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Playing in windowed mode. Tech Help Needed! - Printable Version

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Playing in windowed mode. Tech Help Needed! - podgie_bear - 12-02-2010

Does anyone know how to set the size of the playing window to play freelancer in windowed mode.

I have read the threads on here and can set it to open in windowed mode and can set the resolution (800x600 or 1024,768, etc) but no matter what size I set, It still creates the same size window to to display it in. Unfortunately the window is defined as the full hight of the screen and because it has a frame around it, the bottom of the window drops below the bottom of the screen. Which means that I can't see my Armour/Shield/Recharge guns display!
Unfortunately since my monitor is widescreen it throughs my aim off terribly, while in windowed mode I hit what I shoot at.

Playing in windowed mode. Tech Help Needed! - Quixotix1 - 12-02-2010

Did you try using the command line option for custom resolutions?

I think the syntax is -dWIDTHxHEIGHT.

I know for certain that I was able to alter the windowed mode resolution and size from 800x600 to 640x480 with this, but it may not work with all resolutions. The command line resoultion thing sometimes generates some weird things too.

Playing in windowed mode. Tech Help Needed! - DarthBindo - 12-02-2010

How are you creating windowed mode?

through the command line or with D3d windower?

Playing in windowed mode. Tech Help Needed! - podgie_bear - 12-02-2010

With the command line , I set it to; "Games\FreeLancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe -w800,600"
as my default, but have also tried it at smaller resolutions, unfortunately it just changes the resolution, but keeps the window the same size.

I haven't tried D3d windower, because everytime I add a utility it seems to cause more problems with win7

Playing in windowed mode. Tech Help Needed! - Quixotix1 - 12-02-2010

I may have found your problem.

The syntax is -w -d800x600 and not -w800,600

When I use -w -d800x600, it uses that resolution and the window is 800x600 large

When I use -w -d640x480 its that resolution and also 640x480 large.

When I use -w -d640,480 the option is ignored and it does what it did for 800 x 600

EDIT: So use -w -d800x600

Playing in windowed mode. Tech Help Needed! - podgie_bear - 12-02-2010

YES!!! :yahoo:


It works.