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What is happening in Gallia? - podgie_bear - 12-01-2010

I have been trying to buy a fighter in Gallia to start building rep with a faction there, but I can't buy ANYTHING! I have recruit ID and I have tried Council fighters, Brigand fighters, even Junkers base for Civillian fighters and all say my ID is not good enough!

How the hell am I supposed to do missions in a bloddy CSV!!!!!

Last week I could buy even Heavy fighters there with recruit ID, so does anyone know what the hell is going on?

What is happening in Gallia? - Dab - 12-01-2010

Buy a civilian fighter from the planet in Champagne. It should allow it. If you still get the same problem, find a player of the faction you're trying to rep to and see if he'll run missions for you until you can buy the ship.

What is happening in Gallia? - Catbert - 12-01-2010

I guess it's Gallic peculiarity. Unlawful fighters there can't be bought without the right ID (in Sirius I've never seen anything like it). I was faced with that problem/peculiarity myself. So, the only way for you is to follow Dab's suggestion.

What is happening in Gallia? - podgie_bear - 12-01-2010

WE're trying to buy starting fighters for our new recruits. It's going to be a royal pain in the ass now isn't it?

Last week we could buy them, now we can't, so someone has altered something.

What is happening in Gallia? - podgie_bear - 12-01-2010

I have tried Planet Never in Burgundy, Planet Marne in Champaigne, Junkers bases, Gallic Brigand Bases and Council Bases. I cannot buy ANY fighter on ANY of them, so somebody has obviously messed something up somewhere since I bought my other 2 fighters at Valence Base in Dauphine last week. I can't even buy Civillian fighters, LF nor HF.

I am using Recruit ID the same as I did last week with no problems.

This effectively means no-one can obtain a fighter anywhere in Gallia so if anyone wants to join any Gallic faction, they need to do the missions in bloody CSV!

WHAT A LOAD OF &%$£&%^!!!!

What is happening in Gallia? - Rema 'Pesas - 12-01-2010

podgie, chill the rage. could just be the recruit Id. if its not workin with civvy ships, try a civvy ID for now.

also, just one more thing, is the ID actually equipped? could always be that....

What is happening in Gallia? - pchwang - 12-01-2010

I actually spoke to Cannon about this same issue around a few weeks ago.

Try PMing him.

What is happening in Gallia? - podgie_bear - 12-01-2010

' Wrote:podgie, chill the rage. could just be the recruit Id. if its not workin with civvy ships, try a civvy ID for now.

also, just one more thing, is the ID actually equipped? could always be that....

Yes it is equiped and I bought my ships last week with this same ID with no problems.

Sorry if I am getting irate, but I just promised to buy starting ships for new recruits and now I can't deliver.

This makes us good doesn't it, NOT! We can't even deliver on the very first promise we make!

What is happening in Gallia? - Helo - 12-01-2010

Thats weird....I've been repping Council bomber two weeks ago, and it worked with Recruit ID.
On other hand, Tech chart allows Council to use BRigand Transport and freighter....When Council ID did not allow to buy Brigand transports...

What is happening in Gallia? - ryoken - 12-01-2010

Goto junker base,and get bribes,thats how i got proper id's. Also can always just pop into tau 23 and buy a fighter at Java to start off.