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Movechar - problem - Printable Version

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Movechar - problem - Anomander - 12-09-2010

I got this strange Error - When I want to use an /movechar kode.

Err. To many characters in account

What I heard that You can have an 5 characters, but You can add few new by movechar.
Or maybe it was changed and 5 characters is a max what You can have??

Movechar - problem - Alex. - 12-09-2010

Movechar does not provide a means to get more than 5 characters per account.

Movechar - problem - Anomander - 12-09-2010

I see - so probably I was mistaken

Movechar - problem - Anomander - 12-10-2010

Could You tell mne a good program to quick swich an ID??

Movechar - problem - stewcool - 12-10-2010

Freelancer Account Manager

You need 2 account IDs for it. Im not sure if it makes a generic account. If not youll need to like reinstall the game after you safe your first ID on it.

Movechar - problem - VoluptaBox - 12-10-2010

Yeah, use freelancer account manager and freelancer key generator. Both are easy to find and to use. :)

Movechar - problem - mef - 12-10-2010

I personally use Discovery Launchpad it is great! You can make as many accounts as you want, also can import export them.

Movechar - problem - Fins - 12-11-2010

Or you can just have 1 character. There some cons and pros to it, works for some, doesn't work for others. Surely solves your particular problem, though.;)

Movechar - problem - Govedo13 - 12-11-2010