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Can't figure them out? ban em all. - Printable Version

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Can't figure them out? ban em all. - ryoken - 12-10-2010

This little Report just really irked me.Alone with another a few days ago. Lately when an admin pops in game to do their job,and gives a "warning" in sanction thread. People troll/flame the admins like crazy.

Yhis was not how it was in the past. So are admins to soft? Admins to hard? And so on. Also Other for oppinions.

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - Dab - 12-10-2010

As I wrote in the thread I created a few weeks back, this is how people are acting these days. It isn't solely in the context of players vs Admins. Members of this community are acting this way towards everyone nowadays, and it's getting worse. It was this behavior that caused us to start having to crack down on trolling.

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - Garrett Jax - 12-10-2010

The Admins are volunteers, really. They take a lot of abuse, no matter what decisions they come up with. When you have hundreds of different personalities coming together, you are not going to please all people, as much as they would love to. Also, the admins are not perfect. I'm sure they would be the first to admit that. Which one of us (non-admins) could do the job perfectly without angering other members of the community? I don't know whether they are too hard, or too soft. I just think that they are trying to make the game enjoyable for as many people as possible while keeping the spirit of role play.

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - Alley - 12-10-2010

People abuse the system, they pay. It's quite simple.

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - dodike - 12-10-2010

I voted other. Rename their ships.

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - ryoken - 12-10-2010

' Wrote:As I wrote in the thread I created a few weeks back, this is how people are acting these days. It isn't solely in the context of players vs Admins. Members of this community are acting this way towards everyone nowadays, and it's getting worse. It was this behavior that caused us to start having to crack down on trolling.

I agree fully. I have seen alot more hostility in game,and against the staff lately. Glad to see it is not just me.
I have in the past made mistakes(everyone does) and got sanctioned for it. I never flipped out,and both times cost me 500mil+. So when i see a person/group flip out on staff over a mere warning? I say dump them in Bastille/strip every char they have,and have them apoligize to admins/and players, and explain why they should be released.
Yeah i know that is harsh,but later people ar pushing it.

Also Dodlike the admin stated. all the I/l 's in their names is very confusing to pick out. If it was me they would all just vanish,as in gone/deleted.

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - Coin - 12-10-2010

Having seen a long ton of cash stripped of a shared account because some goofball didn't take a screenshot when popping a transport with a cap-ship, i have to go with:

strip the ships bare.

The guy that pewpew'd the transport - whatever his reason - did not have the evidence to support the fact that he was not harming gameplay, and the ship was rightly stripped. those are the rules in this sandbox.

If I made an account that was called [LN]David.HaIe, and started yammering away in system chat like I was a 13yrold, I'd get a pretty hefty slap on the wrists.

Just because you are cloning each other, with each other's tacit permission, doesn't mean that you are not harming gameplay.

I think that this is the first time that anyone has done this, so, hey, happy day for you, you just got warnings. That's cool.

But on the fiftieth time we see a bunch of clones flying around, you can bet your bottom dollah that they'd be seeing the inside of bastille without equipment until they had announced what their new names were.

The job of an admin is a thankless task; whatever you do is going to get up someone's nose. these guys caught a lucky break, this time. Im not so sure that I would be so lenient. Stick first, carrot later.

Does no-one think that all the time spent on bullcrap like this is time that could be spent on making the fabled 4.86™?

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - podgie_bear - 12-10-2010

I voted for other as well. What that other should be I am not sure, but it should be something that will make people think twice about disrespecting the admins.

I personally think that some of the things the admins have done are wrong or inappropriate and it is my right to think that, but I am not an admin and I do not have to do their job so I have no right to second guess them, moan that they are on a power trip, or slag them off on the forum.

Whatever we may think of them, they are the law!

In real life if we went up to a policeman and abused or disrespected them, there is a good chance we could end up with a truncheon wrapped around our earhole. The same thing should happen here as well, because if players do not respect the admins then they sure as hell won't respect other players either. So what sort of server do you want? A server where people are respectful and behave themselves, or a total anarchy where you can be flamed, abused and picked on by other players or ganged up on by factions?

It's your choice boys and girls, and it all starts by admitting that someone has to be the policeman!

Can't figure them out? ban em all. - Death.RunningVerminator - 12-10-2010

' Wrote:As I wrote in the thread I created a few weeks back, this is how people are acting these days. It isn't solely in the context of players vs Admins. Members of this community are acting this way towards everyone nowadays, and it's getting worse. It was this behavior that caused us to start having to crack down on trolling.
Aye. And thank god for it too.

EDIT: I meant the crackdown on trolling part, not the trolling.


Can't figure them out? ban em all. - Coin - 12-10-2010

' Wrote:I voted for other as well. What that other should be I am not sure, but it should be something that will make people think twice about disrespecting the admins.

I personally think that some of the things the admins have done are wrong or inappropriate and it is my right to think that, but I am not an admin and I do not have to do their job so I have no right to second guess them, moan that they are on a power trip, or slag them off on the forum.

Whatever we may think of them, they are the law!

In real life if we went up to a policeman and abused or disrespected them, there is a good chance we could end up with a truncheon wrapped around our earhole. The same thing should happen here as well, because if players do not respect the admins then they sure as hell won't respect other players either. So what sort of server do you want? A server where people are respectful and behave themselves, or a total anarchy where you can be flamed, abused and picked on by other players or ganged up on by factions?

It's your choice boys and girls, and it all starts by admitting that someone has to be the policeman!

yay for the D&C constabulary! awkward buzzards they may be, with their questions of 'is this your traffic cone?' but they're not afraid of shelling out clips around the lughole or sticking a dap in the wedding veg.

<----Launceston Lad here