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Admin Notice: Admins Appointed - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Admins Appointed - Cannon - 12-11-2010

Dieter and KingValliant have been appointed as Server Administrators.

Dieter Schprokets
Dieter has been the leader of the BAF, is once again the leader of the MM and tried the admin thing a while ago. He's been asked to take up his admin sword once again and has accepted. His sanity is suspect and so he fits right in.
[Image: av-6641.png] <-- Click

kingvaillant has been the leader of the LSF (might still be, I get confused), is a long suffering mod developer and moderator. He appears to be moderately sane although this is debatable.
[Image: av-7246.jpg] <-- Click

For you guys...

I'll get Korrd to forge your new Admin swords. In the mean time, I have borrowed these spoons from the Battlestar kitchen. *hands the new guys some Admin spoons*

...and also read the following stuff: Welcome to the team!

Admin Notice: Admins Appointed - frozen - 12-11-2010

Sucks to be you two right about now. =D

congrats on the promotion(death sentence) guys.

oh cannon, you're such a troll. <3

Admin Notice: Admins Appointed - TheJarl - 12-11-2010

Congratulations, lads!

Admin Notice: Admins Appointed - Zelot - 12-11-2010

I'm sorry.

Admin Notice: Admins Appointed - Tanker - 12-11-2010

Congratulations Guys,

If you need a sane shoulder to lean on, well, I might not be the best person for it. I have teenage children.


Admin Notice: Admins Appointed - Dieter Schprokets - 12-11-2010

Ash Nazg Durbatuluk something something..

Admin Notice: Admins Appointed - Samuel Zanders - 12-11-2010

Dieter has been an admin before and he's a great guy.

KingVaillant I'm very happy to see become an Admin.

Good choices here.

Admin Notice: Admins Appointed - Marburg - 12-11-2010

I think Diets & King are rock solid choices &
[Image: all-counting-on-you.jpg]
I just wanted to tell you both good luck, we're all counting on you:cool:

Admin Notice: Admins Appointed - Enojado - 12-11-2010

I approve!

Admin Notice: Admins Appointed - lw'nafh - 12-11-2010