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Hayato Nekketsu - Printable Version

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Hayato Nekketsu - Bakamono - 11-30-2010

Hayato was raised on Planet new Tokyo by his parents Himura and Ayumi. The fact that his parents were employed by the state police lent Hayatos'€™ childhood a structure, discipline, and a clear '€˜black & white'€™ set of moral values.
For years Hayato studied diligently at school and was fed the various skills of the forces by his parents; attempting to give their son a '€˜head-start'€™: they passed on what they could of communications, self-defence, body language, deception sense, etiquette, social hierarchy & appropriate deference, etc. And so Hayatos'€™ early years were subject to little deviation and left little time for personal interest.
Later; with his parents away for a good portion of the time, Hayato managed to take advantage of their absence in his adolescent years: using the time to sneak out to pursue less savoury, urban recreation. A new world was revealed to Hayato; one of romance, recklessness, entertainment, vice, violence and revolutionary music.
It was during Hayatos'€™ first serious romance that the rift with his parents first began: after becoming involved with a girl named Hitomi, whose family had been linked to the Crysanthemums; Hayato fled his home to begin a new life with Hitomi. The pair were engaged, a fact they announced to anyone they met. And life was electrically exciting for a while: Hitomi and he were careening through the universe, wrapped in their bubble of ecstasy; seeing the future unfold through each others eyes.
Hayato and his fiance had been travelling around and enjoying '€˜underground'€™ culture for around fifty days, but they had been spending credits as if there were no tomorrow and had been discussing the easiest routes to riches when they met Mister Smiley. He seemed a nice enough person; easy-going and genuinely concerned for the new couples well being: so Hayato and Hitomi readily accepted his company and advice. They stayed at one of Smileys'€™ places which he sometimes used as a '€˜kitchen'€™ or Lab and began to pick up a few bad habits. It wasn'€™t long before the pair decided to start their own franchise under Smiley to make some quick cash and back on their way. Days became months as the naïve couple descended further into the mire of the illicit and it soon appeared as if this '€˜stop-gap'€™ was quickly becoming a lifestyle. It was during this time that Hayato discovered his taste for metazine.
After a particularly exhausting day, the pair has returned to their dingy apartment to begin '€˜cooking'€™ product for the next few days'€™ sales. Hayato was fetching a bottle from the refrigerator when he heard the sudden crack and roar followed by the stomach curdling cry of his beloved: dropping the bottle, he sprinted to hitomi and reeled back in horror to find his '€˜other-half'€™ wreathed in flame '€“ her screaming form still gripping the table as her flesh constricted, bubbled and disintegrated. Fire tore through the cramped room, licking eagerly across the walls and ceiling: Hayato stood mutely; his breathing failing, as his wife-to-be suffered amidst the conflagration. As smoke filled the atmosphere he dumbly stared about: seeing naught but thick black smoke and hungry fire; his lovers'€™ body lay before him burning to cinders and there was no way out. Perhaps driven by some last memory of love; Hayato focused through the bilious smoke upon Hitomis'€™ engagement ring and crawled toward her body. His body screamed for oxygen, pain seemed a distant warning as he forced his way on: flames greedily reaching into his legs, lancing into his face; Hayato reached out toward her one last time before the darkness swallowed him.
Weeks later Hayato awoke in a state of the art Cryer facility. He lay in a bath of gelatinous liquid, his body unresponsive: he could do little save turn his head. After a moment of panic, his memory flooded with the realisation of Hitomis'€™ death: he screamed in anguish as his tears began. After a maddening torrent of screams a nurses'€™ face appeared in Hayatos'€™ field of view.
'€œHello there Mr Nekketsu: you are in hospital being treated for massive smoke inhalation and burns. We have suspended your motor functions in order to enable uninterrupted healing: don'€™t worry, you aren'€™t paralysed; we will remove the inhibitor once your new nerves and flesh have had a chance to grow. Your parents have asked to be contacted if you awoke, shall we contact them? I could put you back to sleep if you prefer?'€
'€œH..Hitomi: did Hitomi survive? The girl that was in the room?'€
'€œO dear, I'€™m very Sorry Mr Nekettsu, Hitomi shimatanis'€™ body was recovered from the scene once the fire had been quenched; they say she went quickly'€¦'€ It has been foolish to hold out any hope; after seeing her burning: he knew she was dead. Another interminable period of grieving passed before Hayatos'€™ parents arrived.
'€œSon..can you hear me? Oh Son, how did you get into this mess? The fire investigators told us that the fire was the result of '€˜an amateur drugs lab accident'€™! We understand that you must have loved her very much to get involved in such a dishonourable venture. However misguided; she was a sweet girl'€ his mother diplomatically chided.
'€œI am not in totally agreement Ayumi: Son; you have made awful mistakes. That girl brought you down to her level, and if you hadn'€™t both fled so unprepared '€“ she would still be alive today. What happened to everything we taught you?'€ his father rebuked, his stern voice touched with disbelief.
