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Friends Laptop and graphics issue - Printable Version

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Friends Laptop and graphics issue - Heartless - 12-19-2007

Basically, I let a friend borrow Freelancer, and ofcourse, like the rest of us, he loved it:)
Anyways, the single player with the CD works just fine for him, but...
when he plays on the Disco Mod, sometimes (mostly after jump gate jumps) his screen goes black and theres a pop-up saying something about graphics not working or something. The game is still running, I could see his ship still running, and he still had control of the game even though the screen showed nothing. He would always have to re-boot is pc.
Any ideas?
Many thanks.

Friends Laptop and graphics issue - Flo - 12-19-2007

What graphics card does he have? Could you post a precise description of the error message.

Has he installed the latest drivers and stuff?

Friends Laptop and graphics issue - Heartless - 12-19-2007

As far as I know the only windoes updates not installed are the new IE updates. I can't give you the full error message, I'd have to read it off of his screen, so I'll have it here next time we meet. I'll try to take a picture, if not then just type out word for word what it says. Sorry I can't get it to you now. I can tell you that he has an hp and no modifications were made to the model.
Again, my apologiese for not being able to fill you in completely, I'll try to have all the info here as soon as possible.

Friends Laptop and graphics issue - DBoy1612 - 12-19-2007

2 Options:

Go to Options, Audio, and turn off 3D sound.
Or, Update your video card drives.
Or both...

Friends Laptop and graphics issue - Heartless - 12-19-2007

I told him about the 3D sound, but he said that it has nothing to do with the sound, it's the picture.
What exactly does turning of the 3D sound do anyways?

Friends Laptop and graphics issue - DBoy1612 - 12-19-2007

Just do it... Wait and see.