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The worst. - Printable Version

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The worst. - Lobster - 11-29-2010

As follows:

Worst Light Fighter: Basalt
Worst Heavy Fighter: Hammerhead
Worst Very Heavy fighter: Avenger
Worst Freighter: Ragnar
Worst Transport: Atlas
Worst Gunboat: Bretonian Gunboat
Worst Cruiser: Tie between the Sorta and the Blood-Dragon cruiser.
Worst Battlecruiser: Argus (why cant its main guns fire behind it??? Q_Q)
Worst Battleship: Tie between the Zephyr and the Liberty Carrier!

Now.. how about your worst ships?

Explanations would be welcome, though I'm too lazy to explane mine.

The worst. - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 11-29-2010

Worst Light Fighter: Caracal (it has roughly the same turning as the Eagle IIRC)
Worst Heavy Fighter: Paladin (just... bad)
Worst Very Heavy fighter: Nomad Assassin (hilarious hitbox)
Worst Freighter: Rhino
Worst Transport: Vache (it has few weapons, not much armour and turns like a Battleship)
Worst Gunboat: Bretonian Gunboat (huge and slow)
Worst Cruiser: Corvo (weak and pointless >.>)
Worst Battlecruiser: Either the LABC or the Argus (they are both absolutely terrible when compared to the Bullhead and Geb)
Worst Battleship: Either the Liberty Carrier or the Sarissa (both are epicly massive, and have far less armour than other ships of their size, and they are both greatly outclassed by their main opponants)

The worst. - Kriss92 - 11-29-2010

From what i have had...

Worst LF - Basalt.. because it is useless
Worst HF - I'll say Hammerhead, because i haven't had a bad HF
Worst VHF - Avenger... the fin
Worst GB - Kusari Explorer... huge powerplant, useless at turning around and shooting anything smaller then a planet
Worst Cruiser - Rheinland Pirate Cruiser
Worst Battlecruiser - Bullhead... because 99,9999% of it's guns cannot fire down and back
Worst Battleship - I would have to say "Legate" because i haven't flown too many other battleships

The worst. - Zelot - 11-29-2010

Worst Light Fighter: Decurion
Worst Heavy Fighter: Slippy
Worst Very Heavy fighter: Raven Claw (Shadow)
Worst Freighter: dunno, I think all of them are pretty decent
Worst Transport: Zoner whale
Worst Gunboat: Corsair
Worst Cruiser: Blood-Dragon cruiser.
Worst Battlecruiser: Dun use
Worst Battleship: Togo

The worst. - Omicron - 11-29-2010

Worst Light Fighter: Startracker
Worst Heavy Fighter: Hard choice but I would go for hammerhead
Worst Bomber: Waran (extremely ugly), Broadsword (extremely weak)
Worst Very Heavy fighter: Titan & Avenger, somehow I can't just like those
Worst Freighter: Rhino
Worst Transport: Adv. train - epicly long fail
Worst Gunboat: Bretonian Failboat
Worst Cruiser: Vidar - it must be reason that nobody wants to fly it
Worst Battlecruiser: Liberty Failing CattleBruiser
Worst Battleship: Legate - extreme ugly, Liberty Carrier - overall fail

The worst. - Elven - 11-29-2010

Worst Light Fighter: Phantom / Banshee
Worst Heavy Fighter: Charon
Worst Very Heavy Fighter: Eagle Q_Q
Worst Super Heavy Fighter: Mafic? (Looks ugly)
Worst Bomber: Waran (looks like brick)
Worst Freighter: Garanchou
Worst Transport: Hegemon (not sure who uses it for transporting needs, though:D)
Worst Gunboat: Bretonian Gunboat
Worst Cruiser: Fearless
Worst Battlecruiser: LABC
Worst Battleship: Sarissa (although, looks awesome!:))

The worst. - ryoken - 11-29-2010

Worst Light Fighter: camera.
Worst Heavy Fighter: Defender. it just sucks.
Worst Bomber: Waran I agree with omicron. just dam ugly.
Worst Very Heavy fighter: Bastet. It just has no pwer
Worst Freighter: that ugly green shuttle thing.X-shuttle thats it.
Worst Transport: IMG transport. Tried it for hauling ore,and it is just useless in all catagories.
Worst Gunboat: Bretonian same reasons as others state. Huge,and slow
Worst Cruiser: Pirate Cruiser,cause no one can use it.
Worst Battlecruiser: LABC thechoice of lolwuts.
Worst Battleship: Spyglass. If you ever flew it? you would know why.

The worst. - Charo - 11-29-2010

Worst Light Fighter: Startracker
Worst Heavy Fighter: Defender (Still love it though)
Worst Very Heavy fighter: The 4.85 SCRA one
Worst Bomber: Waran...EEEW
Worst Freighter: Civilian (the one that looks like a bean)
Worst Transport: Heavy Lifter
Worst Gunboat: Bottlenose
Worst Cruiser: Lolberty Siege Cr00zah (I can still make it pwn though:P)
Worst Battlecruiser: All of them suck...
Worst Battleship: Liberty Carrier

The worst. - Jinx - 11-29-2010

Worst Light Fighter: viodrunner - just waay overpowered ( yes - worst as in too good ) [worst as in bad: starflier]
Worst Heavy Fighter: chavalier - i just don t like bretonian fighters
Worst Very Heavy fighter: collector - low speed, low dps, and low survivability
Worst Freighter: GMG freighter - looks, stats are abysmal
Worst Transport: repair ship - it looks like a badly modelled space dog
Worst Gunboat: conference - its as large as a cruiser
Worst Cruiser: kusari destroyer ( again - worst as in too good ... but not too good as a cruiser - its too good as a gunboat ) [worst as in bad: corvo]
Worst Battlecruiser: IMG battlecruiser - it combines all the weaknesses possible for a BC
Worst Battleship: outcast battleship - large and weak.

The worst. - Vexykin - 11-29-2010

Worst Heavy Fighter: Basalt - Useless
Worst Very Heavy fighter: Hammerhead - Crappy powerplant
Worst Freighter: X-Shuttle - completely pointless
Worst Transport: Stork for sure
Worst Gunboat: Order Gunboat
Worst Cruiser: Liberty Siege Cruze - Weak weak and weak
Worst Battlecruiser: Liberty assault cattlebruiser - No sux
Worst Battleship: Outcast Dread - Too fat and too slow

Here use this easy templetate if you are the lazy one;)

[b]Worst Light Fighter: [/b]
[b]Worst Heavy Fighter: [/b]
[b]Worst Very Heavy fighter: [/b]
[b]Worst Freighter: [/b]
[b]Worst Transport: [/b]
[b]Worst Gunboat: [/b]
[b]Worst Cruiser: [/b]
[b]Worst Battlecruiser: [/b]
[b]Worst Battleship: [/b]