Hayatos'€™ croak escalated to a broken screech '€œDon'€™t you think I know it'€™s my fault Hitomi is dead!? She'€™s gone; I will never see her smile again! Gods help me '€“ I'€™d give anything to be able to revisit that day and stop her!'€ The nurses'€™ voice quickly chimed in from the distance '€œOh! Please try to relax Hayato: you don'€™t want to over-exert yourself now; healing can be a delicate process. Mr and Mrs Nekketsu, I think it would be best if we let him rest for now.'€
'€œYes, try to rest well son, we'€™ll be back soon enough.'€ His mother cooed. '€œHai, this isn'€™t over son, there is a lot we have to talk about'€ his father stubbornly said.
And so it was that Hayato lay powerless distraught and grieving in hospital; the time that crawled by was punctuated by visits from his parents and wracking bouts of uncontrollable weeping. Eventually the nurses held true to their promise and inhibitors were removed. Hayato was lifted from the tank by a team of orderlies as doctors looked on, a series of electrodes and sensors were patched to his limbs, torso, and the length of his spine. His rehabilitation began slowly as the Electrical muscle stimulation encouraged his unused sinew. A team of doctors studied the feedback results and made adjustments to the equipment as well as his daily physiotherapy. Months of gruelling recovery had Hayato engaging his will in order to regain command of his body. Progress was made little by little and eventually Hayato was fit enough to return to his parents home to be cared for under their supervision.
Another six months followed in humbling penance as Hayato attempted to work through the arduous tasks set before him: in order to prove to his sincerity to his family. He missed Hitomi as his missed his own heart, his every action was touched by his mourning. However, shallow as people are: it wasn'€™t much later, whilst attending flight school, when he met Olivia and his whole world brightened. She was a buxom young combat aspirant with a craving for adrenaline, taller than Hayato by half a hand, her rusty-gold hair hung about her shoulders in loose curls. Hayatos'€™ parents reviewed the potential courtship: thoroughly combing the womans'€™ family background and lineage and upon finding an impressive character; allowed their son a little more freedom.
Flight school became more of an event than a chore; the banality of lessons flavoured with spirited competition and sexual tension. The day came when the pair graduated and took their new found freedom to the skies. In their naivety Olivia and Hayato tried becoming freelance mercenaries, are so many are won'€™t to do. They soon found it hard to stand in such a market: with so many mercenary companies and Private Military Corporations they found themselves often late to the prize or pushed aside as the more numerous and better equipped contractors swooped in.
The romance of such a career soon lost its allure, so the star crossed couple enlisted in the state police. This time the friendly competition manifested itself in the form of rank and arrests; the pair began working terrain based patrol to slowly earn the trust of their superiors before they would be promoted to craft based duty. Both had their own way of maximising their arrest numbers each quarter; Olivia would sometimes use her feminine charms: forcing the criminal to underestimate her. Hayato often let his glory-hunting and zeal get in the way; losing their friendly competition, but scoring points in the scars department.
Months turned into years and the two settled into a modestly comfortable low level apartment on one of Honshus'€™ islands. Their competition continued and resulted in alternative career avenues for the couple: Olivia attained a prominent position planet-side, whilst Hayatos'€™ methods had slowed his promotional ascent. Arguments occurred more frequently, Hayato became shorter of temper, and feared that he was sabotaging his own bliss. He decided to use what little sway he had to assist an application to the navy and began what he hoped would be a notable career which would bring his family honour. The time away from each other gave the couple more breathing room after the tension which had built whilst Olivia was Hayatos'€™ superior.
After years of insistence from Himura and Ayumi: the couple began their wedding plans for a beautiful blossom touched ceremony on planet Kyushu. Olivias'€™ dress was designed and created by: Ayumi, Olivias'€™ Mother '€“ Vivienne, and a host of other family friends; all eager to put their stamp on the Gown. The women would gather and argue long into the night over fabrics, stitching, accessories, veil, Bouquet and of course shoes.
Not to be outdone, Hayato conscripted the male side of the families to help him ensure the couple would be escorted via horse & carriage by a dress unit of Naginata and traditional Kabuki performers. He also took Olivia to his proposed venue, which she fell in love with: Situated inland, on the slopes of Mount Kinen, a river flowed by a small collection of tiered wooden houses and two generous barns lay before an old temple, the whole setting faced to the east and gave an awe inspiring view of the land reaching all the way to the ocean.
The cake was made and designed on Junyo, by the self-titled culinary artiste known as '€œKei-ki'€: with seven differently flavoured tiers, adorned with delicate sugar flowers and an edible representation of the wedding site; it was what he described as a '€œConfectionary Masterwork'€. The wedding went off beautifully as the couple sincerely made their vows and commitment to one another: guests wept freely in joy as the choir and band sang the couple out in their new found matrimony.
With their eyes on a state-of-the-art abode on one of New Tokyos'€™ popular islands; the newly weds hoarded currency as best they could after their costly honeymoon: Hayato managed to get himself assigned to the front lines; where he saw the opportunity for higher pay and prestige. Olivia would often fret and strife over the distance between them: not knowing if her husband was well or drifting in enemy territory with failing life support. Contact became a precious relief and Hayato would return to his wife at every occasion, such as public holidays and of course during standard shore leave.