creature was sent by the gods to save me and it was beautiful, purple, blue and many other colors alternated. And it had a slight glow around it."

She sighed again, remembering how she was saved by the creature. "That was the first time the I saw something sent by the gods, from that moment... I knew that the Hunter was right."

She looked down at her arms strapped on the chair, the skin under the straps was already sore. "Was that what you wanted to hear? Could you please... remove those things from my arms? I wont run away..."

The interrogation of Sophie Schwab - Blodo - 11-28-2010

Hoerst kept looking at Sophie's face with a stone expression, considering carefully his next words. It would not be productive for him, if she became convinced that she is in danger from those around her. And yet, he knew that she is unaware of exactly what is going on here.
- "We can't unbind you just yet." - he started slowly. - "You see, we're not afraid that you will run away. Rather... we're not too sure whether it is safe. For us."
He looked at her for a second, seeing her opening her mouth to respond, but cut her off before she uttered a word.
- "But that will change soon, with your help."
He stands up from his chair and starts randomly walking to the side, and continuing his train of thought.
- "Did anything else happen during the time you were saved by that... 'creature of the gods'?" Did you interface with the ship that saved you, or maybe you made some kind of a contact?"
Hoerst rubbed his chin.
- "Maybe the other ship transmitted some kind of a signal to your ship. Do you remember anything like that?"

The interrogation of Sophie Schwab - Jansen - 11-28-2010

She sighed again [color=#FF99FF]"I am no danger for you or your men, why should I be one?" After she realized that the major ignored this, she looked over to him. [color=#FF99FF]"You are right, the being , well how should I describe it..." She paused for a few seconds, searching for fitting words.

"It talked to me, but without words. I did not say a word, I knew what it tried to tell me. I saw pictures and felt things, but I was still in my ship. Those pictures and feeling seemed to be right in my head, a bit like my own thoughts, but then again... different."

"It was an interesting feeling, that is... how the gods talk to us." She smiled. "They dont need words. They show us what we have to do, how we have to do it."

She paused once more. "Do you think I am crazy? Because I believe in those gods? Is this why I am here?" She moved her view back on her arms.

The interrogation of Sophie Schwab - aerelm - 12-03-2010

After a few silent moments, as Hoerst was trying to pick the best words to form his next question, the pager in his pocket starts to beep. Taking it out, he stares at its screen for a few seconds and then turns his look back to the girl's puzzled face.
- "I'm afraid I have to leave this for now, someone will be here shortly to take my place."
Then, he walks to the other end of the room and taps a panel on the wall. Closing his mouth to the small microphone on the panel, he says in a low voice,
- "Leutnant Dresner, I have to leave to take care of an emergency. Please report to the interrogation room to continue with the questioning."
- "On mein way Herr Major."
Leaving Sophie's files on a table in the corner of the room, he walks out of the door, leaving the girl alone in the dim light again.

The interrogation of Sophie Schwab - Jansen - 12-03-2010

[color=#FFFFFF]She watched Hoerst going out of the room, a bit confused about the things that could happen now. After some time of looking at the walls, she tried to open the straps, she gave up a few minutes later, there was no way to remove them without her hands. So she just closed her eyes and tried to sleep. She didnt have the possibility to sleep much in the past days.

The interrogation of Sophie Schwab - aerelm - 12-03-2010

After a few minutes, Dresner walks into the room and throws a brief glance at the girl as he walks to the table to get the files. The girl opens her eyes hearing a footstep and stares at the man on the other end of the room. Dresner starts going through the files once again, even though he had read them multiple times already, and starts talking in a calm voice while still looking at the files.
- "So, Fraulein Schwab..."
Hearing a short gasp, he turns around and looks at the girl's shocked face, who clearly had recognized his voice. So he chuckles and continues,
- "Vell, even zough it vas You vho made it hard fur yourself, but let me apologize fur vhat happened in Space earlier. Now ve see zere vas definitely no need fur vasting a ship, vas zere?"
Then he walks toward the chair in front of the girl who's still silent and sits down, folding his arms.
- "So tell me about zese... feelings you get vhen your 'Gods' communicate vith you, fraulein."

The interrogation of Sophie Schwab - Jansen - 12-03-2010

She sighed [color=#FF99FF]"You? Why cant you just let me go after I give you the answers you want? I dont want to be here!" She tried to find out how he would react on her words, but he just stared at her, ignoring her words.

After a few seconds of thinking she decided to give him the answers he wanted. [color=#FF99FF]"I see pictures, perceive feelings and hear their thoughts. Thats the way they talk to me."
She paused, to search for fitting words. "Whenever they talk to me, I could guarantee you that I feel what they feel. Its a wonderful feeling, but... I think you cant understand this. You never experienced these feelings."

She watched his reactions all the time. "My gods always helped me, protected me. I am sure they know how I feel, so there must be some kind of exchange." She tried to smile slightly.

"Now can you please remove those things from my arms? They hurt..."

The interrogation of Sophie Schwab - aerelm - 12-03-2010

Studying the girl's facial expressions as she was speaking, Dresner tried to keep the keywords of her sentences in mind. Occasionally slightly nodding or scratching his chin, he kept listening as the girl described the way of which he believed to be the telepathic communication way that Das Wilde used. "Now can you please remove those things from my arms? They hurt..." He held up his right hand, inviting her to calm down.
- "Not yet, ich bin afraid, but if you are cooperative enough, ze straps vill be removed soon."
Then he leans forward, crossing his fingers.
- "How often did zese 'Gods' communicate vith you, or came to meet you, und how clear do you remember zose encounters?"
But he adds before the girl can answer,
- "Headaches, Dizziness, Confusion...? You get ze point ich bin referring to."
And then waits for the girl's reply while keeping an eye on her expressions again.

The interrogation of Sophie Schwab - Jansen - 12-03-2010

She smiled as she heard that at least her arms would be free soon. [color=#FF99FF]"They communicated everytime I saw one and I think... they were mostly there when I was in trouble. But sometimes I met them in open space, but those meetings were some kind of coincidence, I think."

While looking at him, she tried to remember the encounters, she tried to remember if there were some kind of side effects.[color=#FF99FF] "The only time I felt a bit of an headache was the first meeting, all the following ones did not leave any traces... And..."
She sighed. "I already told you what it was like to meet one of those beings, I felt everything they felt, saw things they had seen. And their bodies were glowing in wonderful colors... It was just beautiful."

She laid her head back, looking at the ceiling. "And... well... I think I can remember most things. There are some blurry memories, but they dont seem to be important."