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Combat inside FP9 NFZ - lousal - 11-30-2010


Combat inside FP9 NFZ - lousal - 11-30-2010


Combat inside FP9 NFZ - globalplayer-svk - 11-30-2010

Comm id:globalo
target: fergusson

senor,you can even ask your friends in omega 49 how ended corsair ships that have not following my orders about notfiring too close to gran canaria...
I was ordered to leave 5 k from freeport,and i was told that this policy is apllied to all ships larger as gunboats,so honestly i dont care who from zoners will be there, ship larger aa gunboat will be nog ordered to leave i destroy it.

Globalo out

Combat inside FP9 NFZ - Zelot - 11-30-2010

To: Omicroners
From: Miguel Sephardi

You have come to the last straw with me. I am done with this, Omicroners will keep their ships out of Corsair space, any ship found in Corsair space will be destroyed, there will be no warnings. When people look back on the start of this war, they will see the Omicroners at the center, your screams of victimization will do you no good this time, you will have alienated yourselves from all who would care to deal with you. You actions have actually destroyed the No Fire Zone in Theata, as all the major factions in the area now have declared that they do no recognize it, or your authority there. You have caused a mess for yourselves, and I can wait to see you try to clean it up.

Miguel Sephardi

Combat inside FP9 NFZ - DarthBindo - 11-30-2010

[Image: asdfezio.gif]
This is simply hilarious.
Zoners, zoners, zoners....who is going to protect you now?
Your "good neighbor policy" and your rather childish insistence on enforcing your No-Fun Zone just pissed off....well, every single one of your neighbors.
I *tried* to save you from your own foolishness and bravado.
Apparently i failed.
Now you require a ....sharper...lesson.
I cannot wait to see the day the combined fleets of the Hispanic nations burn away your freeport, and finally bash into your thick heads that you are not invincible, are not untouchable, that your neutrality exists only at our pleasure.
And then I will light a cigar from the ashes of your dead, and laugh.

Combat inside FP9 NFZ - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 11-30-2010

Establishing connection
ID: Rodrigo Alavera

Uh, you should have done your job well. But you failed. Unlike you, I'll make sure that my boys do their job and you won't like this.

[color=#000000]Transmission terminated

Combat inside FP9 NFZ - Dourden4 - 11-30-2010

Incoming Transmission....

CommID: Silvan Argus

Location: Freeport Nine

Gentlemen, I will not argue any points contained in this tranmission. I am not blind, and I am an intelligent man. I can see that the road we have turned down is a one way street and there is no stopping the Storm that is to come. However, I have but one request from those that may begin further action against the Omicroners.

Please leave Freeport Nine out of any further escalations. Though the incident happened at Freeport 9, your actual problem is with the Omicroners. Please focus your rage and repercussions upon them.

That is my only request in this matter.

Best Regards,

Silvan Argus

Combat inside FP9 NFZ - arvg - 11-30-2010

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier – Omega-52

TARGET ID: The Omicroners, Freeport 9 Citizenry, Corsair Nation, Maltese Nation

[Image: premcom2.png]

War has come to Omicron-Theta, combatants on all sides of the political, geographic and ideological divide have made their feelings firm and clear on this matter.

The time of the No Fire Zone is at an end, it is gone. I am in agreement with my colleagues that such a flawed and outdated system cannot work given the tenuous political situation Freeport Nine now finds itself in.

There have been mistakes in diplomacy, of this we are all in agreement. These mistakes have escalated the situation beyond any reasonable effort can constrain. It is, I fear, too late to fall back upon an aged treaty and a failed tradition.

Therefore, the Coalition is willing to send parts and materials to Freeport Nine to bolster the stations defenses so that it can withstand accidental weapons fire caused by vessels engaging in its proximity.

I fear, Freeport Nine, that your days of secured neutrality are long over. What little neutrality you maintain is a gift from your neighbours, a gift that can most assuredly be taken away if you misbehave or interfere in socio-political events that are of no concern of yours.

I have ordered my ships to neutralize any Zoner vessel enforcing the NFZ around Freeport Nine. I have informed my forces to engage, at will, any enemy vessel in the proximity of this station. We are disbarred from your station anyway, so we have nothing to loose from being denied docking on this facility.

Any attempt on your part to interfere in Coalition diplomacy will be met with force of arms.

Any attempt to enforce a No Fire Zone in Omicron Theta will be met with force of arms.

You are so warned.

Merry Christmas Freeport Nine, I wish you better tidings for the season.

Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Combat inside FP9 NFZ - n00bl3t - 11-30-2010

Greetings Premier Alvin Katz.

You may have heard of me. You may have not. Either way, I am a representative for the Omicroners.

I have been released from the quorum and I am replacing other Omicroners in this transmission.

The original approach has failed. A new approach is being designed which does away with the old one.

Zoners grow weary of caring.

I expect this will be broadcast soon, as I have executive authority to speak for the Omicroners in this issue.

I can only ask that the Corsair Elders remain slightly patient. If they do not, well, I cannot stop them.

But, all is irrelevant. A new transmission soon.

-Sebastien Coen.

Combat inside FP9 NFZ - lousal - 11-30-2010
