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JUNKERS OF SIRIUS UNITE - Hawk - 12-05-2010

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: The Rocinante****

[Image: 999666994_A2vTZ-X3.jpg]

Junkers of Sirius Unite!

This is a rallying cry to all Junkers throughout Sirius. We have supporting the Bretonian government more than any house in Sirius, and as payment for our services they have chosen to make us criminals. They don'€™t want us delivering scrap to Newgate anymore. They don'€™t want us hunting Hogosha and AFA that enter into Bretonia. They don'€™t want us taking out the trash. Let them do it themselves.

We have helped them out and now they are threatening to murder civilians.

All Junkers in Sirius who are not happy about this decision respond. Show us your support. Let us know you support your brother Junkers. Let me know what ships you have available to aid in our current efforts.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

JUNKERS OF SIRIUS UNITE - SMI-Great.Fox - 12-05-2010


Jenson Volengos here along with my fellow crew members, Ilo Takato, and Miki Valentine...

Consider us the first to answer your call on this...Even if we aren't part of the Congress anymore...

We function mostly in Bretonia and we will answer this unfairness.

Maverick IV over and out....


JUNKERS OF SIRIUS UNITE - Feartrue - 12-05-2010

...Establishing Long-Range communication...
...Decrypting data packet...
...Comm ID: .:j:.Common.Knowledge...
...Location: CLASSIFIED...
...Activating Android: Ignatio 2.4...

Well I'll be....

Them Bretonian folks just managed to hinder me on my return flight to Trafalgar.
I'll see what I can do in this CSF, and I'll contact that guy who supposedly created me as well, tell him to leave a message here.

As a congressman, no, as a junker, you have my full support

...Datalink Lost...

JUNKERS OF SIRIUS UNITE - Bazza - 12-05-2010

[Image: MessageHeader.png]

Evangeline appears before the cold steel walls of the Maelstrom, waving happily to the camera before presenting her left hand with fingers out-stretched. She starts folding each finger over as she runs through the list of ships.

Let's see now...

One Liberty Rogue Scylla, The Maelstrom.

Two more Scylla. The "Harlot" and the "Rogue's Liberty".

One Liberty Rogue Gunboat, the "Birthday Present".

One "Combat Triangle", the Alsatia.

A Bounty Hunter battlecruiser....

Evangeline crosses over to her other hand and continues counting. IMG Argus cruiser, A Pilgrim, two Falcatta, A Shetland... uuhm... A Sabre, Marauder... and an Umbrage.

Let me know if and where the services of the McDowell Company can be put to use, Crow. But I expect some love my way if I have to get my hands dirty, sweetie.

Evangeline smiles and waves once again to the camera before motioning to an unknown person behind the camera, who shuts it off.

JUNKERS OF SIRIUS UNITE - TFinnegan - 12-05-2010

*Bridge of the Wake*
*Invergordon Jumphole, Newcastle system*

Right then Arbiter.
*cracks knuckles*
I've ordered all o' me Gordon'nauch ter cease scrap operations in Bretonia, with the minor caveat ta try n' dump all current cargos smack in th' midst o' th' lanes 'ere.

Aye, an as such, Oi've also recalled me strike craft from th' Leeds an' Dublin staging grounds. Oi've ordered 'em ta cease patrol o' th' Tau hotspots, an' 'ave moved 'em lads back ter Invergordon, where we await yer signal
*nods solemnly*

Aye, an just fer larfs, I've had me Cargomaster 'pon Invergordon start offerin' a higher price for pirated goods, specially Gold Ore an' other goods whats got Breton tax stamps.
Should make things int'restin' fer them traders what wants ta' move through yon Breton skies, aye?
*grins toothily*

Wake, out.
Congressman Tim Finnegan
Coileach an Taobh Tuath

JUNKERS OF SIRIUS UNITE - AndrzejB - 12-05-2010

[incoming trasmission]
[from: S/V_Zion, @Trafalgar Base]

If it's about that rumors of Junkers being prohibited to stay and operate on Bretonia space... Let me state it that way:

I was born here, on Trafalgar, and have full right to stay; ain't no second class citizen.

Used to pay taxes, help the authorities, evacuate refugees from Leeds, bring pharmaceuticals and stuff there, always under fire - guys, don't laugh - and obviously can prove it. Used to bring raw materials of strategical value, riskin' my life everyday. Risking painful death among radioactive and toxic clouds, while harvesting metal.

(Funny fact, my friends, as far as I remember, obstructing the supply of war material is considered a high treason in Bretonia. Now, the is the Queen going to shorten to whole gov by the head? Would be much fun to see that. Do they still use axes?)

Dammit, I was flying under the colors of BAF when I was younger! Now it seems that I was a fool. For indeed I was. How naive, to expect being treated like a citizen.

At least got a rabbi on board so I can get express last rites, should something bad happen. Like, for example, a situation requiring me to breath vacuum.

Awaiting message from the Congress. I'll try my luck once again and stay in Bretonia.

C. J. Meeijn

[end of transmission]

JUNKERS OF SIRIUS UNITE - Osilon - 12-05-2010

[Incoming Transmission]
[CommID: Vixen]

Damn...that it would come to this is unsettling to say the least, 'specially with the events around Sirius at the moment...too much drama, huh? Anyway, I may not have much more than a Recycler in the way of combat-worthy craft, but I do have a Salvager at my disposal, and a crew ready for anything on my behalf.
[Signal Lost]

JUNKERS OF SIRIUS UNITE - Navarone - 12-05-2010

Mac here.
The Congress can count on my full support.

I'm a new recruit to the Bretonian Buccaneers, but i'm no green-eared freshman neither!
You may consider my craft at your disposal.

I shall ask my fellow Buccaneers what they can't help you out, as well.

You lads have always been good to us.
Seems 'tis time to return the favor.

Mac out.

JUNKERS OF SIRIUS UNITE - Schatten Research Facility - 12-05-2010

' Wrote:
[Image: MessageHeader.png]

Evangeline appears before the cold steel walls of the Maelstrom, waving happily to the camera before presenting her left hand with fingers out-stretched. She starts folding each finger over as she runs through the list of ships.

Let's see now...

One Liberty Rogue Scylla, The Maelstrom.

Two more Scylla. The "Harlot" and the "Rogue's Liberty".

One Liberty Rogue Gunboat, the "Birthday Present".

One "Combat Triangle", the Alsatia.

A Bounty Hunter battlecruiser....

Evangeline crosses over to her other hand and continues counting. IMG Argus cruiser, A Pilgrim, two Falcatta, A Shetland... uuhm... A Sabre, Marauder... and an Umbrage.

Let me know if and where the services of the McDowell Company can be put to use, Crow. But I expect some love my way if I have to get my hands dirty, sweetie.

Evangeline smiles and waves once again to the camera before motioning to an unknown person behind the camera, who shuts it off.

ID: Siegfried


Errm... Yessum.


JUNKERS OF SIRIUS UNITE - ryoken - 12-05-2010

Captin C.J.Nickson ere. My salvager,recycler,and me Colector are all at yer disposal. Them Bret's have always harrassed me crew,and i welcome a chance to git back at im.

Ships names are the WRECKER-J Black-Iron and Stormcrow. Call on em for any assistance needed.