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Add a ship to game? - Printable Version

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Add a ship to game? - o0genesis0o - 12-04-2010

I'm currently playing discovery 4.85 with a "personal server" (using loop back router or something in window) since i don't have enough time for playing online constantly. (Offline with "personal server" is still really cool :D)
In this game, i like to sit in the chair of captain, so i used all large ships in game (since the mod was published). And now i want to change some discovery large ship to some trek ship (since i used all of large ship of discovery), just for personal use:DSo i first create a max file of enterprise and do as tut in the FL Tools on MODDB, but i doesn't work, so i searched and found a package of trek ships with .cmp (checked in hard editor) and .sur, but no matter how hard i try, the ship keeps being invisible in game :(. I've been working on this for weeks but no result:(So please take a look, thks very much :D

above is a zip folder where there is .cmp and .sur of enterprise nx1 and i also put shiparch.ini with albatross frigate .cmp changed to .cmp of enterprise. Please check if there is any error? And no virus, i promise:D

Add a ship to game? - Durandal - 12-05-2010

Sounds like an LOD issue in the inis. I can't help you further without actually seeing the ini files and CMPs though, so I'll get back to you on that.

Add a ship to game? - Xalrok - 12-05-2010

I haven't tested it just yet, but I've noticed that your shiparch.ini doesn't reference to the .mat file (the file with no extension.)

DA_archetype = SHIPS\StarTrekShips\ent_nx01\ent_nx01.cmp
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic

Probably should be

DA_archetype = SHIPS\StarTrekShips\ent_nx01\ent_nx01.cmp
material_library = ships\StarTrekShips\ent_nx01\ent_nx01.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic

Also, do you have a StarTrekShips folder in the Ships folder? Or are you dropping the nx01 directly into another folder in the Ships folder? Because then the shiparch.ini is referencing to a place that doesn't exist, which will cause problems.