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posible limit in Conn - Printable Version

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posible limit in Conn - ryoken - 12-08-2010

Seeing how recently half the server was in Conn,and admin used his rights as admin to remove them,I decided to do this little poll.
Should their be a limit,and if yes? what should it be. I think when limit is reached the JH should randomly send player to new system,and by random i mean any system(except Bastille although that would be funny) So vote away lads,and lasses.

posible limit in Conn - dodike - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Seeing how recently half the server was in Conn,and admin used his rights as admin to remove them,I decided to do this little poll.
Should their be a limit,and if yes? what should it be. I think when limit is reached the JH should randomly send player to new system,and by random i mean any system(except Bastille although that would be funny) So vote away lads,and lasses.

Or it could straight away kick people from the server as they probably don't want to hang around somewhere else and would log off. It's important to kick people out when there are hardly any people on the server so no processing power is wasted on something as ridiculous as training.

posible limit in Conn - ProwlerPC - 12-08-2010

I forgot about that system. Still around eh? Not exactly the most convenient of locations. I suggest Discovery of Discovery as your arena due to it's convenience.

I vote "other"

posible limit in Conn - ryoken - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Or it could straight away kick people from the server as they probably don't want to hang around somewhere else and would log off. It's important to kick people out when there are hardly any people on the server so no processing power is wasted on something as ridiculous as training.
Was over 100 players when bear put his foot down. I was in NY,and heard the OORP whining from some(maybe 1 as you) Now stop whining,and vote/post your oppinion on the topic,or just Leave/log. Disco survived a long time with out you,and will continue to.:P

posible limit in Conn - NewHealthRock - 12-08-2010

The server population should be strictly regulated, so as to keep a civil calm and correctness. Because people who were nastily taking up some 10-15 out of 135 free slots at server low-time, caused unbalanced activity to one system.

And should someone disagree, the door is right over there.

Oh wait, that sounded somewhat dictatorial didn't it.

posible limit in Conn - Markus_Janus - 12-08-2010

Voted other.
Lock conn, go to traing server.

posible limit in Conn - ryoken - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Voted other.
Lock conn, go to traing server.
Hmm i forgot to add other. My bad.

posible limit in Conn - dodike - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Voted other.
Lock conn, go to traing server.
How does that help anything when player count on the server is about 60. If those are in Connecticut there is a slight chance that they will get back to roleplaying when they see their mates log on, or mortal enemy or somewhat? This would only lower the player count when the server is already low on players.

Edit: And yes, Connecticut happens when player count is low because people are bored of chasing roleplay over 3 systems and would log off otherwise. I know that from my own experience.

posible limit in Conn - Markus_Janus - 12-08-2010

Hey I never said my opinion was perfect.
I just don't personally find the idea of a OoRP system in a RP mod... fittiing to well.

posible limit in Conn - dodike - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Hey I never said my opinion was perfect.
I just don't personally find the idea of a OoRP system in a RP mod... fittiing to well.
Starting thinking how does its existence harm your gameplay experience. I would very much like to know.