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Player Capital Ships - Printable Version

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Player Capital Ships - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 12-20-2007

ok, ive noticed when you are a capital ship, cruiser class and larger, and you are with a team of players that are fighters or gunbaots.
i know this is not possible in freelancer, but what if there is a game that can do this please notify me.
your a fighter piolet and youve run out of batteries and bots.
your friend is a albatross battlecruiser and has a docking bay suitable for fighters.
what if you, a human player could dock with another players capital ship and buy their cargo they have in their bay unmounted?
that would be my dream come true.

Player Capital Ships - Jinx - 12-20-2007

we had that docking on player ships some time - allthough its technicly possibly - it causes a lot problems - more than its worth from what it appears. ( lag is only one of the problems )

what you d like to have is basicly a mobile base - which could, in terms of re-engagement mess up things aswell. - but yes, the idea as such is quite attractive - yet won t happen.

Player Capital Ships - 13CentKiller - 12-20-2007

There are vidoes of mods that have it. Its pretty cool. But dosn't work the same way your thinking of.
ie: the ship isn't a base, its a re-spawn point.

Like Jinx said, unless we get some kind of Uber server with some kind of lag preventing setup, it probably won't happen.


Player Capital Ships - bluntpencil2001 - 12-20-2007

You can simulate this by having trades mid-fight, passing regens from the bigger ship.

Player Capital Ships - Raekur - 12-21-2007

Actually the biggest issue is that if a fighter docks with a carrier and then the carrier logs off or is disconnected..where is the fighter supposed to spawn back in from?

Player Capital Ships - Jwnantze - 12-21-2007

think I heard somewhere if the carrier loggs off with the people 'inside' him still logged on, it crashesd the server.

Player Capital Ships - Xing - 12-21-2007

There were test on these kind of things and I think the best model had the players respawn at their last station/base if the capital ship was either destroyed, docked or disconected.

Player Capital Ships - Niezck - 12-21-2007

This is one of the things i would absolutely love to see in FL, it would allow for real long distance fights with multiple fighters launching from the flag ship to engage etc etc

However, as people have said, the lag problems would be horrific. If this could be done without lag it would be amazing though:D


Player Capital Ships - lord bigglesworth - 12-24-2007

Yeah, this would be a cool thing.
I got mental images of people destroying an enemy's battleship and killing entire fighter squadrons in the process.:lol:

We used to hide in the front part of the Rheinland battleships. If you're careful you wont bump the battleship. So as long as they aren't moving, you can chill there for a sec to regen your shields.