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I bought a new PC finally. Nothing too special. - Printable Version

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I bought a new PC finally. Nothing too special. - ProwlerPC - 12-09-2010

Ok so I finally decided to ditch my Vista PC that was running on 1GB of RAM and a single processor. Felt I was due to try something a little more. I didn't aim to go overboard and I am more then certain I didn't go overboard. I am quite astute with PCs and have managed to get the most out every PC that came my way. I am getting outdated, however, and this new PC certainly has a new way about it.

HP TouchSmart 300 PC

AMD Athlon II 235e Dual-Core Processor
4000 MHz Front Side Bus
750 GB HD
ATI Radeon HD 3200 graphics (which I want to do something about but I was using ATI RAdeon X1250 previously)
Fully Wireless enabled
TouchSmart 20" HD LCD Display with Brightview and built in camera and mic
Windows 7 Home Premium

It's one of those all in one assemblies which certainly isn't demanding on the real estate on my desk but it also most certainly doesn't look like your average user-friendly design either.

Any warnings on how this purchase will backfire on me?

I bought a new PC finally. Nothing too special. - Garuda - 12-09-2010


I have now a new and good Gaming Laptop (no overheating problems).


Quad Core
1 GB Video card Nvidia
750 GB

and some extras like USB 3.0

Weight: 4 Kg (heavy it is a desktop replacement)

Cost: 1700 $

Ate the half from my money.

But I m really confused with the new Booster Technology. :crazy:

I bought a new PC finally. Nothing too special. - Elvin - 12-09-2010

Backfire... Plague... The Windows. Soon you'll find out, that bigger half of your beloved programs won't work properly with Win 7.

I bought a new PC finally. Nothing too special. - Durandal - 12-09-2010


I've never had any problems running anything under W7, not even older progs.

Anyway, your processor looks a little on the cheap side and might bottleneck your videocard, but everything else there seems p'decent.

I bought a new PC finally. Nothing too special. - ProwlerPC - 12-09-2010

I'm starting to get really used to this touch screen, quite nifty when you get the hang of it. Can't wait to try some RTS games with this.

I'm already liking Windows 7 over my previous stripped down Vista I was using. So far it has been much easier to install programs onto it. Even on my third time reinstalling my Disco stuff on my previous Vista PC it was a major hassle. Last night it took almost no effort to get myself back to being connected to the server. I have Norton on this PC too, curiously, well I'm not complaining but I'm sure I'll find a conflict with that AV sometime.

Looks like that may be a nice PC to have, Garuda. I'm quite proficient in tinkering with my PCs and I can imagine what fun I would have if I had something like yours heheh.

I bought a new PC finally. Nothing too special. - AeternusDoleo - 12-09-2010

Touchscreen + RTS = lots of wear and tear... plus it's hard to get precise points with a touchscreen. But yea, Windows 7 definately is an improvement over V... (do you want to display this message? Yes/no/maybe) ...ista.

I bought a new PC finally. Nothing too special. - Elvin - 12-09-2010

Well, I don't know, Vista is very, very far from ideal OS, Win 7 is better in many ways, yet I am lover of "antique" games and Win 7 simply failed to run them succesfully (CTDs, install problems, more CTDs and also a hell lot of CTDs). Some of them are only 2007, so it's not THAT antique, actually. Compatibility mode works usually, yet it has a lot of bugs and sort of kills the joy in the form of eating a lot of extra memory.