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"Cloaking Device" use... - Printable Version

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"Cloaking Device" use... - Pacificator - 12-02-2010

Here I am again,

So, I don't 'bout you, but I though that the use of F1 was a kind of emergency one, real life emergency. But I've seen some (many) using it as an in-game manoeuvre regulary. Tell me if I'm wrong but it seems to me absolutely out of what should be done on a server. The console message stating "attempting to use cloaking device" does confort in the idea that it is "RP tolerated" to do so and server rules aren't clear for they say not to use while interacting.

Personaly I think it spoils the game so I won't, but what is the politic about it ?

See ya...

"Cloaking Device" use... - Lobster - 12-02-2010

Short answer: NO IT IS NOT OK TO DO!

Long answer: You will learn when you're older.

"Cloaking Device" use... - lw'nafh - 12-02-2010

Don't F1, if it's a serious RL issue PM the guy ingame before you go or make a Flood post saying why/when/how.

"Cloaking Device" use... - Enojado - 12-02-2010

Read the rules.

"Cloaking Device" use... - aerelm - 12-02-2010

The rule is there so people don't use F1ing for running from unwanted player interactions (Piracy and such), and the "Cloak" message is just there so it wont look out of place during some RP interaction.

If you really need to leave for some type of RL emergency, ask permission from the players you're RPing with, most of the time people let you go when asked nicely... Even if not, just let them kill you so you can log.

"Cloaking Device" use... - Vexykin - 12-02-2010

That should help you...

"Cloaking Device" use... - AeternusDoleo - 12-02-2010

Best practises (my opinion):
- If you have noone in scanner range (and didn't just jump through a gate or hole, running from someone) cloaking is fine.

- If you need to cloak out while you don't have any potential or actual hostiles in the vicinity, just let people know. Polite is to ask briefly if anyone minds you cloaking out. "Ready to engage stealth... unless anyone objects?". People tend to do this while mining, switching occasionally to a transport to scoop up ore.

- If you need to cloak out while you're being pursued by a hostile... just let him/her kill you, and once dead, then disconnect. Cloaking out in combat or while pursued is against the rules, and very impolite.
This includes cloaking out when you spot, or are informed about hostiles entering a system. (Happens in Tau 23 a lot - hard to call sanctions on when the pirates never get you in visual range)

"Cloaking Device" use... - Coin - 12-03-2010

F1'ing can get very expensive.

personally i hate logging into a char and finding it sat in space... you have no idea who will be there when you log back in. you could f1 in the choicest mining field, and then when you log back in, your surrounded by 14987509187459817459081745981745-9817245 ^10 pirates...

"Cloaking Device" use... - ryoken - 12-03-2010

' Wrote:This includes cloaking out when you spot, or are informed about hostiles entering a system. (Happens in Tau 23 a lot - hard to call sanctions on when the pirates never get you in visual range)
See this i find a little to much. There is no rule against cloaking when no one is in site. Since you brought up Tau-23 i will use as example. If a miner is at the Ore fields,and a Outcast for example jumps in system(nearest hole over 20K away) And another player PM's you Outcast in system. There is no rule violation to cloak. As that same player could run away/jump into Tau-39 (which no Outcast should ever enter) or just shoot straight up 20K. They will all get the miner to safety,and none break any rules.
Only time cloaking is against rules is if someone is in site,and contacted you. Out of site? perfectly ok to cloak.

"Cloaking Device" use... - Fins - 12-04-2010

' Wrote:Best practises (my opinion):
... People tend to do this while mining, switching occasionally to a transport to scoop up ore.
A bit of offtopic, sorry, but it's kinda important:

Switching to a transport and back to pick up ores while mining is, imho, pure meta-gaming. Too sad this practice is widely spread nowadays...