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Taking a snapshot - Printable Version

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Taking a snapshot - Pacificator - 11-30-2010

Me again,

I looked here and on neural net but couldn't find the actual explanation, for it should be obvious. How do you take an instant screenshot while playing ? I think it got something to do with a guncam I should install ?

Thanks again.

Taking a snapshot - mef - 11-30-2010


Guncam is the term used in RP. I usually take screenshots using XFIRE, it is very easy and also the tool uploads the images directly to internet.

Taking a snapshot - Diomedes - 11-30-2010

The PrtScrn button also works by default. Will save the picture as a bitmap in My Pictures. XFire is probably a better solution, but I don't know much about that.

Taking a snapshot - sadtranslation - 11-30-2010

For what I remember, PrtSc just adds whatever you have on screen to your clipboard. Well, I use this one, it's free, it saves the pictures in the extention I need and in the folder I need. And, yeah, it's shortcuttened to PrtSc (or another key you'd like to use).

Taking a snapshot - etiainen - 11-30-2010

I use IrfanView's screenshot feature (shortcut: C), I just press a key combination and it automatically saves the screenshot somewhere.

Later, I just cut out the unnecessary, and presto.

Taking a snapshot - SnakThree - 11-30-2010

Use PrintScreen button, or program as FRAPS. There might be more programs.

Taking a snapshot - SeaFalcon - 11-30-2010

Freelancer autosaves screenshots in 'my documents/my games/freelancer/freelancershots'

They will be saved there when you push your printscreen button on your keyboard. as said above.

But on some slower computers the normal freelancer printscreen make your screen freeze since they are saved in .bmp which is a little bit big,
since .bmp is about 2mb's a picture and .jpg is about 200kb for each picture.

I disabled the normal screen capture of freelancer,
And now I'm using Gadwin to be able to safe my screens in any format/location what I want. And it removed my screen freeze upon screening.

Taking a snapshot - Coin - 11-30-2010

i find the 0.5 of screen freeze useful: when i mash the prtsc button, it lets me know that i pressed the right one.

Taking a snapshot - Pacificator - 11-30-2010

PrtScrn button will do fine. Nice and easy....

Taking a snapshot - aerelm - 11-30-2010

The only problem with Printscreen is that it saves the screenshots in .BMP, which takes up a lot of space in long run. On the other hand, advantage of using programs like Fraps or Xfire to take screenshots is that they save the screenshots in .JPG or .PNG, which took up lot less space while not sacrificing the image quality.

I personally use Xfire, which is completely Free and really easy to use and plus, it has an In-Game messenger and plenty of other things. - You can download it from Here