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A simple question. - Printable Version

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A simple question. - Lobster - 12-03-2010

There is a _Insert faction here_ transport in hostile guard system _Insert system here_ and I am in a _Cruiser_ paroling said guard system.

I pew transport, transport jumps out of guard system to non-guard space.

Am I allowed to pursue with intent to pew?

A simple question. - Akura - 12-03-2010


A simple question. - SeaFalcon - 12-03-2010

pew it pew pew pew pew it!

Guards shall not be used for shortcuts.
Although you can't chase it when it left the guard.

A simple question. - Vladimir - 12-03-2010


A simple question. - Not Espi - 12-03-2010

yeah cos he was in your system in the first place. its the same engagement afaik

A simple question. - Lobster - 12-03-2010

Hmm.. a resounding "huuurrrr" in the form of consistency..

I think I might need to wait for an admin.

Hurry up though, he is getting away.

A simple question. - Patrician - 12-03-2010

No. Once he has jumped, it counts as fleeing. Engagement over. Pewing him in a new system not allowed. Gotta get him IN the Guard system. Once they jump away, theyre free and clear.

A simple question. - cmfalconer - 12-03-2010

No. The rules only cover it within guard-system space. Just because the engagement started there, doesn't mean you can carry it over outside guard system borders.

That being said...Guess what, you won the engagement anyway as the perpetrator fled your system, which is what you're supposed to be concerned with.

No blue message = no big deal right? As long as the interloper is gone, you've done your job.

A simple question. - Menkar - 12-03-2010

The transport left the system, and lost the battle.

If you're in the next system, you have to RP from the start, or am I wrong?

A simple question. - Lobster - 12-03-2010

Quote:No blue message = no big deal right? As long as the interloper is gone, you've done your job.
He is currently yelling at me over system chat about how many military secrets he stole, and how he has mapped the whole system.

In RP, he really needs to die now.